Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1179

Everything went well on the plan, which made Harry, who had just walked out of the bathroom, been refreshed and his whole body was smooth. This kind of invigorating feeling is not only because of physical venting, but more because of the fact that the plan he has arranged for so long has finally reached a critical step.

It is not easy to make a wild girl like Quake obediently and honestly obedient, especially when her orientation is still very unclear. In order to dig such a pit that she could jump in obediently and honestly, it really took a lot of Harry’s effort. But now it seems that all this is worth the money. Of course, the specific result depends on the follow-up development. However, Harry had always maintained a high degree of confidence in this regard.

As the manager in charge of the Cyber ​​Security Department, Harry’s daily work is actually not onerous. It can even be said that if nothing unexpected happens, he is actually a matter of indifferent here. This was the case in the past. As long as the old Osborn didn’t ask for it, he wouldn’t stay here for most of a month.

But ever since he became interested in Quake, Harry has completely changed his mind. Not only do I come every morning earlier than others, but my daily work is much more serious than usual. Although he doesn’t play any role in the daily work of the Cyber ​​Security Department, this does not prevent him from entertaining himself, and he adds to Quake from time to time.

It’s like now, after solving the physical problem, he has not been sitting in the own office for an hour, he has already got out as an impatient, and he swayed to Quake’s position directly. Past.

According to his experience, Quake at this time should have just dealt with the routine inspection of the personnel department. And once there is no supervision, she has never paid attention to the small tasks of the Cyber ​​Security Department. She must have started using the company’s equipment again and playing with her own stuff.

Playing games during working hours is another good idea. Harry, who considers himself a hunter of rigorous schemes and deep foresight, will not easily miss such a good opportunity.

And everything was just like he thought. He just sneaked up behind Quake and he caught Quake’s crime. And after stopping the colleague who wanted to say hello to her with his eyes, he began to observe Quake’s current movements in a calm manner.

Quake’s current game is DOTA2, a MOBA game that has undergone several revisions. When he was in college, Harry was obsessed with these things with his classmates, but since returning to United States, he has never touched them again.

This aspect is because he needs to get in touch with the company’s things, and learns to socialize and various management aspects every day, so naturally he has no time to play games. On the other hand, it is because of his mature mentality that he will inevitably strip the game this thing out of his life.

The staid family made him think that playing games is an immature performance, even when he was a student before. Once officially stepping into the adult society, in order for oneself to become mature, some things should naturally be discarded for him.

Although he has decided to abandon these things, it does not mean that he has completely denied these things. You know, some things can represent youth, DOTA2 is one of them. Although this can’t completely represent his entire youth, it’s not a problem to make him suddenly recall some beautiful youth times.

Once a person starts to remember, his heart will inevitably become weak. Harry at first intends to directly cut off the power of Quake, who is having a good time, so that she hates oneself with gnash the teeth. But at this time he dispelled the idea, and started to stand behind her and watch like an interested bystander.

Quake is a good at computer programming, but this does not mean she will be an expert in playing games. In fact, if you don’t use a few pieces of software developed by oneself, Quake level is just a fish in the fish pond. She has no problems in operation. The hand speed gained from programming for many years allows her to maintain a highly efficient operation level. But in terms of game awareness, Quake’s performance is really not satisfactory.

MOBA games are multiplayer online tactical competitive games. This type of game has always had a well-known slogan, which is “This is not a game for one person!”. To win, it is not enough to be strong. You must learn to cooperate tactically and ensure the overall interests of oneself and your teammates. Only in this way can you compete with the opponent as a whole, and only in this way can you win the final victory.

The current situation is that Quake does not seem to know what the overall benefit is. Standing behind her and watching for more than ten minutes, Harry already had a rough assessment of Quake’s style, and this assessment was that her heart was too wild, and she was too easy to get on top.

Quake’s current hero is Murloc Guard Slardar, a pioneering character.

The high-speed movement skills allow him to appear on any front at any time to help his teammates open the situation. The active range stun skills coupled with the passive single stun skills enable him not only to create attack opportunities for the team, but also to target the enemy’s powerful core. In addition to the armor weakening of the ultimate nightmare for many heroes who rely on meat for food, this hero’s composite index is definitely outstanding. Especially compared to those complex heroes who sell their teammates if they do not work well, Murloc Guard Slardar can be described as simple and rude.

