Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1148

Different from American, who has been used to seeing all kinds of bizarre things, such a huge existence is absolutely unimaginable by the Korean, who lives in a corner of East Asia. So when some of them discovered Noah’s Ark in the clouds, they ran away screaming.

“There is a monster, there is a monster in the sky!”

The piercing scream quickly triggered a high-pitched alarm, when the alarm sounded like a storm throughout the entire Sea Territory When they went up, everyone had already focused their own attention on the monster in the sky.

Bathed in thunderbolt and lightning, the huge figure and the continuous dark clouds can’t completely cover it. Just like a mountain in the clouds suspended in the sky, the mere sight of it gives people the illusion that God has come to the world.

At this moment, almost all Koreans felt oneself’s soul shock. After this shock, their most straightforward experience was the ultimate fear of the soul. Is this the enemy they are fighting against? How can they fight such an enemy?

Korean, who has never experienced a hard battle, has unsurprisingly softened his bones in the face of this almost mythical fact. This is not the thought of one person, but the thought of all of them. Even Park Yeon-tae, who was eager for meritorious service and thought to do whatever it takes, became sensitive and nervous at this time.

According to common sense, as the commander of the fleet, what he should do at this time is to inspire people, let the soldiers under oneself get out of this panic as soon as possible, and do a good job Prepare to fight a tough battle with the big guy in the sky. But he didn’t do it at all, on the contrary, he slumped on the own seat like a woman, and then babbled bitterly.

“I knew it, I knew those damn United States guys would not let us go so easily. This must be their conspiracy, this must be their plot against. They want Take revenge on us, so I deceived us to this damn place. Damn, damn…”

This kind of answer that he didn’t want to understand until he died is of no avail. He will do it now. The things should definitely not be these. But that’s what he did. His behavior was so stupid that even his adjutant couldn’t stand it anymore, so he immediately reached out and pressed his shoulders and shouted at him.

“Kun Yantae, Park Yantae. You wake me up, now is not the time to say this. What are we going to do? You must come up with an idea as soon as possible!”

“Idea, what can I make?” Pu Yantai’s sanity also seemed a little trance, of course, it was more fear. He was a sloppy bag at this time, and he really couldn’t be more sloppy. The adjutant counted on him to come up with a solution, but simply found the wrong person. As soon as his mind turned, only one thought came into his mind. “Yes, retreat. We can also retreat. Hurry up, give my order and make all the ships turn around. We can’t bury the precious wealth of the Republic of Korea here. Fuck the order, we must save oneself first!” /p>

As soon as this sentence was uttered, his adjutant slapped his face with a slap that couldn’t bear it anymore. While this stupid Pu Yantai, it seemed to calm him down. Seeing that he finally became less hysterical, the adjutant named Jin Yuanri said loudly to him with a serious face.

“Calm down, Park Yeontae. Do you look like a qualified commander? Are you qualified to be a hero of the Republic of Korea like this?”

This slap is not a wake-up call Piao Yantai, but it did calm him down. He glanced at the adjutant owner with a look of shame and bitterness, and then immediately stopped the look, and asked him in a deep voice.

“You don’t want me to retreat? Why, do you think we have the ability to fight against such a huge monster? This is something that the Avengers can solve, not something we can solve. You should know that we What a huge price was paid for these boats in hand. If there is any loss, whether it is you or me, it will not end well.”

There is no reason, but Jin Yuanri also has its own reasons. Therefore, even if Park Yantae was his chief, at this time he was unceremoniously fighting against him.

“Could it be that if we retreat like this, there will be a good end? Don’t forget, this is the highest order of the Skyhammer Bureau, and it is something that even the Korean government is impossible to reject. You can take these warships and retreat. Do you think we are safe? No, the special agent of the Skyhammer Bureau will arrest you in the shortest time, and we will all send them to the military court. At that time, The government may not even dare to let go. They will only treat us as victims and sacrifice them plainly. Is this what you want to see?”

“This is impossible. Our Republic of Korea is impossible so weak.” Although he said such words, Park Yeon-tae believed everything Kim Won-il said in his heart.

