Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1164

Smith Zhou couldn’t tell the real name of Noah’s Ark. He could only use adjectives like giant beast in the sky to replace his existence. Although he was anxious and worried at this time. But all this cannot destroy his sanity.

From Ancient Era’s survival to the present, his belief has been honed by time to become more pure and hard. For him, the idea of ​​oneself to dominate mankind and start a new era has become a lifelong obsession. In the face of this obsession, everything is no longer important, even his life and the people he loves, must give in in front of this belief. Therefore, he was very restrained, not only did he not burst out of own emotions. Instead, they suppressed them and made oneself inquire about the situation here like an unsuspecting person. Of course, his attitude may be worse.

For Rama Mujam, such a bad tone really makes him somewhat unacceptable. You know, no matter what, he is a lieutenant admiral of India, the highest officer of an aircraft carrier formation, and the top member of the standard power class. With such an identity, even in front of the heads of states of various countries, they can speak for themselves. And now, a small investigator dared to speak up in front of oneself. This is really tolerable or unbearable!

Although I thought so in my heart, Ramah Mujam did not dare to show this emotion on his face. He still needs to build a good relationship with these investigators to get oneself out of the predicament, so he will naturally not offend Smith Zhou, who looks like the principal, just because of a little temper.

Smith Zhou just finished his question, he already answered according to what oneself had fabricated.

“Yes, it is us. You may not be able to imagine what a thrilling battle it was. Korean unable to withstand a single blow, was directly destroyed by the rare beast. They were completely destroyed. The aggressive advancement not only killed oneself, but also caused our two destroyers to go to heaven with them. Fortunately, I acted decisively and let the frigate carrying a large-yield missile launch a suicide attack on the monster. The body within the body caused a big explosion. Otherwise, you can’t see my Vikramatia also these handsome young men!”

When I said this remark, even though Rama Mujam has stretched his waist as much as possible to make oneself look so proud. But in essence, he still has that flattering attitude. For his flattering aura words, Smith Zhou’s first reaction was that there was a problem with his words.

Maybe others may not be able to feel it, but he already has gathered a lot of divine abilities, but he can feel the guilty conscience of Rama Mujam now. Moreover, even if he does not explore his heart, he can still discover the problems in what he said.

The biggest problem in his words is to treat Noah’s Ark as a wild beast without wisdom. But Smith Zhou knows that Noah’s Ark in this state is equivalent to an Avatar of Alexia, and Alexia’s IQ absolutely crushes more than 99% of the people in the world.

If, as he said, Noah’s Ark was killed by a suicide attack, then unless Alexia’s brain had a problem, it was absolutely impossible.

Is there a problem with Alexia’s brain? Smith Zhou simply does not make this assumption. He has faith in Alexia, and this confidence is coupled with the guilty feeling he just felt from Ramah Mujam. This gave him a fluke mentality immediately.

Maybe Alexia is not at all dead, maybe she just drove Noah’s Ark to hide in the deep sea again.

The idea came out, and he simply couldn’t control his own impulse. Without even saying hello, he rushed towards the Death Sea Territory where the dense fog had just dispersed.

Rama Mujam suddenly snorted in his heart when he watched him fly away like this. Although he anticipated what difficult characters would be sent by the Skyhammer to investigate, he did not expect that the Skyhammer would actually send a Superhero. As everyone knows, Superhero’s abilities are all kinds of strange things, so he is not sure that Smith, who just flew away, will have any special ability to explore the hidden truth.

His heart is inevitably anxious, but on the surface, he can only remain calm. It was as if he hadn’t seen Smith Zhou’s actions. While he was receiving other investigators, he had already begun to beat these people.

“Who is the gentleman just now? Isn’t he one of you? It looks like he is a Superhero. I don’t know what his code name is. Am I lucky enough to know him? “

In the face of the investigators who dominate oneself’s future, Rama Mujam tried his best to make oneself behave kindly. And it has to be said that making such a humble posture in his capacity really made these investigators feel flattered.

