Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1142

Plasma converges in a narrow area, and the ultra-high temperature makes almost everything become a bright light that cannot be seen directly.

This is a dazzling radiance that is almost comparable to the brightness of the core of the sun. If a normal person looks directly at it, his eyes will be immediately burnt dry by the devastating radiance. And this alone can also reflect how terrifying formidable power all this has.

However, such Destruction Strength does not work as expected. Because Alexia, who was linked to Noah’s Ark, could clearly perceive that its own temperature was continuously losing.

It’s like poking a hole in a swollen leather ball. The plasma energy and temperature follow the emergence of this gap, disappearing irresistibly into an unreachable space. Among.

What the hell is this damned thing and why does it become like this? Alexia can’t understand what’s going on. She can only watch oneself’s hard-working strength continuously weaken and then weaken, from the extent of destroying everything to only melting steel, from the extent of melting steel to the level. The low temperature below.

Everything no longer exists, even if the current that flows in from the outside is simply never cut off. Even the body of Noah’s Ark began to appear rigid and cold due to the large amount of energy passing away.

The fact of terrifying made Alexia gritted his own teeth with hatred. She knew it was a difficult enemy to deal with, but she didn’t expect that she would be so difficult to deal with. The gravity shield is just an insignificant guise, and he obviously holds more than one trump card in his hand.

Will he have more methods? When at first, Alexia simply didn’t dare to think about it, but now, she has to think about it. Because even if there is only one trump card left in the hands of Havoc, then maybe this trump card is enough to bury the own grave. And for the sake of own life, she must think more about it.

However, what should we do? Faced with the current predicament, she has become hesitant and hesitant.

At this time, she was like a gambler who was about to lose her chips, holding the last bad card in her hand, and then staring at her opponent with the most suspicion of Jill. Another loss is the despair of bankruptcy. But wanting to win is not that simple at all. The heavy scruples made her unable to make any choice at all, and everything could only fall into a stalemate.

This is bad, but there is no way. Although she has already felt the mockery and playfulness in the catastrophe behavior, but now she has no ability to refuse all of this. It’s like a person who is thirsty to the limit meets a glass of poisoned wine. Even if she knows that she will die if she drinks it, she has no more choices for her physical and psychological needs.

Time just passed by minute by minute, and just like at first Alexia said that he was worried, all this was inevitably discovered.

Without any obvious pressure change, such a large-scale thunderstorm suddenly appeared over the Pacific Ocean. As long as those in charge of monitoring satellites in the sky have not become idiots, they will be impossible to ignore this problem. So almost immediately, this abnormal situation was reported and placed on the high-level desk of the Tianhammer Bureau.

When Coulson received the corresponding information and rushed to the office, he saw two deacons with the same status as oneself, already sitting there, waiting for his arrival.

“Is the problem serious? Will you two come to me?”

With his outstanding personality, Coulson is in this new environment and the people around him Getting along is fairly harmonious. Even these two people who are supposed to have a hostile relationship with oneself still maintain a reasonable relationship with him. It can be said that Coulson is the most popular among the representatives of the United States of the Three Realms, and it is precisely because of this that he can safely sit in his own position until now.

United States wants to regain oneself’s previous international status, which is not what other countries want to see. They will definitely obstruct it in every possible way, and this is reflected in the Sky Hammer Bureau, which is the targeting and suppression from the other two principals.

It can be said that if someone like Norman Osborn sits in this position, even if he is not suppressed, the relationship between the Skyhammer and United States will be destroyed. It’s a mess. But Coulson has no such concerns.

He knows when to let go of his own face, and when he should never give up and fight for reasons. This is a person who can bend and stretch, not humble or humble. His existence greatly eases the contradictions and conflicts between United States and other countries. It can be said that he is absolutely welcome as the principal. Just like now, the other two principals are happy to take this unexpected situation over and exchange opinions with him.

“Mr. Coulson, I think if you see the latest information, you shouldn’t be so calm and calm.”

