Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1126

Driving in black Lincoln, Statham drove all the way to the most prosperous place in Los Angeles.

As the economic center of the United States today, no matter how luxurious the car is, it is just a minor existence. It was like a drop of water mixed into a river, his whereabouts became unremarkable almost immediately. Unless there is a certain goal, one by one investigation, otherwise it is simply impossible to find the existence of Statham.

Statham has always been cautious, so he does not think that the true identity of own will be known by who. Even if the police set up checkpoints here to conduct investigations, his identity as an engineer on the surface is enough for him to pass the checkpoint.

However, Statham is not at ease because of this. So, after turning a corner and drove the car into an underground parking lot. He threw away the car keys directly and switched to a Chevrolet pickup that was already prepared.

There are replacement clothes on the pickup, and the cellphone also has a new certificate. After changing everything, Statham wrapped the original body together and threw it in the garbage dump. He didn’t want to leave any evidence, so he directly added a fire and burned all these things to ashes. In this case, all the methods that can be contacted have been unilaterally cut off by him.

This was originally not planned. Because according to the plan, he still needs to use his previous cellphone to explain the evacuation and evacuation of the subordinates who have completed the mission. But now, the plan has changed. He has given up the group of subordinates before oneself and regarded them as victims of this mission.

This is not impossible. As the core of this field team, Statham knows very well that except for oneself, no one in this team will be necessary. They can all be replaced by others, but within Hydra, there are so many people who want to replace them. So, if nothing goes wrong, it’s fine. Once there are problems, it is really no hesitation for him to abandon them.

However, the plan is still going on. This is just his unilateral and temporary intention, so he is sure that the subordinates of the own vote do not know that oneself has now decided to abandon them. At this time, they are probably still working hard to complete their own mission. I just don’t know how far their mission has progressed.

I still couldn’t let go of everything about mission, so I drove a shabby Chevrolet pickup, Statham drove all the way out of the city and came to a road restaurant open 24 hours a day.

This is a long-planned retreat. With this identity, a small farmer who travels between the farm and the city. He gave oneself a way to manage it without any problems.

First, I bought a small farm on the outskirts of a remote city. Like a real farmer, raising livestock and crops. Then sell them to those upstream sellers. To-and-fro, it took about a year to make sure that the identity of own would be known to everyone on the road. Just like now, when he opened the door of the restaurant in the wee hours of the morning, the waiter who was still looking sleepy immediately showed a warm smile and said to him.

“Hey, Tyson. It’s really unexpected that you will come back at this time. I thought you would spend more time in the city?”

“Recently distributed The gap in the shop is relatively large, so things are selling better than usual.”

Laughed at the waitress who was pouring coffee for oneself, Statham disguised himself with a simple smile on his face.

This smile is very familiar to the waitress who has been in this restaurant for 5-6 years. Even if I haven’t seen it a thousand times, I have seen it 800 times. It cannot be said that it is the kind of smile full of masculine charm, but it definitely makes people feel familiar with an old friend. Having known each other for so long, she had already regarded Statham as her own old friend, and had kept every habit of him in her heart. So immediately, she asked Statham.

“Still the old rules? Hot cocoa, sandwiches, and a pork chop?”

“Add me another mashed potato, Nicole. You know, I I haven’t eaten anything from last night until now. Now I’m hungry and I can almost eat a cow! And I have endured until now, just to have a meal of your cooking. Only they are worthy of me. Suffering and looking forward to it. I believe you won’t let me down.”

With a little exaggeration, Statham’s words made the barely beautiful waitress really excited. From her point of view, Statham is obviously a charming enough man.

Although some bald heads will lose points, but the angular face and the lean and strong body give him a lot of points. The character with a little local aura may not be popular with girls in big cities, but for a woman her age, it is more reliable. And not to mention, he is still a genuine farmer.

