Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1181

As soon as the Murloc guard dies, the situation on Quake’s side will immediately collapse. As long as the opponent is relieved and re-forms, then Quake wants to win, it will be a hundred times, a thousand times more difficult than it is now.

Quake oneself also understands this, so she plans to accept it as soon as she sees it and retreat directly. After all, she has two life-saving equipment, the Blink dagger and the shadow blade, plus the high-speed movement skills of the murloc sprint. It is not impossible for the enemy to keep him, but it is also extremely difficult.

Of course, he will definitely cause the two teammates of his own to die in the hands of the enemy. But Quake doesn’t care about these. She has always considered oneself when playing games. As for what her teammates are, that’s really a very sorry answer.

Quake’s plan didn’t escape Harry’s eyes, and Harry had already stopped him before she started acting on the own idea.

“Don’t run, Daisy. Rush up and use your skills to control them first!”

“Are you crazy? There are two people on the opposite side, and still Under their tower. If I enter this, I will be dead!”

“Death is only temporary. If you can use this to open up the situation, then victory may not be impossible. Things. This is a gambling with no chips, so what are you hesitating about?”

“Well, since you say that, then I will listen to you.”

The conversation between the two people seemed to waste a lot of time, but in fact, when the conversation just started, Quake had already acted according to Harry’s request.

Although Zeus’s damage is high, it is not at all skills that can restrict movement. After starting the Murloc Charge, although the Murloc Guard will take more damage, it has become more unstoppable. In just two seconds, he sprinted to Zeus’s side like a sharp arrow, and took advantage of the moment when the Wraith King just walked out of the teleportation and had not adapted to them, a Murloc Smash completely controlled them. stand up.

The battle at this time has reached an irreversible point. Quake has no retreat. At this time, she can only do her best to kill the own target. One life for one life, and own Death for the hope of victory. This is the only value that he is doing now.

His goal is Zeus, a powerful sorcerer type hero with only output. Although the threat of the Wraith King would be even better for him, he knew very well that the Wraith King, who possessed the ultimate rebirth move, was a target that could never be killed in this short period of time. Zeus is the better choice.

Corrosion mist, passively hit. With the bonus of luck, Zeus was instantly beaten into residual blood. Seeing that the goal of killing the enemy was placed in front of the owner, Quake began to despair.

Because at this time, the stun effect of the Murloc Guard has ended. Although Zeus continued to be in a coma due to the passive stun effect, the Wraith Emperor had already recovered his freedom. And next, he only needs a Underfire Critical Strike, plus a flat strike. The head of the murloc guard can be harvested in an instant.

There is no hope! Quake was already sighing in his heart. But at this time Harry suddenly agitated her.

“Go on, the battle is not over yet, your teammates are still there!”

Yes, Quake’s teammates are still there. Because of Quake’s act of giving up his life and forgetting his death, the whole situation was completely broken, so immediately, his teammates cut into the battlefield. And the first to cut into the battlefield is the auxiliary influence that has been ignored by Quake, the Grand Magister Rubick!

Rubick is a hero positioned on support. But this hero can often play a very unexpected role. Because of his big move, the magical skill called skill stealing, he always creates extraordinary miracles in unexpected places.

Just like now, Rubick jumped between Wraith Emperor and Zeus with a Blink dagger, and then directly released the active skill that oneself had just stolen from Axe.

Berserker anger roar! Increases its own armor value, and forces surrounding targets to perform ordinary attacks on oneself.

This skill is naturally excellent when used on Axe. Axe Innate Physique is tough, plus a passive skill that will immediately counterattack when attacked. Let him perfectly interpret the definition of meat shield. However, for Rubick, this skill is a killer skill.

Rubick is an intellectual sorcerer, and this is destined to be a piece of paper on physique. King Axe was only a fur wound when he was slashed, but he was slashed with a knife to the bone. Even more how, he is facing the Wraith Emperor, a hero who passively possesses a blood light ring and a fatal blow. It can be said that if this skill is used, even if he is undying, he will definitely be disabled. But no one can deny that his skill is extremely good, and it is even more ingenious.

It was only an instant that the murloc guard was about to die by Wraith King’s knife, but at this time, Rubick sucked Wraith King’s knife onto own. This created an opportunity for Quake, and she was naturally impossible to miss this opportunity.

