Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1141

Like a soaring land, Noah’s Ark dragged hundreds of millions of tons of sea water and jumped out from below the surface.

Under the action of universal gravitation, the blue water pours down from Noah’s Ark like a waterfall. The violent roar of water splashed through the entire Sea Territory, but it could not conceal the long moan of the Ark oneself.

He was groaning, his flippers swayed, and his huge tail flipped. The sea and the gravity of Earth can no longer restrict its actions, and it has already leapt towards the endless sky with a leap.

A flying whale. This may sound like a somewhat ridiculous fantasy. But at this moment, it really appeared on this World. Through evolution, Noah’s Ark has already unearthed such potential and possibility from its own body within the body.

The bioenergy reactor provides it with almost infinite energy, and the bioelectricity created by these energy makes it further control oneself’s own biomagnetic field.

Earth itself is a large magnetic field, and it is a small magnetic field attached to Earth. Just like a maglev train, relying on the control and adjustment of its own magnetic field, it has already achieved the freedom to move freely between Heaven and Earth without restriction. And this can already be seen as a miracle.

However, this miracle was not what Alexia wanted.

Although such a shocking scene was created, Alexia knew in his heart that this was a very dangerous move. Because when she surfaced Noah’s Ark in this way, it was already inevitable that it was just and honorable exposed to everyone’s sight.

It is impossible to escape the gaze of those interested, because there are really too many pairs of eyes watching every movement in this world anytime, anywhere. Whether it is the scientific inspection stations or the satellites above Earth, it is impossible to make such a huge existence slip away from its own in front of one’s eyes.

It was only a matter of time before it was discovered. To ensure own safety, she must do it quickly. And under the urging of this kind of thought, she simply did not stay for a long time, but directly manipulated the huge body of Noah’s Ark and marched towards the vast sky.

Her goal is a higher level of space, and the low altitude right now is simply not in her eyes. So now it was the swing of the big tail, which made Noah’s Ark’s huge body rise to an exaggerated height. Straight into the sky, as high as the sky.

The force that reacts to Earth’s magnetic field allows it to fly to such a height as easy as blowing off dust, and such a height is the environment she wants. Not because it can see higher, but because it allows it to use its own ability to its limit.

Thick clouds envelop the huge 2,000-meter-long size of Noah’s Ark, which also makes it possible to fully release its abilities. Residing in this cloud, Noah’s Ark immediately twisted his body, causing his body to begin to change in the direction that Alexia imagined.

This is a special ability developed from its own foundation after the body has reached the conditions for evolution. Through possible assumptions, let the owner’s body undergo a trending change in the imaginary direction. This special ability can theoretically transform it into any desired form and adapt to any complex environment.

It is like now, if Alexia does not intend to let Noah’s Ark return to the deep sea, but stays in this high-altitude environment. Then she can completely change the form of Noah’s Ark from a whale to a huge bird without friends. It’s as if Beiming’s transformation becomes Peng, this is not an impossible thing.

Of course, the current situation is that Alexia has no such boring thoughts yet. She made Noah’s Ark change, not to adapt to the sky environment. She has another purpose, and this purpose is embodied in Noah’s Ark’s body, which is the scales and bone spurs that stand up.

These things almost densely packed its entire body surface, making it look like a terrifying monster. From the point of view of the catastrophe, such a change is indeed a bit unfathomable mystery.

Be aware that he is within the body of Noah’s Ark, not outside it. No matter how many bone spur scales grow on your body, can you still hurt oneself in oneself’s stomach? Even if it is self-harm, it is impossible to play like this.

For a while, the catastrophe simply couldn’t think of a reason. And Alexia’s doing so, naturally has her reason.

She is not a fool, on the contrary, she is a very smart woman. Since she made such a choice, she will naturally have a corresponding arrangement. And now, under the premise that all the conditions were complete, she immediately started acting according to the own arrangement.

Current, countless currents. Following the erected scales and bone spurs, Noah’s Ark excitedly radiated the current of oneself within the body toward the clouds all around. This is above the sea, and the clouds over the sea that are full of water vapor are the easiest to form thunderclouds that release powerful lightning under external factors.

