Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1146

Park Yantai’s fleet is composed of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered horizontal aircraft carrier George Washington, plus three guided-missile cruisers, sixteen guided-missile destroyers and frigates, and three offensive submarines A large aircraft carrier formation composed of several logistic support ships.

People who have an impression of USS Washington will remember that in the past several decades, it is the aircraft carrier formation to which this aircraft carrier belongs—the United States Seventh Fleet, which has been targeting the Asia-Pacific Sea Territory A rising country carries out a long and continuous blockade.

Their original intention was to keep the tentacles of this country out of the sea forever. It’s just that they might not have thought that oneself would actually make wedding dresses for others, and still make wedding dresses for own dogleg brother.

After the war broke out in the United States Government against Mutant, this famous overseas fleet was patronized by a group of Mutant. For ordinary persons who only master conventional means of warfare, the Seventh Fleet may be an indestructible sea fortress. But for Mutant, this is just an undefended cheese.

Control water flow, control air, control metal, control thought. A few small tricks caused the entire Seventh Fleet to fall apart and fall completely into the hands of these Mutants. Of course, for Mutant, this is just a pile of junk. But this does not mean that they can return these things to United States casually. There is no such cheap thing in this world, even if the war is over, and United States has given up!

In order to teach the United States some lessons, these Mutants located in the east directly began to openly sell these vital maritime military forces to all countries. As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted countless followers.

Not every country will be as jealous of United States, especially after United States has clearly entered a period of decline. So there is no way to stop it. This special auction was officially held on the high seas in the Asia-Pacific region. In such an auction, there are not many countries that are truly capable of taking down the entire Seventh Fleet.

Japan and its neighboring big country are the most popular options. Because in terms of economic strength, only these two countries can really eat such a large piece of meat. But in the end, no one thought that South Korea would have won the entire Seventh Fleet. Of course, the price it paid is definitely heavy.

A total of 500 billion USD. For South Korea, which has only 330,000,000,000 USD in foreign exchange reserves, this is almost impossible to assume. Even for any country participating in this auction, this is an unacceptable price. Many people think that the South Korean government is crazy, but South Korea doesn’t think so. They are determined to do so.

In order to be able to win the complete Seventh Fleet, the Korean government first got a promise from the neighboring Boss, and exchanged all the fleet ship data of the Seventh Fleet for its support, and then it was oneself The shares of large domestic companies borrowed almost 200,000,000 USD of high-interest foreign debt from Boss brother. The purpose is to completely win the Seventh Fleet with absolute advantage.

It did it, and the Seventh Fleet did belong to South Korea. But this also completely offends United States. Even if they changed the names of all the ships of the Seventh Fleet to avoid suspicion and disguise, for example, the Washington was changed to the Busan, but this did not change what they had done.

Korea oneself also knows this, so they will do everything possible to take advantage of this special period to expand their own power. And for them at this time, right now is an opportunity that must not be missed. Both the whole of Korea and Park Yeon-tae himself need to use this credit to open up new situations, so their speed is definitely not slow.

The 30-knot full speed of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier made the Indians look sad. The inferior products they bought from the Russian Ross really couldn’t do so.

After World War II, who was the biggest victim of arms purchase? Then India can really take the championship unceremoniously on the head of the owner.

Whether it’s until now, Russian Ross used a knife to scrape meat on his body in various ways, or he bought 36 Rafale fighters from France at an astronomical price. The slogan of the Indian government has always been that we only buy expensive, not right. The Indians do not lack money. What they lack is weapons and armaments. This is what all military-industrial countries in the world have of India. Because this World Third Channel economy has always been a long and tortuous road to self-development, any country will ruthlessly raise the butcher knife in oneself’s hand when facing India’s arms purchase requirements.

For example, France. When their Rafale fighters were sold to India, they directly doubled the unit price, from 6.4 million USD to 120 million USD. India at first’s plan to purchase a hundred twenty six Rafale fighters directly fell through. Because the Indian Air Force simply cannot afford the purchase cost of 200 to 30,000,000,000.

