Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1121

Statham is the elite of Hydra.

Not the kind of elites who can be sacrificed at will, but the kind of elites who can truly reach a certain level and understand certain secrets. This can be seen from his understanding that the chief behind oneself is Alexia Asifford.

Hydra has an own operation mechanism. For most Hydra members, they may know the identity of the leader of oneself at Level 1, but it is almost impossible for them to go up to Level 1 to understand the identities of the core members. thing.

Hydra’s protection of oneself’s heads is beyond imagination. In this case, people who can know these secrets are definitely a minority. So, don’t think Statham is just a field worker who needs to run around. But his status is not at all under the heads of some small and medium-sized leaders.

Being able to climb from an errand field staff to such a position, aside from anything else, his ability is absolutely trustworthy. It’s just like Coulson took Quake and his group to form a special field team in the past. Statham also has a similar field team. In this team, his subordinates summed up three characteristics for Statham.

First, tolerate and be careful. No matter what Statham does, one of the first things he does is to hide his whereabouts and purpose. Over the years, he has planned countless operations, whether it is assassination or infiltration, no one has ever found his existence. Let alone his people, even the evidence is scant. Even the evidence itself, many of which are smoke bombs he left on purpose to confuse his vision.

This is also the reason why the heads of Hydra fell one after another, but he can climb step by step, but there has never been anything wrong. This care and caution gave him enough protection.

Of course, just being careful and cautious is not enough. Statham was able to climb into such a special position mainly because of his ability. And this is also the embodiment of his second characteristic.

The second characteristic of Statham is the close and rigorous arrangement.

It’s different from those rude colleagues who like to go straight up and fight hard. Statham has always felt that, as a human being called the primate of all things, it is really a stupid thing to accomplish missions by relying on muscles alone. The brain is a good thing, wouldn’t it be a pity if you don’t use it? And if you use your brain, you will find that there are many things in this world that do not require you to do it yourself, you only need to use some equipment and make some coincidences.

Stanson was nicknamed the mechanic by those of the owner. From this nickname alone, you can see how precise and rigorous this guy is. And if you want to find out how many actions he has planned from this title, then you really can’t find much useful information. Because the things he planned have basically become accidents.

I accidentally drowned when swimming, accidentally hit the car when driving, accidentally hooked the high-voltage line when fishing, one after another coincidence with no difficulty, he took away those listed by him as The life of the target, and absolutely no one would think that this would have anything to do with Statham. There will not be any connection between them, even if you don’t regard it as an accident, you are basically impossible to contact him.

This is the second characteristic of Statham. The third characteristic is the common problem of Hydra, which is ruthlessness.

Whether it is a man or a woman, whether it is an old man or a child. As long as he stands in front of him and becomes his target, then he will never show mercy to these people. And even more cruel than the average Hydra, Statham never minded adding more people to the own plan.

In his opinion, as long as the plan of own can be completed, as long as the existence of own can be hidden. So even if more people are brought in and brought into the abyss of Death, it is completely acceptable.

It was like once, in order to plan the accident of a certain country’s politician. He created a serious traffic accident, causing a huge tonnage truck to lose control directly on the highway, and then using the truck itself and the dozens of tons of logs it carried, it directly triggered a hundred tons of logs. A major incident of car crashes. His goal is naturally to die, but the number of innocent victims and injured in that accident was as many as 100.

Such a serious accident even made the world news. Countless humans felt sympathy for this accident. For Statham, this is just a small badge on oneself’s resume. There is simply nothing worth to make a fuss about nothing.

Prudence, precision, and cruelty, all of these form the basis of Statham’s success in Hydra. On this basis, he has always believed that oneself can do better and climb higher. Until the emergence of this time mission.

In the shortest possible time, destroy the Los Angeles branch of nano-neurons and kill all the employees inside. This is the order he received, and Statham at first is unwilling to accept this order.

Not because of his conscience attack, but because of his forbearing and careful character, he is reluctant to do such a huge action. For a certain individual, you only need to plan enough precision and arrange enough privacy. So no matter who it is, as long as it can be killed in a normal way, it is difficult to escape the accidental trap he has set. He can end such a person’s life with no difficulty, and he will never be discovered by anyone.

However, if it is aimed at a group of people, and it is a group of people who are widely distributed. Then the so-called accident is difficult to achieve. Because one person’s accident is called an accident, the accident of two or three people can also be regarded as a coincidence. But if dozens of people or hundreds of people have similar accidents at different times and in different places, then no matter how stupid people are, they will not treat this as an accident.

Of course, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. With the knowledge of the Statham mechanic, as long as he is given enough time, he can definitely arrange different accidents one after another, leaving these people dead unclear, and no one will have any questions about their death. . However, time did not allow him to do so.

His superior, Alexia’s command is very clear, and that is to do all this in the shortest time. This shortest time is something that must not be delayed. According to Hydra’s rules, this refers to within one month. If you can’t complete this mission in a month, what is waiting for you? As an old man of Hydra, you should understand!

Statham understands this, so he can only break oneself’s past practice and use some methods that are not so suitable for his role to deal with this mission.

First, he bought a food company with a stand-in. Then, he found a professional manager to replace him as the president of the food company, and began to put forward a product promotion plan to promote new meat products in his name.

A one-time gift of hundreds of thousands of new products, the gift range covers almost half of Los Angeles downtown. And the way of giving is not through the company’s own channels, but through the logistics that has direct business contact with the company. This is sufficient to a large extent, confuse the attention of interested people, and increase the difficulty of investigation.

After all, his target is only a few hundred people, and only a few hundred families among hundreds of people have suffered this kind of special accident, so even if it is investigated, he can still use the middle joint The excuse for the problem, get rid of a considerable part of the suspicion.

The identity of his stand-in will not be the only suspect, professional managers, factory employees, logistics companies, or even key people in the middle of logistics distribution, these will all be suspects. . With so many people involved, no matter how tough the government is, it is impossible to catch everything in one net. As long as this time period is spared, he washes away the own suspicion and takes oneself out of the middle, which becomes a practical thing.

These all are Statham planned, so he simply doesn’t worry about the aftermath. What he really worries about is how to completely clean up these target characters.

Nano Neuron has hundreds of employees. Such a huge base means the same huge variables. In his expectation, the best situation is that everyone should be killed in the first link of the plan, that is, when they unpack the steak. But the problem is that his prediction is too unrealistic. Because let alone all, there is not even a 2/3 kill rate.

Although he used the most secret biological weapon, and used it as a means of oneself to execute mission. But he is impossible to ensure that such things are foolproof in everyone.

The reason for the failure is strange. Some people are vegans and simply don’t eat meat, so they throw things away when they get them; some people are pets, and receive this new product simply not to enjoy it, but to take it to harm Own pets; people who also don’t even bother to take over, so they chose to refuse visas directly during the express delivery.

Statham is just a mechanic who likes to plot against plots. He is not a god and is impossible to control the actions of that many people. Therefore, this has allowed many people to avoid the initial direct sexual attack and escaped in a rather coincidental way.

This is something he cannot tolerate. Because these people are undying clean, then he will die. Although cold-blooded and cruel are his character, this does not mean that he is also like oneself.

So, he began to find ways to eliminate these survivors. He had only two targets, one was to be taken by the police station. One is the hospital of nano-neurons!

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