Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1127

I waited for two hours, from late at night until the sun rose. Statham also did not see what oneself wanted to see.

He knew that oneself had failed. What’s ridiculous is that he didn’t even know how oneself failed.

This is the end of being too cautious and careful. Although his caution and care will make him invincible. But it also made him lose the probability of getting first-hand information.

Depression and bitterness will inevitably arise. Statham is drinking strong bitter coffee cup by cup as if pouring wine. At this time, Nicole also seemed to see something from his face. So she put aside the busy work, and walked towards him.

“Why, have you encountered any unsolvable problems?”

“Nothing, just a small business matter.” I don’t like to show my own emotions to outsiders Statham laughed politely in front of him, then took out a bill from his wallet and pressed it on the table. “Your craftsmanship is still so good. Thank you for your hospitality, Nicole. I will come next time!”

“I will welcome you here anytime. In addition, also… “With that, she took Statham’s bill and put it back into his hand.

“I don’t know what kind of problem you have encountered. But I think no matter what kind of difficulty it is, it should be temporary. You don’t need to give me the money, take it back. Wait. When did you solve the own problem and return the money to me. Between us, don’t worry about so much!”

Taking the banknotes forced back by Nicole, Statham immediately I gave birth to the mood of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Of course he knew that this was Nicole’s kindness, but this kind of kindness was obviously used in the wrong place.

He is not short of money, no matter when he will not lack this thing. What he lacks is opportunity and strength. And these, Nicole can’t give him, and he doesn’t expect to get this thing from Nicole. So, after a moment of silence, he smiled and collected the money, and then said with a smile to Nicole.

“Thank you for your comfort, Nicole. Next time, I will invite you to dinner!”

“No problem, I am always waiting for your summon!” Conscious and Statham cross Nicole took a step further and showed a bright smile. And looking at her bright smile, Statham didn’t know what to say for a while.

Cheating a woman is not something to be proud of. Even if it is cold-blooded like him, it is inevitable that there will be some embarrassment. He wanted to leave here impatiently, so he shook his hand, just planning to leave here straight away. It’s just that he hasn’t taken two steps yet, and everyone is in front of him, completely blocking his way.

Looking at this tall Asian man who suddenly stood in front of oneself. Statham immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart. However, he still maintained a basic calm, facing the man who looked intimidating when no one was near, he just showed a confused expression, and then asked him in an unfathomable mystery tone.

“This gentleman, what do you want to do when you stop me? Do we know?”

Looking at the man in front of me who was only found by oneself, but still posing . Haojiao couldn’t help but grinned open, revealing a somewhat hideous smile.

“Should I call you Jason, or Statham?”

The real identity was revealed, and Statham’s heartbeat suddenly intensified. He never thought that oneself would be discovered one day. What he didn’t even expect was that someone could actually follow the clues that simply didn’t exist and found here all the way.

As you can imagine, this guy will definitely not be a simple character. The subordinates of those idiots might just be in his hands. In the same way, it is probably those idiots who exposed the identity of own.

Has he confirmed his own identity? Statham is not sure about this problem. However, with confidence in oneself’s usual cautious behavior, Statham was still willing to take that gamble.

He wants to take a gamble, betting that the man in front of him is just guessing out of thin air. I bet that he is just looking for oneself based on a simple appearance. He must not have any evidence to prove oneself’s identity, because he has already destroyed the evidence. Therefore, as long as oneself bites his teeth and does not recognize this identity, he should not be able to take oneself!

“You have admitted the wrong person. I’m Tyson, not Jason! Go away, I don’t have time to accompany an alcoholic like you!”

Looks dazed and impatient. Statham stretched out his hand, pushing and trying to walk past Haojiao, while saying to him.

He wanted to get through it so easily. But when he tried to push away the catastrophe, he found that no matter how hard oneself used, it was impossible to push his body that was blocking oneself in front of him. It’s as if the one standing in front of oneself is not a person, but a mountain. This little power of own is as ridiculous as a worm shaking a tree.