In the past, it was because of convection that caused the clouds to rub against and form lightning. But now it is the current directly stimulating the positive and negative charges in the clouds, allowing them to respond to its actions, forming a stronger and more majestic lightning.

The voice of hong long long has begun to spread from the clouds. As the clouds gathered and the current intensified, the sky above the sea gradually became drowsy and terrifying.

The storm is coming! If there is a boat passing nearby at this time, those experienced sailors will definitely shout like this. But the current situation is that the storm will not come. Because here is only the ravages of lightning and thunderbolt, and those violent winds and heavy rains that should accompany these emergence, there is simply no shadow.

This is destined to be a strange storm. And it is obviously also more strange. For example, those raging lightning and thunderbolt.

Under normal circumstances, these lightning strikes more or less hit the sea under oneself. But this time, no matter what kind of lightning, it has not crossed the range of thunderclouds.

They are like shy girls, showing a sorry look. Of course, shy does not mean delicate. Even girls, they are the kind of rough girls with big hands and loud voices, because their movements are too big. It took a leisurely moment to stop the air, and both Heaven and Earth vibrated. It’s completely scary, and it’s simply impossible for some people.

Of course, everything is in case. Because the current Noah’s Ark is in this Blink cloud with layers of thunder and lightning, and the violent thunder and lightning are closely together.

As a natural large magnetic field, it is even more capable of attracting the attention of these thunderbolt lightning than the sea under oneself. And this is the result Alexia wants.

She stimulated the birth of this thundercloud layer, and by virtue of the characteristics of Noah’s Ark itself, she began to attract those naturally bursting lightning, making them smash towards Noah’s Ark.

Lightning in nature is at least a million-volt strong voltage. And when that many lightnings gather and attack a target almost without stopping, the damage and destruction they cause will only become more powerful. Noah’s Ark, which is so powerful that it can produce thunder and lightning by itself, can’t bear it.

Of course, it does not need to bear. Because it has the ability to evolve.

Feeling the impact of the voltage, Alexia immediately began to change the body structure of Noah’s Ark, allowing it to evolve from the inside out, almost every tissue and every cell.

Soon, Noah’s Ark has the ability to ignore the attack of electric current, and it has almost perfect conductivity. And under this premise, all the lightning, following the conduction of its own organization, were all concentrated on the location of the catastrophe.

That is an extremely powerful force, the real Power of Heaven and Earth. With enough voltage to reach billions of volts, the destructive power that can be produced is simply incalculable. It can be said that if this force is vented to a city, then the city can be destroyed in a short time. And when it is concentrated on one point, then in theory, it can definitely destroy everything.

Alexia took great pains to do so many things at the risk of owning exposure. The purpose is to use this almost infinite destructive power to completely defeat the special enemy of Havoc. Judging from the current situation, she seems to be able to do this.

Because she can clearly see that with the endless increase in voltage, the cancer in the abdominal cavity of Noah’s Ark is now enveloped by countless liquid currents.

You should know that it is a substantial plasma, a special energy structure that is completely plasma. Its temperature can even reach several millions or even nearly tens of millions of degrees. If she hadn’t controlled Noah’s Ark in time and completed this evolution of anti-electricity and temperature insulation, then maybe Noah’s Ark would have been on board before destroying the catastrophe. Was burned to ashes one step at a time.

She does not believe that the catastrophe can continue to persevere in the face of such a powerful force. Because this is already the ability of a single body to destroy a nuclear bomb at nearly zero distance, it is simply impossible to withstand it.

And in her hopeful eyes, the gravity shield around the catastrophe has clearly fluctuated and shrank. It seemed that it really couldn’t hold it anymore, and this made Alexia gritted his teeth again and piled everything up regardless of pain.

Victory seems to be right in front of her, and all she has to do is in a spurt of energy, breaking through the enemy’s final defense. This is not a time to begrudge feathers, even if it is painful, as long as you can defeat this terrifying enemy, it is worth it.

With this belief, Alexia finally saw a miracle. Because with a bang, it was like breaking through a barrier. Everything has been madly surging towards the center of the shield.

This is, succeeded? Just as joy appeared in her heart, her face changed again without any expression on her face. The situation has changed again!

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