The Murloc Strikes! A critical strike! Zeus was beaten into electric sparks in an instant, and there was news that the Murloc guard had killed Zeus in the game. Three hits one, and the situation is instantly better. But at this time, the Wraith Emperor was unavoidably sad.

He knew that if oneself had a small life this time, all he had in mind was the desperate truth of life for life. His goal is the Murloc Guard, a human head that is only one shot away. However, before he released his skills on the Murloc Guardian, Rubick had once again released another ability of his own-fetch objects from the air.

Telekinesis grabbed the Wraith King and was in the air. He was naturally impossible to release any skills, and also impossible to attack the Murloc guard. At this time, Quake and his teammates beat the dog in the water, and they rushed up to beat him wildly.

The output of Wraith King is available, but the defense is only maintained at the most basic state. And this made him simply didn’t insist on it for too long, so he was beaten and half disabled. And then, before the others landed, the Centaur Warwalker already raised his own hoof.

As a hero who casts spells forward for a long time, the Centaur must make enough predictions to ensure that oneself can control the target that oneself wants to control. But this time he didn’t need to make a prediction, because Rubick had already sent the Wraith Emperor directly under his horseshoe.

The war was trampled, and it was three seconds of dizziness. The Wraith Emperor, who was already a residual blood, was naturally impossible. If he continued to hold on, he immediately became a tombstone. Then with the sound of the death knell, he began to evolve the power of resurrection.

The Wraith King’s ultimate move is activated. He will come back to life in full state, and in this time of coming back to life, all the targets around him will be slowed to the limit. At this time, Quake’s murloc guard can be said to be dead, as long as the Wraith King gives him a Wraithfire blast when he gets up, he will be killed immediately. But at this time, none of them could stop the Wraith Emperor.

That’s what I said, but the result is not necessarily at all. Because at this time, the Centaur Warwalker had already blew a loud horn, and launched his own ultimate skill-rush and collision. This is a skill that allows all friendly heroes to reach the limit of movement speed, and such a skill is just the opposite of Wraith King’s Death slowdown. The two are not evenly matched, the acceleration at this time rushes and rushes occupy an absolute advantage.

So, it is clear that Quake’s murloc guard has become a turtle in the urn, but at this time, he has transformed into a come and go without a shadow or trace pirate turtle, so that he has not completely reborn The Wraith Emperor hates him so much that he gnash the teeth.

The Murloc Guard is already out of the range of his skills, and according to this situation, maybe his death is really dead, how can this work? So apart from anything else, the Wraith King who just got up from Death is directly a Blink dagger, chasing it towards the escaped murloc guard. His goal is clear, that is, the Murloc guard must die.

This is a very straightforward idea, and it is feasible. After all, the Murloc Guard had such a bit of residual blood, a skill or a flat slash would definitely kill him. However, Wraith Emperor ignored two more serious facts, that is, the murloc guard at this time has been out of the field of vision of the defensive tower, and at the same time, the cooling time of the shadow blade on his body has also been rotated.

The Shadow Blade turns on and enters invisibility. The Wraith King, who has no true vision of his career, can only spin around the air. At this time, their second tower had been cut to pieces by the Centaur and Rubick. Seeing that the second tower was about to be broken, the Wraith Emperor could only put down the murloc guard and turned back to protect his own defensive tower.

However, as soon as he walked into the range of the tower, a silhouette suddenly appeared behind him. Murloc guards, a shadow-breaking blow, passively triggered. The two passives were superimposed and triggered, making the Murloc Guardian’s blow not only caused more than six hundred high injuries, but also stunned the Wraith Emperor.

This was an unexpected surprise for Quake, so she immediately unceremoniously covered him with corrosive haze, and at the same time, it was a hard knock while wearing him. There was a passivity in the two tactics, making Wraith the Great reluctantly accused again. And just when the control time was about to end, Quake gave him another Murloc Smash. This is another control time of nearly three seconds.

Three seconds is enough to crippled the Wraith King. If you say good luck, you might be able to pass him to death. However, Quake’s luck is not at all so good, four or five ordinary attacks, not at all triggers any effect. This disappointed Quake, but it also filled Wraith King with hope.

The revenge and hatred is here!

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