They are not Smith Zhou, and naturally they are also impossible to feel the guilty conscience and tension hidden in Rama Mujam’s heart. They only regarded the commander as a warm and amiable person, so soon, they opened the chatterbox to him.

“That is Smith. Mr. Zhou, the famous Earth Watcher. Lieutenant General Mori, haven’t you heard of his name?”

“It turned out to be that one Existence.” As soon as he heard the name, Rama Mujam’s heart became more tense. The name of the shadow tree of man, when Smith Zhou stood in front of him, he did not recognize his true identity. But when he heard this name, Rama Mujam recognized him immediately. He knew that this was the Superhero that swept the United Kingdom as the evil god, and was recognized as the strongest Superhero in the entire world.

Change time and place. He would rather be willing to deal with such a guy. Because his strength lies there, with such strength, he is fully qualified to be treated as a guest by any force. Even a powerful man like Rama Mujam will never let go of an opportunity to deal with this kind of powerhouse.

But now, Rama Mujam is really not in this mood. Because he knew very well that in front of such a guy, the own layout was too fragile. Maybe he has any ability to find out the truth. And if he finds out the truth, and confronts oneself in front of the owner, then with the power of Ramammujam, it is simply impossible to even threaten him.

Things became very bad in an instant, and to make matters worse, Rama Mujam simply impossible had any indication. He could only hold a smiling face stiffly, accompanied the investigators to dinner, and then arranged for them to conduct further investigations. This is what he expected, and the situation now clearly exceeds his expectations. So what he can do now is just pray. Pray that Smith Zhou will not find anything new, and pray that Goddess will leave a way out to him at this time.

This is not a useful method, because Smith Zhou at this time has already found some clues. With the power of some special fierce gods, Smith Zhou has communicated with the unjust souls who died tragically in the hands of Noah’s Ark, and through their eyes, saw what happened at that time.

He can clearly see the scene of Noah’s Ark diving from the sky to the sea, and he can see the scene of those warships being crushed by the huge body of Noah’s Ark and turned into fragments. It can be seen that it opened its mouth wide, swallowing the warship into its mouth like a small fish, and released a crimson wave of blood, swallowing the entire Washington.

These undead who have just changed will not lie, the situation they portrayed is the most real situation at the time. In their description, there is only the scene of Noah’s Ark killing. When Noah’s Ark launched the killings, the Indians simply did not enter this Sea Territory, let alone a suicide attack on Noah’s Ark.

So, the situation became clear in an instant. That’s the Indians who are lying, they simply didn’t meet Noah’s Ark. And Noah’s Ark did not die in their hands. In this way, problems will follow one after another. Where is Noah’s Ark? Where is Alexia?

Smith Zhou, who has more and more questions and more and more worries, began to expand the scope of own search. And soon, he made a new discovery. Those are the souls of Hydra.

As some of the bad luck eggs that died earlier in the Hand of Havoc, the souls of these guys are on the verge of dissipating. This has too much to do with the catastrophe not at all. Although for the catastrophe, he wanted to destroy these souls was just a little more effort, but he did not at all make things so desperate.

The reason why their souls are about to dissipate is entirely because of Noah’s Ark. The energy of Noah’s Ark is bioelectricity, and the powerful bioelectricity has a huge impact on the soul itself, especially when it responds to the lightning in the sky and uses the thunderbolt of nature to launch an offensive against the catastrophe. The powerful current that came has caused these newly born souls to suffer huge trauma.

It can be said that more than half of the undead have been destroyed under such thunderbolt and lightning. The rest, even if it is not completely destroyed, is almost eliminated, and it will not take long for it to be completely dissipated on this World.

This is the nature of the undead. They have absolutely no resistance to those Supreme Yang Strength. Whether it is the sun or the thunderbolt, they can easily have a fatal effect on them. This influence also hinders Smith Zhou’s exploration of the truth. But after searching the memories of many undead, he will finally find something. And this discovery made him completely frowned. He has found the problem!

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