Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1125

The sudden appearance of the figure shocked the Statham’s stand-in, but when he saw that it was a person, his heart quickly became calm. Up.

For him now, it is better for a person to target him than a monster to target him. Because of this, they can communicate with each other at least, and communication means that they can negotiate terms. It was like now, he completely ignored the words the man had said to him before, but impatiently offered him conditions.

“Let me get out of here, and I will give you whatever you want. Is the money? 1,000,000 is not enough! Otherwise, 2,000,000, 3,000,000! Just ask the price, hell, let me get out of here!”


Haojiao was sitting next to this man, watching him clamoring prices almost frantically. For him, this is a very ridiculous behavior, because money simply has no meaning to him. And wanting to use money to buy him, this naturally makes people feel stupid and ridiculous.

In fact, as long as you are a smarter person, you will understand this truth. That is, when a person’s power reaches a certain level, the unit used by the world to measure value is actually meaningless to him. Because such a person can rely on own power to get everything oneself wants. Therefore, smart people will never think about using this thing to buy any powerhouse, because it is meaningless, except for inviting humiliation to oneself.

Haojiao was not interested in discussing anything with him on the issue of money or not, so he immediately made an action that made this double almost crazy. That is, he slammed a punch directly, like breaking a piece of paper, breaking the front windshield of the car.

This action made the vacuum environment created by the substitute’s painstaking efforts to instantly become a bubble, and in the face of this situation, he directly madly and desperately yelled at the catastrophe.

“Why do you want to do this? Do you want me to die so much? In this case, you don’t want to live, even if you are perish together, I will drag you to hell!”


Already consciously mortal, he has given birth to the deepest resentment. Driven by this resentment, he immediately took out a pistol from own, and then pulled the trigger against the catastrophe around him. Then, he saw a scene enough to make oneself desperate.

The bullet hit the temple of the man next to oneself, and then it was like a flying cigarette butt crashing onto a piece of glass. The warhead instantly deformed, and then all split up and in pieces. In this case, Havoc, the main target of the attack, simply did not suffer any damage. On the contrary, it was him who had shot the gun, and he was seriously injured by the shrapnel coming back from close range.

Several small pieces of shrapnel hit his body and face, ripped the skin and flesh, and shot out blood. And a larger piece of shrapnel directly hit his right hand holding the gun, punching one of his fingers into two pieces directly from the joint.

This situation made him completely unprepared, and when he felt the piercing pain from oneself’s hand, he immediately convulsed his own face, and screamed in anger and pain.

“Damn it, damn it! You bitch…”

Have reached out his hand before he was finished. His neck blocked all the foul language in his stomach. And looking at this guy’s flushing face, and the expression that was almost unable to breathe. Haojiao raised his eyebrows and said to him expressionlessly.

“I don’t have much time to waste on someone like you. Listen, you also have ten seconds. Within these ten seconds, I can guarantee that you will not touch To those viruses around you. But ten seconds later, if I can’t get the answer I want, then those people before are your role models! Now it’s counting down, ten…”

The words of the catastrophe made the double breathe suffocated, and then a thousand thoughts and thoughts surged in his heart.

Before, he wanted to perish together with Havoc so madly, it was naturally not his intention. It was just the madness and struggle that he consciously had no hope of survival. If he could live, then a person like him would naturally not make such a stupid move.

And now, the words of the catastrophe undoubtedly provide him with a possibility to continue to live. Although I don’t know if this may be true or false. But compared with the total desperation before, this one might be something worth his gamble.

He just wants to live. No matter what you will encounter, whether you will be chased by Hydra’s people or not, that will be the future. Only if he is alive can he have such troubles. And if he can’t live, even these things can only be a vain hope.

Live, must live! After much deliberation, there is only such a stand-in for a single thought in my heart and finally made up my final determination. At this time, the countdown to the catastrophe had already come to an end.

“Three, two, one…”

“Wait, wait! I can tell you everything I know! But you have to give it to me A guarantee, as long as I tell what I know, you must take me to a safe place and not harm my life. Otherwise, even if I die, I will never say a word to you . I swear!”

“Deal!” He let go, and the catastrophe made him a relatively quiet space. And after clutching his neck and coughing twice. This stand-in tells everything oneself knows without omission and in detail.

“For nanoneurons, we received an order from the top. The order requires us to eliminate every employee of the Los Angeles Nanoneuron Company in the shortest time. You know, Hydra The internal commands are rigorous. We can only choose to execute the commands obediently and honestly, and it is impossible to explore the cause of the mission. Therefore, I don’t know what the specific reason is. This kind of thing is not like me. I know!”

It seemed to know that these things oneself said were of little value, and the avatar quickly said the answer to another question without waiting for the catastrophe to show any attitude.

“As for the base of Hydra, I only know that our base is a huge biological submarine. It is controlled by one of the three highest commanders of Hydra. It usually cruises in the deep seas of various oceans. , Unless the commander personally ordered it, otherwise it will not show its trace at all. And we usually want to log on to that base, we can only take a submarine into the deep sea range. Then wait for the main base oneself to come and receive us!”

“The only things I know, really! I swear! So look, should you fulfill your promise and take me out of here.”

When I got here, the double had already shown an expression that was almost pleading. As for his performance, the catastrophe was a completely indifferent response.

“These things you said have no value at all. Based on these things, do you think I have a reason to let you go?”

“Damn, it’s really That’s all I know. You can’t go back on one’s word!” The expression on his face became very ugly in an instant, and the double screamed inevitably. But suddenly, he seemed to think of something, so immediately, he said to the catastrophe. “Wait, wait. I know there is someone who knows what you want to know.”

“His name is Statham. I usually call him Jason. He is the leader of our team. He is also one of Hydra’s true high-levels. In this team, I play as his stand-in, and he hides in the team under the name of Jason, while remotely controlling me to control the team according to his instructions, while guaranteeing The own identity will not be discovered. This time he received the mission from above, so he must know what you want to know, I promise!”

I heard what this guy said With these words, Havoc immediately frowned. Because he remembered the guy oneself had seen before. He didn’t confirm that this group was a member of Hydra at the time, so he let him leave safely. And now it seems that oneself has let a big fish go.

This terrible situation made his heart inevitably a bit angry, but he still suppressed the anger, maintained sufficient reason, and asked this double.

“Where is he? What does he look like?”

As a seller, the stand-in is very clear that this may be oneself’s last chance to survive. So he didn’t care how despicable his own behavior was, he just poured beans and said everything.

“At first, he drove away from here. The black Lincoln MKZ has a license plate of 100ENG6. But it is useless to remember these things because he has always been a careful and cautious person. Maybe When he finds a place where no one is there, he will replace all these things with other things.”

“As for his appearance. About one hundred and seventy centimeters high and 70 kg weight. Bald, brown hair, blue eyes. It doesn’t seem to talk much, he is the kind of person who is not easy to get along with. Wearing a black jacket, gray sweater and jeans!”

Speaking of this, the catastrophe has already been determined by what oneself just saw That guy is the leader he said. Missing such a guy, his face doesn’t look good. And just when he wanted to set off to chase the real Statham, the double was busy talking to him.

“I have really told you everything. Please, take me out of here. I just want to live, I just want to live!”

“Do you want to live? I will perfect you!”

For these Hydras, there is absolutely no kindness in the heart of Havoc. So when he heard such a request, his face immediately showed a slight grinning smile. As for the next moment, he had already carried the avatar’s neck and threw him into endless void. By the way, he also erased all the time and space in him.

Want to live, this will no longer be a problem for him. If he wants, he can even live forever. And it won’t be long before he will know. Living is not a happy thing, sometimes, Death is!

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