Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1122

Two goals. But one of the police stations is an existence that Statham is not sure to deal with.

As the omnic base camp in downtown Los Angeles, there are three-digit omnics stationed there all year round. With the care of those difficult opponents, he really can’t come up with any effective way to eliminate the neuron company employees who have been protected by the police.

Although Nano Neuron Hospital has not yet reached this level, he knows that if oneself does not speed up the pace, he will soon be unable to start there.

The hasty arrangement is impossible anyway to withstand the devastation of formidable strength. The power of omnics is obvious to all. For people like him who have no special ability and can only rely on plot against and arrangement to achieve their goals, they are definitely the biggest stumbling block. So in any case, oneself must be as fast as possible. And tonight, it may be the only chance.

So, out of consideration for this, Statham has already led the group of own, quietly lurking around the Nano Neuron Hospital.

“Sir, I have everything ready!”

As Statham’s subordinates, these Hydra soldiers are naturally unable to defy the orders of their leaders. Therefore, when Statham determined the specific plan, these people could only do what they ordered. And because of Statham’s past achievements, these can almost be said to be Hydra soldiers who have distorted human nature, and he is absolutely obedient to his words. You can see this from the excitement of the person who just spoke.

They simply do not worry about the possible failure of the own plan, but with a feeling of being eager to have a try and impatient, they want to welcome the victory in their eyes.

For such an attitude, Statham is naturally watching, but he is not interested in these things. Because in his eyes, these members of the oneself group are just substitutes that can be sacrificed at will. With them or without them, there is no special meaning to oneself. So, even if their thoughts are very terrible, they can even accidentally kill oneself. He didn’t even mention them at all.

He only cares about the own plan. But now, facing this subordinate with an appealing look. He stood quietly in front of everyone, and made a face at a middle age person facing them. And the middle age person was immediately nodded and assumed the posture of a superior person.

“You did good. Jason, check it, also there is no problem!”

Until this time, Statham stood out from the crowd of seven or eight people Come out, and then not say a word and walk towards the person who just asked for credit. He wanted to reach out and take down the suitcase in that person’s hand and check carefully whether there was anything wrong with the contents of the suitcase. This is his habit, he must make sure that oneself does not have any problems at every step. But as soon as his hand touched the suitcase, he felt another pulling force from the suitcase.

That is the power that the person carrying the box gave him back, and when he lifts the head, he can clearly see the hostility that the person carrying the box released towards oneself and the kind Provocative look.

As companions, Hydra’s group is obviously not very harmonious. This point, Statham, who hid his identities as a leader, is very clear. Hydra is not the workplace of the outside world, it believes in the most naked law of the jungle. Even companions are definitely the most direct competitors to each other. If possible, any one will not let go of the opportunity of stepping on oneself.

It’s just that Statham didn’t at all think that they would dare to make threatening gestures like this in the critical situation of the mission. Although he knew that a large part of this was the cause of own. Because the role he played is really special.

He is obviously a taciturn guy who hardly causes any disputes. But it is always unfathomable mystery to be entrusted with important tasks. Such a situation is inevitable to make people jealous. However, this should not be now.

Now is the mission period, everything should take mission as the first premise. Therefore, those who dare to go down at this time have already touched his bottom line. Although he can’t do anything in his current capacity, it doesn’t prevent him from showing coldness in his eyes, and then remembering this guy in his heart, which is fatal enough.

The guy who doesn’t know that oneself’s behavior has provoke oneself’s immediate boss is still smug. He looked at Statham with a cold face, while quietly letting go of his own hand, while taking advantage of the opportunity to pass by him, he whispered in his ear.

“You won’t be so lucky every time, Buddy. Don’t think you can show off one’s military strength if the chief looks after you. I promise, soon, you won’t have this again. It’s a chance!”

Statham didn’t know where he was emboldened to say such things, but he knew very well that this guy must be finished. Because he won’t have any next chance to prove anything. After this time mission, even on the way to this time mission, he had already decided to abandon this thoughtless guy. Of course, not now.