Russian Ross’s representative principal is very welcome He threw a document in front of him, and then said to him stiffly.

“I think it is necessary for us to send a fleet to investigate. This is definitely a potential hidden danger, and we cannot tolerate its continued existence.”

For his tone, Coulson doesn’t have any special feelings. He knows that this guy’s tone has always been this way, especially after he drank vodka. Comparing with him on this issue is simply making oneself trouble, and even if he really cares about it, he doesn’t think that oneself will be the opponent of this former KGB agent.

So he wisely chose to turn over this page, and then put all his attention on the document in front of oneself.

This is a satellite observation picture. Like the situation seen before, huge thunderclouds still appear there without any pressure influence. The difference from the previous piece of information is that this picture is obviously clearer, and because of this, he can clearly see the existence hidden in the clouds.

“A huge whale?” Through the vague outline, Coulson said his own point of view. Of course, even he himself did not believe what oneself saw, so he immediately raised his head and asked the other two principals with a weird expression. “It shouldn’t be April Fool’s Day today? Are you sure that this picture is true?”

“April Fool’s Day has just passed less than a month, and it hasn’t come back so soon. Also, I don’t think there is who Courage, dare to use this kind of thing to crack a joke.”

The always gentle person in charge of the surname Wang also tightened his own face at this time. He looked at Coulson and said seriously to him.

“I agree with the Russian Ross opinion. We really need to mobilize the fleet to survey there, and then confirm the specific situation there. This thing gave me a very bad premonition, I think if we If you don’t pay attention to this situation, then we may be greeted with a catastrophic consequence. Coulson, you should know that we can’t afford to bet on the current situation!”

“Can you tell me why? “Taking up the picture again, Coulson confronted the light and began to compare it seriously. The standard scale attached to the picture allows it to roughly estimate the size of the creature he called the whale in the picture. But the estimated result made him unable to help his tongue. “A whale that is almost two miles long and can fly. I don’t think this is a problem that a single fleet can solve. If you can’t give me a reason, I’m afraid I can’t sign the power of attorney. These good young men are risking their lives. The young men under us are not used as cannon fodder.”

I glanced at each other, and the other two principals were both from each other. I saw a helpless expression in my eyes. They know that if oneself can’t give a reasonable reason, then they are impossible to bypass this barrier. And if you can’t get around this hurdle, then it’s useless to say anything.

Although the power of the Skyhammer Bureau is huge, it is not a single word. For things like mobilizing the fleet near the Pacific Ocean, unless the three of them sign and authorize at the same time, it is simply impossible to get past the superiors of these troops and directly control them.

This is to prevent the Skyhammer from repeating the SHIELD mistakes, because one person is dominant and leading the wrong way, but I did not expect that this method is now pitted to their own. This feeling of lifting a rock and hitting oneself in the foot made the two people quite helpless, but they had to do things within this rule.

So immediately, the person in charge of Wang’s surname immediately explained to Coulson.

“Coulson, I don’t know if you have a corresponding understanding of our country’s myth. In fact, if you understand it, you will find that the existence of this thundercloud is almost the same as our myth. The Divine Beast named Kun is exactly similar. Similarly, in your Western mythology, it also has the shadow of the deep-sea demon Leviathan. This should be a special accident that appears in the myth, and it is as though it is associated with it The last time those things happened in United Kingdom, we would have to take one hundred and twenty minutes of vigilance to face it. You don’t want to have similar accidents anymore. Humans can’t afford it anymore. It was damaged once!”

The incident in United Kingdom is definitely more unforgettable disaster than World War II. Therefore, even a cheerful and optimistic person like Coulson can’t take this matter lightly. Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if it is really as they are worried about, then this is a serious problem that cannot be ignored at all.

This must be dealt with, but how can we deal with it? With such a twist in his mind, Coulson asked them weird expressions.

“Which fleet do you plan to send?”

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