Quake looks familiar with the hero of Murloc Guardian, and her book looks pretty good. Ten kills, two deaths, two assists, and more than two hundred supplements. With a Blink dagger, a pair of power shoes, and also a shadow blade, this is a very good result when the game time has just passed half an hour.

But please note that such results are based on the collapse of oneself teammates. Thirty minutes later, the late-stage hero Nether Ghost, who walked the same path as Quake, has only made up less than a hundred dollars and was targeted and killed five times by the enemy hero. It can be said that such a late hero is basically abolished.

The reason why he was abolished was not because he was too watery, but because Quake simply didn’t give him a way out. From beginning to end, Harry could see clearly. Quake didn’t miss a soldier’s plan for him at all. Even if something is missed occasionally, Quake is going to grab the head. She played as a murloc guard, and simply didn’t mean to be a guard. Instead, it directly regards oneself as the core of the core, the big brother of the big brother. As a result, the bottom line has become increasingly inferior.

The economic development of the enemy is pretty good, and the combination of Wraith Emperor and Shadow Shaman is definitely shameless. At the very least, Quake does not have the meaning of being positive and these two heroes. But she is unwilling to fight, which does not mean that the opposite party is willing to let them go. Seeing that Quake went to the wild again, and by the way, the enemy’s shadow shaman jumped directly in front of the Nether Ghost without saying a word, and then a black magic turned the Nether Ghost into a small Chicken.

The shadow shaman is the first to open up, and the Wraith Emperor is naturally not far behind. He was also a jumping knife, with an echoing warblade hanging on his body, and he faced the chicken that Nether Ghost had turned into a double cut. A critical strike, a flat slash, directly chopped off half the blood of the poorly equipped Nether Ghost. Obviously, if you add a control skill, then Nether Ghost must be a fatal death. But I don’t know if it’s because of greed, the place took a little slower when making up control, and this gave the Nether Ghost the opportunity to release oneself.

The ghost shadow descended again and again, and the quick operation caused the Wraith King’s stun ability, the Wraith Fire Critical Strike, to hit a sub-silhouette. And because it was too late to switch the screen, Nether Ghost could only drop oneself behind the Shadow Shaman, and started to pay attention to changing his life.

At first, the shadow shaman felt that the Nether Ghost had run away, but soon he felt something was wrong with the damage oneself had received. He recognized Nether Ghost’s Avatar, and this immediately made him put oneself’s strongest control skills on Nether Ghost’s body.

Five seconds of control time is enough for the Wraith King who came back to his senses to hack Nether Ghost twice. And just when the Nether Ghost felt that oneself was dead, Quake, who had just returned from the wild area at high speed, was already a Blink dagger and jumped to the shadow shaman’s side, and then a murloc smashed him and Wraith King directly Dizzy on the ground.

Chance! Nether Ghost, who finally felt the love of the teammates from the Murloc Guard, began to output full firepower. The opponent’s shadow shaman has a limited economy, in addition to the Blink dagger, there are also blue shoes and an Ether mirror. After being cut a few times by oneself and a jump step by the Murloc guard, the blood line has approached below the danger line. As long as the Murloc guard first delays the Wraith King’s actions, let him drop the Shadow Shaman in seconds. Then the next two fights one, even if the Wraith King has two lives, the worst is a one-for-two situation, no loss!

When a late big brother can make this kind of self-sacrifice instead of one for two, the situation is already very helpless and bitter. However, even though Nether Ghost is already ready to complete Quake, the development of next moment can only be described as absolutely unexpected.

The murloc guard triggered a passive crit, killing the shadow shaman with a hammer. Then she not at all continued to fight side by side with the Nether Ghost, but a Shadow Blade escaped invisibly, leaving only the blood of the Nether Ghost alone to face the furious Wraith Emperor who had just been killed by her younger brother.

Three swords and two violence, directly hacked to death.

The actions of the Wraith King and the Murloc Guards not only sent the Nether Ghost into the cemetery, but also completely pushed the Nether Ghost to the limit of collapse.

“You bitch-bred murloc guard!” Watching the foul language sprayed out by the Nether Ghost in infinite anger, Harry silently covered his own face and couldn’t bear to look straight on.

This is really a sad story.

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