Forcing oneself to let go of all the emotions that shouldn’t be there, Statham returned own attention to the suitcase in oneself’s hand.

Open the box, he can clearly see the contents inside. A huge vacuum tank with black luminous objects arranged in a spiral shape. This thing seems to be similar to the prototype of the notorious T virus, but Statham knows that this is something more deadly than that thing in terms of lethality. At the cost of losing the damn contagiousness and variability, such a variant developed on the basis of the T virus possesses even more powerful lethality.

Through air transmission, as long as there is contact, it will directly target humans within 20 seconds and cause a fatal effect. No one will have the opportunity to come into contact with medicine and the operating room. Even if the ability of nano-neurons can overcome medical difficulties such as T virus, there will never be time to allow them to do so.

This is something that Statham deliberately applied to his boss after considering the medical capabilities of the nano-neurons themselves. And as he has shown in the past, he must confirm that every step of the owner will not have any problems.

This is the 1st Step. After checking the variant virus, he once again faced the guy nodded who played the role of oneself, and watched his actions. The pretender immediately said to another person in the crowd.

“Yagda, are you ready?”

“Of course, sir!” In response, the woman named Jagerda stretched out her hand and pressed Click behind the own ear. And immediately, with the surging of a layer of green electron light, the outside of her whole person changed. She became another woman, a woman who looked a little older.

For most people, this woman is a stranger. But for people inside nano-neurons, this woman is definitely not unfamiliar.

Mrs. Molly, a woman who is over half a hundred years old, but is already alone. As the object who was also rescued by nano-neurons, the way of repaying the woman who had no plan was very simple. It was to take over the dirtiest and most tiring work in the entire hospital, and to do her best by oneself. it is good.

Be aware that as long as it is an individual, no one wants to touch those dirty and disgusting things. Therefore, even though many people in the hospital have chosen the position of nursing staff, there are really few who can choose to do the most tiring tasks. Mrs. Molly is a special case, and the only special case for women.

Now, her speciality has become the object of Hydra’s use. Hydra, who is extremely good at acting and disguising herself, replaced her identity, ready to do something with her special identity. And what happened to Mrs. Molly herself, from the perspective of Hydra’s identity alone, is already a question that does not need to be considered.

For Jagerda’s acting skills, Statham is trustworthy. In the past few operations, this woman who is proficient in disguising and sneaking used the ability of own to complete her mission brilliantly, and also proved to Statham the ability of own. But today, such a mission is too special and exceptional. So even if he trusted her ability, he still asked the own substitute to point her up again.

“Remember, Jagda. You play this role as a nurse. What I want you to do is to avoid the eyes and ears of the overwhelming majority as much as possible, and then sneak into the hospital with this virus Inside the central air-conditioning system. Use the entire central air-conditioning ventilation system to spread the virus to every corner of the hospital in the shortest time. Is there a problem?”

“No, sir!” Yager Da replied, her voice has changed from a young female voice to a bit old. She has already begun to play. She became exactly similar to the real Mrs. Molly in terms of expressions, movements and voices. The only special thing is the look in her eyes, that kind of agile eyes that a taciturn woman doesn’t have, especially when she winks at Statham’s pretenders, this weak spot is especially obvious.

For her performance, Statham’s pretender seemed a little worried. As Statham’s stand-in, he has long used this convenience to get entangled with the young and seductive Jagda. Although he didn’t necessarily have several points of true feelings, he didn’t want to just look at Jagda Zhe there. So he immediately said to Jagerda.

“Be careful, especially those omnivores. You have to avoid those omnibuses at the entrance of the hospital to ensure your own safety. I don’t want oneself to just fold the best subordinates inside, you understand Do I mean it?”

This sentence made Jagoda ecstatic, and expressions all became more charming. But Statham, who was on the sidelines, showed a cold color that was not easily detectable. He knew that these two guys were no longer needed. Because they are already experiencing problems. Fatal problem!

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