Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1180

A woman is a creature that rarely makes sense. Quake may be an exception, but it is in reality. But in the game world, she is actually like most women, she doesn’t make sense with you at all.

Nether Ghost just cursed her when she couldn’t bear it, and she immediately returned it ruthlessly.

“That’s enough. You are so stupid that you still learn from other people’s late-stage big brother. Have your brain been licked by a husky when you go out?”

“You said What? You guy who sells his teammates also said such things on his face?”

Faced with ridicule, of course Nether Ghost couldn’t bear it. You must know that he was the victim of the whole thing, and he was the one who hurt the most. So why should he be humiliated by Quake? Anyway, it’s a game, and with the thought that I can’t afford to wait for you, Nether Ghost disconnected directly.

“Hey, how did you run. The game is not over yet. Damn, there is no competitive ethics at all! You wait for me, I must go to your computer to let you know that there is a computer I can’t use what it feels like!”

Looking at the teammates who escaped, Quake immediately began to type and curse. Of course, Nether Ghost who has left the game is impossible to reply to her. As for the other teammates, a series of ellipsis came out very tacitly.

They have all discovered Quake’s not to be trifled with. For such teammates who are not to be trifled with, they are very wise to keep silent. It’s just a game, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, there is really no need to provoke such a terrifying teammate because of this. At worst, it was a waste of an hour and sent this great god away.

At this time, the outcome is actually decided. After all, it was four against five, and even after retiring the big brother, it was a hopeless headwind. But Quake didn’t want to give up like that, her stubbornness in the bones made her simply don’t know what giving up was. Even if she knew she was going to lose, she still had to fight for it.

Seeing that she was on the verge of danger, Harry couldn’t help it anymore and quickly pressed her shoulders and said to her.

“Don’t mess around, you will really lose if you continue to behave like this! Listen to me, you first go to the opposite wild area to catch people before talking.”

See Harry Behind own, Quake was surprised at first. But she was a girl with a big heart after all. Seeing Harry not at all embarrassed to own, she immediately refocused own attention on the game. Of course, she wouldn’t dare to be so arbitrary at this time. Instead, obediently and honestly followed Harry’s words and plunged into the opponent’s jungle.

Although Rubick, the auxiliary hero of his own disadvantaged road, is in a disadvantaged position, he has done the most basic piercing work very well. Although the two true and false eyes inserted in the enemy’s field can’t provide Quake with full vision, it is not a problem to photograph almost. And just after getting into the wild area in this way, Quake immediately spotted the enemy’s core character.

Dwarf Musketeer, the enemy’s long-range late stage. As the hero with the longest range in the entire game, the Dwarf Musketeer used his own advantage to bully the two top heroes on Quake’s side. Although it has not won many heads, the economy is not bad at all. The Vortex Electric Hammer, Demon Dragon Spear, and Shadow Blade not only cleaned the line of soldiers, but also hit Rubick directly into the house.

Only one centaur remained on the line. But under the rain of bullets from the Dwarf Musketeer, he was obviously not impossible to hold on for too long. Seeing that the Centaur Warwalker was pressed under the tower in this way, the Dwarf Musketeer pressed under the tower tightly, and used his own range advantage to be outside the attack range of the defensive tower, destroying the defensive tower.

Chance! Without saying more from Harry, Quake directly operated the Murloc guard and jumped in front of the Dwarf Musketeer. A crisp murloc smash directly stunned the Dwarf Musketeer in place. And just when Quake was about to punch the Dwarf Musketeer first, Harry reminded her first.

“Don’t be busy attacking, hang him with a corrosive haze. He has a shadow blade on him, be careful not to let him run!”

Quake at first not at all Attention At this detail, and under Harry’s reminder, she immediately acted according to plan. It can weaken the enemy’s armor and provide the enemy’s true vision, so that the enemy’s ult that can’t be invisible is hung on the Dwarf Musketeer Shadowblade immediately before he opens. This makes the Dwarf Musketeer completely lost the possibility of escape.

There is no need to turn on the acceleration skills, the Murloc Guard will hit the Dwarf Musketeer whose armor has been weakened to the limit. And the fragile Dwarf Musketeer did indeed have a little back, and was directly hit by Quake with two passives. This not only made him impossible to move even a little bit, but also was completely crushed under her violent output equipment.

