Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1182

Vengeance and hate, the word used here is actually very vivid. Because Wraith Emperor summed up everything that oneself had just suffered, he could only use a sentence of humiliation to describe him, he felt that his own IQ was humiliated. So he must ask oneself for justice.

It can be said that at this time, the player operating the Wraith King is already crazy and hitting the own skill key. He didn’t ask much, he just hoped to take the Murloc Guardian with a Underfire Crit. After all, this murloc guard is too arrogant, kill him to get rid of his hatred. Judging from the current situation, oneself may not have such an opportunity.

The Murloc Guardian kills undying him, and as long as he is free, even if there is only one one-tenth of a second, he can use the Wraithfire Blast with continuous damage and stun effects to guard the Murloc Give explodes into waste. He is already prepared for this, but he seems to have overlooked some key factors.

DOTA, this is a multiplayer cooperative game, staring at the murloc guarding one person, he obviously forgot the existence of his also teammates. And this became the key blow that pushed him into the abyss of despair.

At this critical moment, the Centaur Warwalker suddenly let go of the attack on the defensive tower, but a Blink dagger jumped in front of the Wraith King who was about to escape from the vertigo. The Wraith Emperor remembered very clearly that the Centaur had just let go of the war trampling skill. At this time, he should have no control.

On this point, he thought not at all wrong. The Centaur’s stun skill also takes at least three seconds, which is definitely not enough to save the Murloc guard. However, although he has no stun skills, this does not mean that he has no damage skills. In this kind of game, fainting the opponent is not the only means of protection, killing the enemy is the best measure.

ruthless, the centaur has raised high, own big axe, a double-edged sword that hurts both defeats and slashed on the chest of Wraith the Great, a full four hundred points of damage, directly Wraith King chopped down into a pile of bones. Looking at such a situation, Quake immediately let out a whistle of joy.

“Nice work, Buddy. I really love you!”

She said this remark with the built-in voice, and as soon as she said this remark, she immediately attracted A series of exclamation marks from three teammates.


“Pretty sister?”

“Little elder sister with a nice voice?”

Play in broad daylight The gamers are not serious people. When they heard Quake’s voice, they immediately became beastly and yelled loudly. Of course, they can’t be blamed for this, but the designers of DOTA2 can only be blamed. Unlike LOL, which is popular in the world, the biggest flaw in DOTA2 is that the deformed monsters in it far exceed the humanoid heroes. Except for a few humanoid heroes who can only rely on fantasy to act as beautiful women, most of them are rough men. And middle-aged aunt.

There are not many girls playing competitive games, and there is LOL who set up beautiful and handsome games in front, who would find oneself unhappy, looking for a group of deformed monsters The pleasure of entertainment. Of course, it cannot be said that there is no such thing. But it is definitely the type of as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. It is precisely because of this that this group of talents exploded so much enthusiasm for Quake.

And seeing these guys’ flattery is getting more and more sloppy, more and more licentious. Harry felt uncomfortable immediately. So immediately, he said to Quake.

“Don’t waste time with them here, hurry up and tear down the tower. The enemy is alive, you won’t be able to run away if you don’t tear down the tower!”

After the previous rounds As a tactical guide, Quake clearly had a little more recognition and confidence in Harry. So after he said so, she also disinclined to pay attention to those wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, but left the tower silently.

The blood volume of the second tower is not much, just a few hits are already on the verge of collapse. Seeing that the enemy’s 2nd line of defense was about to be breached, a gunshot suddenly sounded. The dwarf musketeer’s ultimate assassination was already aimed at Quake’s Murloc guards, and they were quickly killed thousands of miles away.

Assassination is the farthest attacking skill of the Dwarf Musketeer. With a range of more than three thousand yards, he can completely achieve the first level of enemy items beyond a thousand li. Moreover, because this skill is a rare locking skill, unless you can jump away or become invisible at the moment the bullet is present, you will have to withstand the dwarf musketeer’s ultimate attack with a fatal blow effect.

Quake’s Murloc guard has just used the Blink dagger, and even if she is hidden from the tower, she has no use at all. So there is no doubt that this spear will no longer have any miracles. Of course, at this time, the enemy’s second tower could no longer hold on. In the sound of a crash, the two successful teammates rushed into the wild area, and then calmly escaped.

Only Quake was injured, and watching the murloc guard was beaten into a dead fish. Quake was also completely mad.

