Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1147

Like a torpedo in the middle of the side, the Vikramatia, which is nearly 300 metres long, shook violently in a loud noise. The metal twisted groan that came from under the hull gave everyone a fear of have one’s hair stand on end. Although they had full confidence in the armor of the Vikramatia, this Such things are not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

In World War II, that many warships were torpedoed and shot into the soul. No one can guarantee that Vikramatia will not be one of them.

Fortunately, this situation is only temporary. After all, the weight of the Vikramadya was there, and after a brief shaking, it regained its balance oneself.

At this time, Rama Mujam, whose face was already pale, swayed his seat and slowly stood up straight. Although he was born in the military, India, which has always been weak, can’t produce any decent soldiers. even more how Ramah Mujam was born noble, naturally impossible to be born and die like those mud legs. This was the first time he encountered such a huge danger, and it was already quite difficult to get a firm foothold.

As soon as he stood firm, Rama Mujam immediately asked the adjutant next to oneself.

“Let’s find out what happened and why were we attacked? Are the surrounding frigates doing and so on?”

In the marching aircraft carrier formation, Let the main force core be hit by the enemy. This in itself is the failure of the escort fleet. And Rama Mujam’s meaning is already very clear, that is, he will never let off the guys who are in default. There must be someone responsible for this matter, and the person in charge will definitely not get well.

At this time, he was like an angry Old Hu, and the adjutant who was already a little frustrated with him was naturally impossible at this time also any hesitation. He ran faster than a rabbit and slipped out of Ramamujam’s eyes in the blink of an eye. And before Ramamujam could breathe, this guy ran back energetic and bustling.

“Why are you back? Didn’t you hear my order?”

“Sir, we have found the reason. This is an accident!” The face was very obvious. Fortunately, the adjutant said to Rama Mujam like this. “It was the Hamman submarine who didn’t pay attention when it floated and hit the sideboard of the Vikramatia. The side armor was somewhat damaged, and the maintenance crew has begun repairs. It is expected that it will be possible in three hours. Complete the repair work.”

“Accident, you told me that it was an accident!”

Although the accident seems to be a very thankful statement, Rama Mujam’s face But it didn’t show any joy. On the contrary, his face became more ugly. Because the problem that emerged this time was more serious than any other problem, this time the problem appeared on the owner person.

until now, the Indian army is a worrying existence. From a strict military perspective, their army is clearly unqualified. For example, India often has plane crashes. And this kind of accident is rarely due to problems with the aircraft itself, and a large part of the reasons are the ground crew and pilots.

Not just airplanes, but also submarines. Indian submarines are notoriously fond of problems. Just like it appeared on the news, there was an Indian submarine collided into the bay, and when the submarine was docked, the staff on duty test fired torpedoes, causing an explosion. It is hard to imagine that such a situation will occur in the military, which should most uphold a serious style and professional attitude. But if you understand the Indian army in depth, you will find that this is definitely not an accident.

The Indian army is a weird thing. This has almost all become a fact recognized by the world. In the face of this fact, it is really hard to believe that they can perform their duties as a soldier.

Of course, judging from the optimistic nature of Indian own, this is obviously no problem. Even a rare sober person like Ramah Mujam once thought so. But now, he obviously cannot be so optimistic.

Crashing into the headquarters is a felony in the laws of any country. The situation like theirs now cannot be simply summed up by crime. This is simply ridiculous! I am afraid that such an outrageous accident will not happen in any country. Fortunately, before the battle with the enemy, if such a thing happened during the battle, the consequences would be unimaginable.

It must be severely punished! With this kind of attention already set in his heart, Rama Mujam immediately ordered his adjutant.

“Order the gendarmerie to arrest all officers above the chief officer on the Hamman. If someone resists, shoot them on the spot, do you understand what I mean?”