A lot of things are like this, talking about it, but the specific knowledge and facts are completely another matter. No matter how arrogant Park Yeon-tae was, he would not believe that the own country can really ignore the threats of the three big countries. So soon, he softened his own tone.

“Well, maybe your worry is not unreasonable. But what should we do? Go and fight that monster?”

“Of course, we are soldiers. This It is our bounden duty, isn’t it?”

When the adjutant answered like this, Park Yantai stood up immediately. He is not excited, but scared. Because he knows exactly what kind of price such remarks represent.

“Are you crazy? Or you didn’t understand what I just said. Even if only one of these ships has an accident, neither you nor I can eat. Domestic ones The jealous guy will definitely not let us go!”

“I know. But Mr. Yantai, you have to know an old saying called danger lurks within the riches and honour. This may indeed be possible. It is a danger, but it may also be an opportunity. You only think that we cannot defeat this monster. But what if we defeat this monster?”

“Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this It’s a huge guy. And maybe it has a special connection with the monsters in the United Kingdom. We can completely hype it as an evil being preparing to destroy a certain country. And if we defeat it, no matter what What a price you paid. It’s all worth it! As you said before, this is a great credit, a credit that allows you and me to enter the Sky Hammer game. As long as you can enter the Sky Hammer game, this loss is considered to be a loss. What! As long as you can achieve that position, you can’t make up for any loss. Even those guys in China are impossible to face us pointing fingers in this matter.”

Speaking of which, he He had already pressed Pu Yantai hard, and then repeated it again.

“Mr Yantai, this is an opportunity. The only chance! Tianyu will not be blamed. If we miss this opportunity, we will really have nothing. You must think carefully!”

Although the way of speaking is somewhat unacceptable, Park Yantai still listened to his this remark. And just because he heard this remark, his mind began to clash like two soldiers fighting.

The retreat, as Jin Yuanri said, must go to a military court. Even if he won’t be sentenced to any capital punishment, he may not be able to escape the prison life of several decades. This is simply unacceptable to him who was born with a golden spoon in his childhood.

But offense, this is really a choice that is not very accepted by him. Of course he is dangerous lurks within the riches and honour. But the problem is that he is really worried about the accident. If something accident happens and he loses his own life, what does it matter to him even if it is a bright prospect?

Park Yantai’s face struggled fiercely, while looking at his complicated expression. Jin Yuanri, who already knew him quite well, immediately added the last fire in his heart.

“I know what you are worried about, Mr. Yantai. But you have to have confidence in the power we hold. This is the seventh fleet of the United States, the most powerful sea in the world Military power. The weapons we have are enough to launch a large-scale war on a local scale. Even to subvert some small countries, it is absolutely nothing difficult. This is just a monster, a huge monster. It is impossible to be our opponent. You have to have confidence in us!”

His this remark finally moved Park Yantai. Because in his heart, the power of the Seventh Fleet is indeed an unmatched power. He has lived under this power for 20 years and has witnessed the era when this modern aircraft carrier fleet is invincible in the sea. Therefore, he has full confidence in the fleet under oneself. And it is this kind of confidence that gave him the courage and courage to move toward ambition.

This time, he is no longer hesitating. Because the turmoil of desire and ambition has completely suppressed the weakness and fear in his heart. He strode to the watchtower and sat in the position where the fleet commander should sit. Then picked up the microphone and gave orders to the entire fleet.

“I am the supreme commander of the fleet, Park Yeontae! Now I am all, the entire fleet is entering the battle preparation stage. Everyone, no matter how scared and powerless you are, you must fulfill your accusations. Ten Minutes later, I asked all guided missile frigates and destroyers to be ready to launch missiles. Within half an hour, I asked all pilots to take off from the deck. This is the most important battle since the establishment of the Republic of Korea. If you succeed, you It is the hero of the Republic of Korea. Let us prove to the world that we, the Republic of Korea, is the strongest country in the world, and we are the most powerhouse!”

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