“Damn dwarf, damn wretched stuff. Don’t let me find you, or the old lady must put your head in your chrysanthemum!” The identity of the geek girl allows Quake to swear unscrupulously. And her scolding obviously scared her teammates.

I thought it would be a little elder sister, didn’t expect to be the kind of opened mouth, closed mouth, the role of the old mother and the old mother. This naturally gave them a disillusioned ideal. Feeling of love again.

But what does this have to do with Quake’s not at all? It’s just a group of teammates in the game. simply won’t be taken seriously by her. If it is also what she values ​​most in this game, then it must be the Dwarf Musketeer just now. The remote assassination just now really made her worry, but she never remembered an overnight grudge, she very decisively chose the straightforward method of grievance and revenge. What didn’t say, catch the short boy, catch him to death, catch him until he collapses.

With a great hatred, Quake directly clicked on the equipment slot, and oneself bought a Daeda Ross. She intends to use this critical equipment called the Blizzard Cannon to teach the Dwarf Musketeer on the opposite side how to behave.

And when she was about to go out, Harry stopped her again.

“Don’t be out of the death of Daeda Ross. Give out an Echo Blade, and upgrade the Shadow Blade to Silver Edge with the remaining money. This will have a greater effect on you!”

“What are you kidding? I want to kill the dwarf, I want to kill the bitch, dare to sneak attack my fellow!”

Quake, red-eyed, doesn’t think so This way, but Harry was very confident and explained to her calmly.

“You can only target a dwarf when you come out of Daeda Ross, and add a Zeus to the death. If you have these two pieces of equipment, then you can pull out the opponent’s front row. Silver The effect of the ineffective passive skills of the front is very useful for the Wraith King and the Axe. As long as these two front rows are taken, the remaining three small crispy skins are not at your disposal?”

Harry is well-founded and convincing. So before the shopping time was over, Quake had already returned Daeddar Ross, and instead produced Echo Sabre and Silver Edge as he said. There was a slight delay in the middle, and within this period of time, such a prompt appeared in the game.

Lina destroyed the local defense tower, and Lina killed the enemy hero Zeus. The enemy heroic sniper killed Lena!

The mid lane hero who has been disappearing is not without much effect. She pulled out an enemy tower and, incidentally, took down the very threatening Zeus. This gave them the opportunity to create a fighter, and seeing the opportunity came, Harry immediately confronted Quake suggested.

“Pull up a Rubick or a centaur and go to the opposite wilderness area. The priority is to find a way to remove the other party’s Wraith King or Axe!”

Quake also knows this It makes sense, so she greeted Rubick and took him directly into the wild area of ​​the place. And perhaps because of luck, he soon discovered the existence of the Wraith Emperor through Rubick’s vision. And this caused her to immediately activate the invisibility effect of the Silver Front, and quietly touched behind the Wraith Emperor who was in the jungle.

The Wraith Emperor obviously came up with Huiyao. He already has the relics of the saint on him, and he only needs to kill two wild monsters to save enough money to buy Huiyao. And while he was still working hard for this small goal, Quake was already invisible and gave him a fatal blow.

Silver Edge has all the effects of the Shadow Blade, and it also has the special ability to invalidate the opponent’s passive and reduce the opponent’s attack power. This blade was passively cut down, and Wraith Emperor immediately became a useless person. Before he could react, he used his skills to control the Murloc Guard. The double-strike passiveness attached to the Echo Warblade directly triggered a heavy blow from the Murloc Guard, which stunned him to the ground.

In the late game, the Murloc Guard’s deep-sea heavy hit has a high trigger rate. Under the effect of the double combo, this probability is significantly higher. Without even a chance to react, the Wraith Emperor was completely passive. And while he was sick and killing him, while he was dizzy, Quake immediately put the corrosive haze on him, and then a murloc smash made him passive again.

Be aware that the murloc guard at this time had a shotgun change. After upgrading his equipment, he easily destroyed the life of the Wraith Emperor within the time of stun. And just when he was about to fight the Wraith Emperor and press him to death here. Harry said this to him suddenly.

“Don’t fight, step back to the side of the observation deck!”

Quake didn’t know why Harry did this, but she still followed him ‘S command retreated towards the observation deck. At this time, the Wraith Emperor had just come back to life, unwilling to be so overcast, he naturally rushed towards the Murloc guard angrily. And also at this time, Harry had already held down the call button and commanded Rubick like this.

“Rubick, take the time to throw it on the table!”

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