Superhero? Statham, who probably guessed the identity of the man in front of oneself, couldn’t help being surprised. Such a news is really not good news for him. Because he knows very well that if an ordinary person like oneself directly confronts a Superhero, it really doesn’t even have a chance to win a little bit. However, it seems that oneself is not at all necessary to be an enemy of him, as long as oneself is calm.

Of course he can hold his breath. The habit for many years has allowed him to develop a calm calm even if he is oneself in front of heaven falls and earth rends. At this time, he was still pushing Haojiao’s body vigorously, with all his strength, even his face flushed, such a behavior made him look stupid and stubborn. It was as if he was really innocent.

If he hadn’t heard the two heartbeats he had just missed, and felt the short flow rate change in his blood, he might have thought that oneself was really looking for the wrong person. However, now he is very sure that oneself has never found the wrong person, and that the man in front of him is the one oneself is looking for. And it is this kind of self-confidence that allows him to see his cunning and cleverness from Statham’s superb acting skills that are almost comparable to professional actors.

As the stand-in said, he is indeed a very cautious and cunning guy. However, it doesn’t make any sense anymore!

Thinking like this in my heart, Haojiao already stretched out a hand and pressed his shoulder. He began to gradually increase his own power, and as his power increased, Statham’s face had truly changed drastically.

From red to purple, then from purple to blue. As his shoulder blades were crushed to pieces by the catastrophe, he was no longer able to say even a word.

The pain is already making him shut his mouth tightly, because he knows that if oneself doesn’t shut up anymore, then he will definitely scream at the next moment. This is what happened in one breath, he was not sure that after oneself wailed, also did not have the courage to refuse to recognize his own identity. So he would rather suffer like this.

He is in pain now. And also Nicole in the same pain. From the change in Statham’s face alone, she already felt a sense of fear. And after seeing the catastrophe’s fingers crush Statham’s shoulders like a piece of butter, causing a tingling scalp cracking sound there, she couldn’t help shaking as much as she felt. .

The catastrophe is obviously a bad person, and his actions have proved that he is definitely not as simple as an ordinary person. At this time, if he is a wise person, he will definitely stay away. But Nicole is not a smart person, so even if she was terribly scared in her heart, she couldn’t help but said this to the catastrophe in a voice with a vibrato.

“Sir, you must have confessed to the wrong person. This is Tyson, not Jason and Statham what you said. He is just a farmer, doing some small business. I am. I have known him for more than a year, and he is definitely not the kind of person who provokes others casually, so you must have made a mistake. My goodness, you can let go. If this goes on, you will kill him. !”

The scream of the woman attracted many people’s attention. At this time, the people who have breakfast in this place are basically the kind of regular customers who come often. Everyone has a good relationship with each other, so when Nicole screamed like this, one of them immediately stood up and strode towards here.

“Who you are, what do you want to do? This is a place to eat, not a place where things like you make trouble!”

The rough voice comes from these people who want to fight for justice The mouth came out, and judging from the movement of their sleeves showing their muscles, they were definitely not afraid to make things worse and then put on a fight vigorously.

Different from the kind of decent upper-class people, this group of working-class people believe in the idea of ​​not beeping if they can do it, and this is also the current catastrophe idea.

Facing the menacing crowd, he only saw that he raised his hand with a punch, and he had already hit a dining table next to oneself. The table is made of metal and is fixed to the floor with a hard bottom post. It should be very sturdy in theory, but in his hand it was like paper, it was twisted and transformed into a pile of fragments.

Such a situation directly scares those who want to join in the fun. No one wants such a punch on the owner, and judging from the performance just now, they can also see that the catastrophe is not an ordinary person.

A little arm and leg like oneself, against a superpower user, is it a bit crooked? As soon as such an idea came out, they immediately died down and stopped in their own footsteps.

While watching their movements, Havoc laughed, he took Statham, who was already ashamed, and brought him to the front of own.

“Now, you should know what oneself should do!”

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