Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1143

If it were a few years ago, Coulson would not have to ask such questions. Because of them, United States has the largest overseas fleet in the world. Simply without the participation of these people, he can let an aircraft carrier formation go to the special Sea Territory to perform such a special mission.

But today, he obviously has no such confidence.

United States’ overseas fleet that used to spread all over the world has completely ceased to exist. After a considerable part of the overseas formations were destroyed in the hands of Mutant. The remaining ones can barely maintain the safety of the United States offshore and the Hawaiian Sea Territory. If you want to drive the own aircraft carrier fleet to someone’s door to show off one’s military strength as in the past, this has become a fundamentally impossible thing.

This is not only the reason that the hardware can’t support it, but also the reason why the foundation is starting to be scarce. In the United States during the Peak period, it was not a problem to re-pull a few aircraft carrier formations. But in the current United States, even if it wants to maintain the existing military establishment, it may be somewhat difficult. Therefore, Coulson’s implication is very clear, that is, he does not intend to let American wade into this muddy water.

The other two principals are all human beings. When Coulson asked this question, they already understood what he meant. Of course, this is what they mean by own.

Yes, the other two countries are now basically taking over the classes of United States. Whether in the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, the flags of these two countries are hanging, and they are maintaining The fleet in the name of international security is parading.

According to common sense, the fleets of these two countries can intervene in this special situation as quickly as possible. However, as representatives of these two countries, these two principals simply did not have such an idea.

Even after Coulson made it clear that the United States fleet would not participate in it. The two of them also became poor.

“Coulson, you are not going to let our country’s fleet be on board. Let’s not talk about whether the soldiers who serve on the aircraft carrier have such experience in ocean warfare. That is, our aircraft carrier formation itself has some problems. . As your western media said, our aircraft carriers are inferior products that even the flight runway has to be tricky. Do you think it can afford such an important mission?”

“Don’t look at me, our poor can hardly even build an aircraft carrier. The few ships now are old bastard from the Soviet era. If something goes wrong, neither the President nor I will have the face to sit in this one. The position is in place. So we are more impossible to carry out such a dangerous mission.”

The three principals give in, one shirks, and also the other is just playing rogue. Obviously, it may be a threat to the entire human race, but in their eyes, the national interest represented by oneself may not be more important.

The scene was so deserted for a while, and this desertedness obviously represented a certain kind of stalemate in opinion. Everyone is unwilling to make concessions in the interests of the oneself country, but they are also impossible to let this matter continuously expand in their stalemate. That is a responsibility none of them can bear.

So soon, Coulson broke the deadlock first.

“Everyone, I think we can take a step back. If we don’t want the power behind oneself to be damaged, then we shouldn’t think about passing this damage on to each other. Everyone It’s a sensible person. Everyone is impossible to ask for trouble on this matter. And we are also impossible to ignore this matter. Therefore, my opinion is to find someone from outside of our three to deal with this matter. What’s your opinion? “

“I have no opinion!”

“I have no opinion either!”

They looked at each other and both accepted Coulson’s statement. . As far as they are concerned, as long as they don’t have to go out for this matter, they don’t care who will take over this hot potato. Using military forces other than the three parties to deal with this problem is obviously the most appropriate option at the moment. So immediately, they began to discuss.

“Which side of the fleet do you think is more appropriate? You know, this is not a trivial matter. If it’s just a small force like Indonesia and North Korea with only two or three boats, then We don’t have to think about them. Let them carry out this action, there is no other possibility besides delaying things.”

“I think the strength of South Korea and India is still good. South Korea has aircraft carriers bought from Mutant, and India also has its own fleet. It should be a good idea to have them form a coalition force.”

“The strength of the European Union is also good. The capital countries headed by the two countries have their own aircraft carrier formations. Coupled with the support of the small EU countries, their maritime military power will not be weaker than ours. It is actually suitable for this operation!”

The world today is no longer the world it used to be. Regardless of the fact that all nations of the human race are united on the surface, in reality, disputes may be even more intense than before. This is most prominent in the sea.