“Shoot?” Although Rama Mujam said very clearly, his this remark still made the own adjutant hesitate. Because in any case, those high-ranking military officers have similar rank and status to oneself, and behind them are the same high-caste families in India. Perhaps on the surface, these individual families are not a problem. But when they gather, the power they can exert can definitely be called terrifying.

It’s his business that Rama Mujam is going to provoke those guys. The adjutant doesn’t want oneself to suffer from the disaster because of this, so he immediately began to persuade.

“Sir, do you have to think about it again. I know the captain of Hamman. He is the nephew of the prime minister’s house. If we move him, the prime minister will definitely not make sense.”


“This is the army. I said, don’t take the dirty stuff of politicians here. Don’t even try to use the prime minister’s name to press me. He violated the military regulations, even the prime minister. Can’t keep him. If you want to intercede for him so much, then you are ready to join him and be sent to the military court!” Rama Mujam’s roar made the adjutant shrink. Necked his neck. In the face of vital interests. After all, he gave up the trouble-making things like intercession. And after issuing such an order, Rama Mujam not at all meant to stop. He knew exactly what oneself’s most important thing was now, so immediately, he ordered the obedient adjutant again.

“Tell the people in the maintenance team that I will give them half an hour to seal the gap as soon as possible. After half an hour, no matter what the situation is, we must set off. We absolutely cannot do this. Throw it away!”

“Yes, sir!” It is hard to imagine why Rama Mujam was so persistent, but the adjutant who had been accustomed to following his orders still acted according to his orders.

With this microphone, the entire fleet quickly understood the situation above. And Rama Mujam’s ruthlessness also made everyone lift their hearts. This greatly speeds up their efficiency, but no matter how the efficiency increases, it is also impossible to change a fact. That is the fact that they have stopped.

When he heard the situation reported by oneself’s adjutant, Park Yantai, who had been out for a while, immediately showed a disdainful smile on his face.

“It is a despicable inferior race that can even do things like a submarine crashing into a mothership. I think they have no other ability besides making curry. You said Isn’t it, Genri-kun?”

“hmph, Indian? Born to be our Korean slave race. By this time, Yantai-jun, you have completed this mission beautifully, that Ramam Jam will definitely bow his head in front of you. And if you can successfully enter the Skyhammer Bureau, then maybe the Republic of Korea really has the opportunity to become the world’s largest power. At that time , You are the hero of our Republic of Korea, and I hope that when the time comes, you don’t forget my old friend, Yan Tae-kun!”

As Park Yan-tae’s adjutant, he is obviously a very good man people. Listening to this very obvious flattery, Park Yantai laughed haha.

“You can laugh, Won Il-kun. But if there is such a day. I will definitely not forget you. I thought of that time, I should call you Jin Won Il The commander is right!”

Fatty and flattery, this is the most common thing that people who play politics do. And just in the flattering and fawning of these two people. A dark sky was already in front of them.

The sun is shining on one side, but the clouds are rolling on the other. Such a scene is not strange to those who need to live at sea. In general, this means that the storm is already here.

The storms of the sea have infinite terrible power. Even the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is impossible to ignore the power of any storm. Although these Koreans were arrogant and arrogant, they also showed sufficient caution and caution for these battleships that concentrated most of their country’s wealth.

Under the command of the captain, every crew member is ready for the storm. But when they really set foot on the darkness of the sea, they realized that the dark world of rolling clouds was not very similar to the storm they had remembered.

In the sky, although dark clouds are surging, thunderbolt will tear the entire sky from time to time. But let alone a drop of rain, even a little wind did not rise. The sea is always a calm scene, only the rumbling darkness completely envelops everything, so that everyone who walks into this place has a feeling of depression as if they are approaching a cage.

This is very wrong, very wrong. Almost everyone has such thoughts in their hearts. The abnormal situation makes them observe everything around oneself almost non-stop. And at the moment when a Thunderbolt suddenly Blink, someone could not help but exclaimed.

At this time, they had already seen the huge existence hidden in layers of clouds and thunderbolt.

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