The Murloc guard killed the Dwarf Musketeer. The sound of the game prompt reinvigorated the teammates who had become a little frustrated by the withdrawal of Nether Ghost. Centaur Warwalker and Grand Magister Rubick took the line and pushed them under the opponent’s tower. Quake is about to join them and tear down the enemy’s upper tower. But this time, Harry suggested to her like that.

“Don’t go there, make a detour in the woods under the field of vision. Fight the opposite support hero. Maybe you can expand the result a bit.”

“Well, since You say so!”

Because of the previous prompt, Quake is not so repulsive to Harry’s suggestion. After thinking about it, she detoured in the woods under the tower. And soon, she saw the shadow shaman rushing over.

The ultimate skill of the shadow shaman is to summon ten high-attack snake guards. If he was allowed to release the big move, with the current HP of the Centaur Warwalker and the few remaining soldiers, it would be impossible to break the opposite tower. And if they hesitate a little longer, then it is even more likely that the shadow shaman will be left under the tower. So Quake simply didn’t hesitate, a Blink dagger stopped the Shadow Shaman when he entered the defensive tower.

The murloc crushes and erodes the mist. Two consecutive skills were used on the shadow shaman’s body, causing him to suffer heavy enough damage while being stunned. The shadow shaman’s blood volume itself is not high, and the Murloc Guardian only needs two ordinary attacks to pull his blood line below the danger zone. To put it bluntly, at this time, as long as a normal attack with a passive effect is hit, the Shadow Shaman can be directly sent back to his hometown. But Harry prevented Quake from continuing to attack, and instead said to her.

“Use the shadow blade to enter the invisibility state. Don’t forget, he has two control skills. If you control you, he can kill you by relying on big moves. !”

This reminder is very timely, because Quake has seen the forward motion of the shadow shaman when he casts a spell. She quickly went into invisibility, leaving the shadow shaman with nothing to do with her. And seeing the enemy’s great mage begin to stir, the shadow shaman who was afraid of being taken away by one of his skills could only turn around and run away. Of course, it is useless to escape. Because by his side, the hidden Murloc guard is already glare like a tiger watching his prey.

The Shadow Blade has the effect of breaking the shadow to cause additional damage, so a hammer was stuck on the shadow shaman with residual blood, and he was directly sent back to his hometown. At this time, the Centaur also demolished a tower of the enemy. The two teams of minions plus two heroes merged with the murloc guards operated by Quake, and began to march toward the enemy’s second tower arrogantly.

The worst situation is also three to three. The enemy’s dwarf musketeer needs twenty seconds to resurrect, while the shadow shaman also has one minute. If the speed is fast enough, Quake can completely destroy the enemy’s second tower. Quake had this idea, and under her control, the Murloc guard rushed to the enemy’s second tower.

Quake’s offensive power is not low at all with a dash of attack equipment. Coupled with the cooperation of their teammates, the three quickly shed more than half of the opponent’s second tower. And this turbulent situation soon made the remaining three enemies a little unsettled.

It’s hard to play wild, and it’s not enough money to come out. The big meaty Axe had to jump out of the wild area, and Zeus and Wraith King who were demolishing towers in the middle and lower roads also I had to use Transmission Scroll to rush to the road to support. They were stuck in traffic on the road, and this made King Axe tragically trapped.

Although his jumping knife successfully landed between the enemy minions and the two heroes, at the same time his Berserker roar also successfully mocked the Murloc Guard and the Centaur Warwalker, leaving them only Use normal attacks to force oneself to attack. But this does not mean that he will be able to support him until his own teammates come to support.

The passiveness attached to the Murloc Guard allows King Axe to sustain significant damage even when he is only under ordinary attack. And the thorny halo of the Centaur Warwalker made him feel miserable. Seeing a few circles of passively triggered counterattacks spiral down, the own blood volume has dropped below half. Axe immediately gave birth to the thought of retreat. Only at this time, it was too late for him to retreat.

The Centaur was trampled by a war and nailed him to the ground. And then the Murloc’s ultimate move directly reduced his armor to the lowest level. Although Zeus had already jumped out of the Transmission Array at this time, the two of them simply didn’t put him in their eyes. After you cut the King Axe to the ground, they immediately glare like a tiger watching His prey approached Zeus.

The situation is three to two, but Scales of Victory is not at all leaning toward Quake. Under the output of King Axe, Quake had only half blood left. And the Centaur has already surrendered oneself’s sole control. The opponent Zeus is in full state and his output is amazing. The Wraith King has also appeared from the Transmission Array. In an instant, the Murloc guard was in danger of death.

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