Because the United States has lost its maritime hegemony, under this circumstance, all countries have begun to take out their own maritime fleets to race in various oceans. Capable, just like the other two big countries, oneself can draw a team. Those who are incapable should simply go to a community of interests and seek common interests in this chaotic maritime world in a cooperative manner.

Of course, this is something they do not want to see for the three major countries. Of course, on the surface they certainly can’t say more and so on. After all, everyone is a family now. If you directly stop it, then it is likely to break the current situation of human unity. It is really not worth the gain.

But if there is an opportunity to pit these forces and ask them to retract their own paws from the ocean, none of the three major powers will go back and oppose it.

It’s like now, but just came up with a charter. They have found out the ideal target of oneself in mind. And after communicating for a while, as if they were bargaining, they had already made the final decision.

“That’s all. Let’s let the nearest Asian Front—Indo-Korea Joint Fleet investigate and resolve this issue. We have three joint signatures to order, I believe you should not have any Have your opinion.”

As Coulson said, he drafted an order directly on a projection display. After carefully filtering the order twice, the other two principals glanced at each other and nodded directly to Coulson.

Received an affirmative answer, Coulson directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the projection. Projection read his fingerprints, distinguished his iris and voice, and then officially stamped this order with a seal representing his identity. The other two followed suit and quickly added the own signature to this order.

As such, a military mobilization order representing the highest level of the Skyhammer Bureau is freshly released. According to the specific regulations agreed at the multinational joint meeting, when the three top consuls representing the Tianhammer Bureau jointly signed such an order, the order has the highest level of legal rights in the alliance.

Only if not is the kind of war order similar to directly declaring war on a certain country or region, which needs to be negotiated in the internal meeting of the allies. Apart from this, they have every right to cross the government agencies of any country and directly control the corresponding military forces.

This means that as long as the order is signed, even if the governments of India and South Korea disagree, the fleet must obey the dispatch of the Skyhammer Bureau. Unless India and South Korea have the confidence to face sanctions imposed by all other countries, they are absolutely impossible to refuse this order.

This sounds very unreasonable. In fact, it is indeed very unreasonable. Because almost all rights are concentrated in the three major powers. As long as the interests of the three countries are aligned, they can target any other country. Of course, in most cases it is difficult for the three countries to reach a unified opinion. Because there is a certain degree of contradiction between them.

But it is different now. The situation now is that these small countries have moved their cheese. Usually the three of them carry large plates to grab the food on the table, but now it is these small countries who want to take the opportunity to steal from their plates. As the leaders of the big brother level, they certainly feel that oneself has to beat them.

South Korea and India obviously had some bad luck this time, because they obviously had that many choices, but they happened to hit the gun. Of course, this is also partly blamed on their oneself too greedy. Before owning Indian Ocean, he put his foot into the Pacific Ocean. It’s hard to justify you without a beat.

With this consensus, the issuance of orders is naturally unimpeded. In this case, as the scapegoat specially selected this time, the India-South Korea joint fleet that just entered the Pacific Ocean received an order from the Skyhammer Bureau.

At the first moment of seeing this order, the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet of India and South Korea, the Indian Admiral Rama Mujam Sen immediately called the deputy commander of the fleet, the South Korean Navy Pu Yantai handed this order to him.

“General Park, do you think there is a problem with the order of the Sky Hammer Bureau?”

Park Yantai at first doesn’t know what it is, and when he sees the sky above After the hammer bureau emblem and the three signatures below, his face immediately changed.

“It seems that there is something wrong at all, General Mori. But, do we really have to follow the order? You know, we have an own mission in Pacific Ocean this time.”

“I only know that if we don’t obey this order. Then you and I will go to a military court. Moreover, the people behind us are absolutely impossible to keep us. So, Jiangjun Park, inform your subordinates. Our fleet, we are going to turn!”

“The Republic of Korea will not be afraid of anyone’s threat!” With a tough beginning, Park Jintai saw Ramah Mujam that seemed to be funny The same look. Afterwards, he withdrew the words obediently and honestly. “I see, I’ll give orders now!”

Dare to make any resistance, the Indo-Korea Joint Fleet just changed the direction of own, and headed towards the Sea Territory that only needs to be investigated in name. past.

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