Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1165

Havoc made a mistake. He thought that destroying these Hydra physically would completely cover up the secret of his existence. But the facts have proved that this idea of ​​his is too naive.

Hydra’s strength is stronger than he imagined. If you want to keep secrets, it is absolutely not enough to simply make them incarnate into dead people. They must completely destroy their souls. The catastrophe omitted a step, and this small omission was destined to cause him huge trouble. Because at this time, Smith Zhou already knew of his existence. And his existence, as it should be by rights, made Smith Zhou curious.

Like Alexia at first, he also questioned the existence of the catastrophe. Because as Zhou Yi’s biological father, he knew very well that the son of own would not have any twin brother. And the power he possesses is definitely a special case that cannot be copied.

In any case, there should not be another Zhou Yi in the world. And even if another one appeared because of some special means, this other one should definitely not possess such a huge power. His existence must be inconsistent with common sense, and at the same time, it also means that there must be a huge secret hidden behind him.

Almost immediately, Smith Zhou has already regarded this self-proclaimed catastrophe as a character that must be treated with caution. Not only because of his identity, but also because of the extraordinary power he showed. Of course, all this is not his current most important thing, his current most important thing is still searching for the whereabouts of Alexia.

Searching for a possible life in such a huge Sea Territory is not an easy task. Similarly, it is still not easy to replace such a target with a dead soul. Even Smith Zhou Oneself is not sure what oneself is looking for. He still has a fluke, but the extremely realistic psychology he himself possessed made him prepared for the worst.

This preparation is not meaningless. Because after a bit of searching, he has already found what oneself wanted to find. Alexia had already appeared in front of him, or that he had finally discovered the soul of Alexia.

Through the boundary between life and death, he saw Alexia struggling in the world of Death. Obviously, she was not willing to enter that desolate world just like that. The nostalgia for the world of the living and the obsession that exists in her in the depth of one’s soul makes her not muddleheaded like a dead soul who has just died. She retains most of her consciousness, and this consciousness only brings her pain.

This is the sorrow that belongs to the dead. If oneself can truly forget everything about oneself’s life and walk into Death in a completely blank way, then it may not be a lucky thing for them. Because life and death are so far away after all, no matter how you care about the world of the living and cannot forget, it is impossible to change the fact that you have already died. Struggling in vain will only cause your neck to be bound by a thin chain. The more you use it, the more painful it will be.

It is difficult for Smith Zhou to watch Alexia endure this kind of pain. But for a while, it was difficult for him to reach out to Alexia. This involves a very complex issue, and this issue is related to faith.

When people die, they will go to the world of Death. This is an understanding shared by all living creatures. In fact, people of different beliefs go to different places.

It’s like the underworld of Middle-earth, the Heim underworld of Asgard, the hell controlled by the demons like Mephisto, and the heaven in the hands of God. After death, every person with different beliefs will first enter these death worlds within the realm belonging to the category of oneself belief.

Of course, this is only a temporary behavior. Because in general, whether it is the underworld or the underworld of Heim, or even heaven or hell, they are nothing more than a transit station established on the real Death world. The world of Death is only controlled by Ms. Death. Take a company as an example. Ms. Death is the actual controller of this company, and the other death gods are just people who work for her.

Their mission is to temporarily collect dead souls, and then transfer these dead souls to the real Death world. Of course, it’s just like those companies and companies that operate. Even Ms. Death couldn’t stop the gods of death under oneself from making profit for oneself.

When you are in this kind of death transfer station, the god of death in charge of each transfer station can do something to the dead souls for the benefit of the owner. There are countless dead souls in the world. As long as it does not disrupt the inherent order of the world, Ms. Death will only maintain a laissez-faire attitude toward such things.

However, this special case belongs to those who have faith. Only with faith can you enter this special Death transfer station. And if it is the kind of people who have no faith, they will not receive special guidance after Death, so the place they can go is only the real Death world controlled by Ms. Death.

Alexia is now going to such a world. And this is a very dangerous place. Because ordinary Gods can’t see the great and original existence of Ms. Death, they can only use words like the place where all things end and the source of Death to describe Ms. Death and the world she controls.

From this description, we can see their fear of Ms. Death. In the same way, from the ancient times, Smith Zhou naturally inherited the concealed knowledge, and this knowledge also led him to retain absolute fear and caution in the real world of Death.

He will never take that unnecessary risk and enter this world that he hasn’t understood yet.

This is different from Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi’s own strength has made him qualified to talk to Ms. Death. At the same time, he is the kind of person who can ignore risks for a certain belief. It’s like saving Tony’s wife, who also has no faith and can only enter Ms. Death’s arms after death. He can face Ms. Death’s threat for Tony’s friend. But Smith Zhou can’t. Even if Alexia was the woman he loved.

He loves own beliefs and ideals more than oneself, and more than his lover. Under no circumstances will he abandon his beliefs and ideals in order to save Alexia. Of course, this does not mean that he intends to abandon Alexia in this way, he just needs to find another way, a way with full confidence.

For others, this may be difficult. But for Smith Zhou, who has countless years of experience, this is not too difficult. It only takes a little time and a little effort, and he has that certainty to bring back Alexia’s dead soul. Only, not now.

Now he has mission in his body, and the current environment does not support him to do this kind of thing. The eyes of the Sky Hammer Bureau are still watching him, and he has no need to make extra moves here to attract their attention.

Smith Zhou, who attaches great importance to his current status, made up his mind decisively. He left a mark on Alexia’s body, which allowed him to locate her presence in Death’s world. This will facilitate his future actions. And now, what he has to do is to leave here and continue to oneself the job that he received from the Skyhammer—investigating the Indians.

In fact, there is no need to investigate anymore. After communicating with the undead, he already has all the truth in the hands of the owner. He knows very well that all this has nothing to do with Indians. They are just a spectator from beginning to end, an ant who is lucky to avoid being affected by their own.

In this matter, they don’t say any credit. If they are serious about it, they may even have a lot of sin on their bodies. The two crimes of ruining friendly forces and confessing military merits alone are enough to allow the people of Rama Mujam to spend their next life in prison. This is why he felt that he was in a guilty conscience from Ramah Mujam. Because he himself must also know what kind of disaster oneself does.

As long as Smith Zhou reveals the facts in oneself’s hands, whether it is the Skyhammer Bureau or the governments of India and South Korea, Ramah Mujam will never be spared. Smith Zhou is very positive about this. He knows what politics is all about, and he knows the dirty struggles hidden under the surface of the world. And because of this understanding, he didn’t want to expose this matter. Because in his opinion, this is really a rare opportunity.

human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, everything that Rama Mujam pursues with such a big risk, in the final analysis, is nothing but profit. For the experienced Smith Zhou, this is simply something placed in front of one’s eyes. He appreciates this mentality of Rama Mujam, because ambition will make mankind progress. And ambition will also make him more susceptible to own control.

Allowing Rama Mujam to be tried by a military court will not only add some prestige, to Smith Zhou, it will simply do no good. But on the contrary, if you help him, let him tide over this difficulty safely. Then turn him into an owner person and make him a pawn set by oneself in India. This will bring huge benefits to Smith Zhou. It even said it would greatly promote Hydra’s ongoing actions.

It’s the old saying that no one will do business that loses money, but someone must be rushing to do decapitating business. By comparing the benefits, you can know what Smith Zhou will choose. Of course, his choice does not represent everything. If all this is to take shape, the key is the cooperation of Rama Mujam himself. But will he refuse the help of own? Smith Zhou really didn’t worry about this problem at all. He believed that this wise man would know how to choose!

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