A farmer in United States has never been a poor man. Although they are engaged in the most original crop economy, in terms of income, they are still above most white-collar or even gold-collar workers. It can’t be said to be compared with the real wealthy people with billions of dollars, but it’s no problem to say that they are millionaires, multimillionaires and so on. And unlike those rich people who are vulnerable to financial shocks, the wealth of farmers is quite stable. Unless humans can skip meals, they can always make sure that oneself has that bite of food.

In this case, Statham is naturally full of attraction for the waitress named Annie. For her who has reached middle age, a man who can bring her a stable life is undoubtedly the most attractive goal. So, after she got acquainted with Statham, she kept thinking about what could happen to him.

It’s just that Statham has been very dull in this regard. No matter how she hinted, Statham never gave her a positive answer. This made him want to give up for a while, but he couldn’t bear it anyhow. So until now, she has maintained the friend-like relationship with Statham.

She is trying to make Statham feel good about owning. And Statham did feel that this woman had a good feeling for own. But does this make sense to him? Not at all. If she insists on saying yes, then her existence is enough to provide a better cover for own identity. Therefore, he is also happy to maintain such an ambiguous relationship with her. Of course, this is just use.

Such an idea was confirmed in his heart again, and Statham moved his gaze away from the woman’s back without faltering. He turned his gaze to the TV on the bar, which was showing women’s favorite late-night soap operas. He didn’t have any surprises about this, but greeted Nicole who was busy inside.

“Hey, Nicole. Can I change the channel? Watching these things, I’m afraid I can’t eat much.”

“Of course! I don’t like such shows “I raised my head and laughed at Statham with some embarrassment, and Nicole replied to him like this. “I’m just passing the time. No way, you are the only guest one night. If I don’t watch something, I’m afraid I will really fall asleep.”

“Of course!” Shaking his hand, It is considered to have accepted her statement with a little cover. Statham directly tuned the channel to a dedicated news channel.

When at first thought of using news media, Statham had already thought of such an alternative surveillance method. He called that many reporters not just to give cover to the stupid gang of Oneself, but more that he wanted to use the media’s enthusiasm for big news to observe every aspect of Oneself’s plan in real time. One step.

He believes that the professionalism of these reporters will surely show the greatest enthusiasm in the face of hundreds of casualties. It is estimated that they will not do the second-hand cutting work, they will immediately bring out the freshest things. This is the most important news event in this time period. They shouldn’t miss it if they think about it.

What is the difference between the fact and Statham’s not at all? Faced with such a serious casualty incident, all reporters rushed to the door of Nano Neuron Hospital. CBS, ABC, FOX, such big TV stations have sent their main staff, not to mention the small TV stations in those places. Just find a channel, and you can see the hustle and bustle of media reporters blocking the entrance of the entire hospital. It can be said that if not with the interception of omnics and police, these reporters are now estimated to have rushed to the hospital.

This is great, just as planned. With an imperceptible smile, Statham switched to a little-known local TV station.

This is the position that his subordinates should be in. From this perspective, he can see how much progress the idiots have completed in the plan. However, unexpectedly, when he switched to this channel, he not at all saw what oneself wanted to see.

The TV station is still broadcasting boring and boring current affairs news, and it seems that it hasn’t noticed that the big news is right in front of them.

What are those idiots doing? With such a cursed cursed, Statham immediately made a chuckle in his heart. He doesn’t believe that those idiots can’t even do this little thing. After all, they are the elite of Hydra. If they can’t even do this, then they are not qualified to live until now. In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, the plan has failed!

The plan failed! How can it be! Thinking of this in his mind, he subconsciously wanted to leave here. However, reason controlled his actions.

He knew that leaving oneself would only reveal his own identity. In this case, maintaining the status quo is the best choice. Moreover, his plan may not completely fail. also That line of Jagerda!

To comfort himself completely, he stared at the TV closely, paying close attention to every development in the news. However, he was doomed to be disappointed!

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