After many consultations, France just refused to let go, and India, which could not find a substitute, could only pinch its nose and used a high price of 8.8 billion USD from France Dassault. 36 Rafale fighters were bought there.

The price is more than doubled when they first bought the group. The price of 240 million can almost buy two F35s. After this battle, countries all over the world bowed their heads to India in terms of the stupidity and great generosity of arms purchases.

The aircraft carrier Vikramatia on which Rama Mujam is riding is also a special product for a talent purchased by idiots like India.

Vikramatia, formerly known as the last ship of Russia’s Ross Navy’s Kiev-class aircraft carrier, Admiral Gorshkov. In 1999, Russian Ross handed over the aircraft carrier to the Indian government in the name of thanking India for its strong support in arms purchase over the years.

It sounds very good, it seems that Russian Ross, who has always been accustomed to speaking to Indian lions, finally has a little guilt in his conscience, so he plans to use this method to rebuild the friendly relations between the two countries. But in fact, this is not the case at all, because Russian Ross expressed this very clearly.

Ship, we can give it away. But you have to pay for the modification fee. If you don’t pay for the modification fee, then you just look down on me. You look down on me, do you still want a boat? You are deserves a beating!

In the face of Russian Ross’s unusual marketing method, the Indian government bit its teeth and finally it is nodded. And this nodded is the conversion cost of 2.3 billion yuan and the conversion time of more than ten years.

2.3 billion in exchange for an aircraft carrier that can replace the main force of active aircraft carriers, this business seems to be worthwhile. You know, the construction of the Liaoning cost about 3,000,000,000 USD. From this perspective, although the Vikramatia is a bit old, it is not unacceptable.

But do you think there are only so many cases under Russian Ross? The Indians told every audience with their own blood and tears that things were far from being as simple as outsiders thought.

Renovating the aircraft carrier is just an addition, the real big head is on the carrier aircraft. The Russian Ross people are very astute in controlling the length of the deck runway of the Vekramatia, so that the Indians can only accept their MiG-29K as the carrier aircraft for oneself’s new aircraft carrier. This cost is more than 5 billion, and when calculated as a whole, this business is not much different from the French Rafale.

Russian Ross people finally slaughtered this regular guest from India again, and India, who was scammed by a large amount, could only swallow all the bitterness into his stomach with tears in his eyes.

I spent the money for a new aircraft carrier, but only bought a second-hand modified cargo, and it is also a basically impossible second-hand cargo that runs at full power. There may be a feeling of resentment and shame when changing to any person. But India did not mean that, because he quickly found a sense of accomplishment from this failed business.

India’s domestic media claimed that this aircraft carrier will surpass the modernized Varyag-class aircraft carrier of their northern neighbors, but they have not been able to catch up with it for 20 years. Insufficient than the top, more than the bottom. Three brothers who have always been big-hearted are still easily satisfied.

But can they really stay so optimistic? At the very least, when watching Pu Yantai head straight towards his destination at a speed of 30 knots, while oneself could only advance at a speed of 29 knots theoretically, but only 27 knots in reality, Ramah Mujam’s heart There is really no way to be optimistic at all.

India has clearly fallen behind the world by a large margin, but the domestic idiots always believe oneself infallible think that oneself can catch up with this and overtake that. Except for boasting and boasting, they do nothing and don’t know how to do it at all. Can this really make India stronger? Let India surpass the rising world power?

It’s not the first time that Rama Mujam thinks about this issue, but he has never thought about it so deeply as he does now. He knows that if India wants to truly develop, it must start to change. And this change should start from him.

As long as he can take the credit right now, as long as he can sit in a high position in the Sky Hammer Game. He can use his own influence to penetrate deep into India. Cultivate the own forces. If all goes well, with his prestige and the strength of his family, then he may not be able to achieve the position of India Helmsman. Only by sitting in that position can he completely change the whole of India.

Rama Mujam, who has imagined it far enough, pays more and more attention to the mission in front of him. This made him unwilling to let Park Yantai escape from the eye of the owner. And just when he was about to take a little risk to speed up oneself’s formation, a special accident happened to him first.

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