Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1149

Park Yontae’s shouting did not make these soldiers die for him to fight for him, but his identity was there. Under his order, the soldiers had to follow his Order to start.

So soon, the silos filled with missiles were already bursting open, and at the same time, a family of fighter jets had already rushed out of the runway with a roar and flew toward the cloudy sky.

This weather is quite terrible for airplanes. So the fighter can only find a way to fly into the stratosphere and attack the monster from high to low. This is the safest way, but it is also the most troublesome way. Waiting for them to be in place is not a matter of a short while. But now for Park Yantai, every second that passes is a psychological torture.

His vigorous ambition made him restless. He simply couldn’t wait for the specific news from the flying brigade, and he was already commanding the guided missile frigates to launch an attack against the Noah’s Ark in the sky.

He is the boss of this aircraft carrier formation, so naturally he has the final say. And just after he gave such an order, all the silos ejected fierce flames, and within such flames, huge missiles rushed in like a sharp arrow that pierced the sky. in the sky dense clouds.

The unexpected third party finally got involved in the confrontation between the two sides, and for the two sides at war, their participation is really an insignificant thing.

Human power is too weak for them. Even in the eyes of the catastrophe, their existence is not much more conspicuous than the dust. If there is some friendship between them, maybe he will put these people in his eyes. But if he doesn’t even have a little friendship, then with his temper, he simply ignores the existence of these guys.

Although the Noah’s Ark controlled by Alexia can’t reach the point where the aircraft carrier formation is regarded as dust, for it, these little things are still just toys that can’t be put on the table.

Be aware that Noah’s Ark alone is over 2000 metres long, and the largest aircraft carrier in the Seventh Fleet is only more then 300 meters long. The gap of nearly seven times makes the entire fleet seem small in front of it. And if it is described by analogy, then it can be said that the Seventh Fleet is a Lego toy in front of a normal person compared to Noah’s Ark. Who is afraid of the threat of a bunch of Lego toys, isn’t this funny?

Alexia, who is at a oneself critical moment, simply doesn’t care to pay attention to the existence of these toys, even if she has already discovered them, she still doesn’t take them to heart. However, she never expected that these toy-like Little Brat would have the courage to attack oneself first.

As a great and famous weapon of mass destruction in modern human warfare, the formidable power of missiles is beyond doubt. And when the obstacles of these speeding missiles’ breakthrough and dark clouds accurately fell on Noah’s Ark in complex calculations. Even the huge size of Noah’s Ark inevitably felt pain.

One missile after another fell on it, and huge and conspicuous fireworks burst out in the dark, cloud-enclosed in the sky. The huge impact and the high temperature brought by the flames inevitably caused considerable damage to the skin of Noah’s Ark. This kind of pain caused it to groan, and the huge sound wave instantly agitated the surrounding clouds and spread to the entire sea like a ripple.

It is very difficult for human beings to withstand this terrifying sound wave impact. Many people can’t help covering their own ears as soon as they hear this sound. However, the effects of such actions are really limited. Most of them vomited uncontrollably, some of them were more serious, and blood was leaking from the facial features.

How fragile human beings are, it is already very clear at this moment. But compared to this physical pain, the ambitions and desires of human beings are much stronger and more obvious. Therefore, even if Park Yantae felt the pain of nausea and vomiting due to the impact of this sound wave, he still grasped the microphone firmly and ordered.

“This big guy has been hurt by us! It is not as terrifying as we imagined, and work harder to get rid of it here. If you succeed, then after it’s done, I I will give each of you a reward of at least 5,000,000, not 10,000,000 won in accordance with the credit!”

10,000,000 won, although it is less than 10,000 USD, it is a thought after all. You should know that what Park Yantai said before is the lowest, so no one can guarantee that oneself can get more. Maybe 20,000,000, maybe 30,000,000. Wealth moves peoples hearts, with the agitation of money, even if it is already very painful, some people choose to ignore the pain and return to their own post.

And this is exactly what Park Yantai wants to see. Calculated by his net worth, even if everyone can only get the lowest reward, he is impossible to afford it. After all, the staffmembers on the aircraft carrier alone exceeded three digits, not to mention the crew members on the frigates and destroyers.

But this does not prevent him from writing a bad check. The soldiers below don’t know how much wealth he has, as long as they don’t admit it afterwards, they are also impossible to do with him. And besides, if things can really develop as he expected, some people are willing to pay for him.

Capital and politics have always been entangled in this way. As long as you have enough strength on one side, then you will definitely not lack the other one.

Park Yantai is now overdrawing oneself’s future political capital. This is not a good choice, but he has no other way. Because he can only have the future if he allows all of this now to develop in the direction that oneself wants. It can be said that, unconsciously, he has chosen an impossible path back.

And such a path is not easy, because Noah’s Ark, who has been irritated by their behavior, has temporarily shifted his attention to them. At the same time, it also began to act.

As soon as the huge tail section was stirred, the dark clouds in the sky rolled up. With the progress of this movement, Noah’s Ark’s huge body also began to reverse its direction, swooping toward the toys under oneself.

Looking at the sky from the sea, although the huge size of this monster can be seen clearly, it does not get the most intuitive feeling. And now, watching such a monster swooping down from the sky like a mountain, the huge shadow is like a bottomless abyss, and oneself is completely covered by little by little. The real hugeness is already in a deep The way of bone marrow is engraved in everyone’s brain.

At this moment, they deeply realize the insignificance of own. At the same time, they also had the deepest doubts about oneself and oneself’s previous behavior. Is it really the right choice to fire on such a huge monster?

The right to choose is never in these ordinary persons, so even if they regret it, they have nothing to do. They could only watch the huge body of Noah’s Ark get closer and closer to them, and then felt the hurricane-like air pressure from it, little by little frightened.

There was no strong wind in this stormy area, but because of Noah’s Ark’s actions, violent hurricanes were forming. The sea water was surging, forming huge waves slapped on the side of the ship, causing all the ships to sway wildly like small paper boats drifting along with the waves, even the aircraft carrier on which Park Yantai was sitting. This made him immediately soften his legs again.

He began to resent the instigation of Jin Yuanri again in his heart, but he also knew that oneself is now impossible to look back. So at this time, there is no need to persuade others, he himself mustered up the courage and shouted into the microphone.

“Fire, fire. Kill this monster. Only by killing it can we have hope of surviving. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and open for me!”

His screams obviously awakened many people, allowing them to move their own consciousness from this panic and suspicion back to this cruel world. At this time, they obviously realized the criticality of the situation. Out of the consideration of oneself’s life safety, there is no need to spend any more words, these people have already begun to do everything possible to fight for survival.

But I have to say that they are already too late in time.

The huge body of Noah’s Ark makes it an exaggerated movement distance even if it moves a little bit, but diving down from in the sky naturally makes it faster. Almost immediately, it has already stuck its own body on the surface of the sea. At this time, it is still playing the role of the kind of adsorption electrode, so accompanied by it, there is also lasing lightning.

As a warship, the strikes that bear one or two lightning strikes are nothing difficult for them. But the current situation is that this is simply not a matter of lightning or two. The lightning in the sky is already interwoven into a dazzling net. And under this big net, any being touched will not have any good end.

A guided missile destroyer unfortunately became the first victim. Under the interweaving of countless lightning, it simply had no time to make any evasive and defensive actions, and it was directly ignited into a huge fireball.

This is not all the credit of thunder and lightning, the weapons inside the destroyer must also have a considerable amount of credit. But anyway, an expensive guided missile destroyer has become a dazzling firework above the dark sea.

And the pitch-black giant beast, under the cover of the dazzling fireworks, has become more hideous and terrifying.

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