Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1188

The makeup mirror held by Quake is not just a makeup mirror. This is a new product developed by Tianhammer Bureau which inherited the achievements of SHIELD Scientific Research Center and developed on their basis.

Using electromagnetic and microwave feedback, this small machine can image a fixed-oriented area on this small mirror in a nearly see-through manner. Although the range is less than ten meters, it is actually just right for Quake, a spy who needs to go deep behind the enemy and explore the enemy’s secrets.

Using the fingerprint to activate the switch in the mirror, soon, a bright green spectrum appeared in front of Quake. And what this bright green spectrum represents is every secret in the back garden of Osborn Manor.

Whether it is brick by tile, or grass and wood. Under these high technologies, there is no possibility of hiding. Quake only needs to scan step by step to find all the hidden things under this garden.

This is an opportunity. Normally, she doesn’t have such an opportunity to go deep into the Osborn mansion. Without knowing why, it was such a good thing, but it was really hard for Quake to have any pleasant thoughts in his mind. She is just doing business, and under this kind of business idea, she is more guilty and worried.

The guilt is for Harry, and so is the worry. Maybe she hadn’t worried about Harry’s thoughts before doing so. But when she started to do oneself real work, she was inevitably worried for him. She began to worry about what oneself would find, and began to worry that what oneself would find would be detrimental to Osborn. She even said that what she worries the most is that Harry is also involved.

If it is really what Coulson said, then the Osborn Family must be purged and attacked by the government. And if Harry is also involved, then he must receive the harshest Penalty.

Friends, or some other factors make Quake unwilling to see Harry fall to such a point. And the principle makes her impossible to perfuse the own work. Yes, she can talk to Coulson and tell him himself not at all to find any special circumstances here in Osborn. However, she also did not want to do this.

Coulson has a very important place in her heart. For her, his existence can even replace a role like father. And betraying his own father is simply intolerable to Quake. Not to mention, there is a mountain of principle lying in her mind.

So, she can only proceed step by step. With a trace of luck and a little bit of anticipation, everything in the entire back garden was incorporated into oneself’s instrument.

The result seems to be a little unexpected. She didn’t find anything possible at all. Whether it is the prosperous vegetation or the antique garden buildings, she has scanned them all. From the perspective of the results, there is simply nothing surprising. If you insist on saying yes, then I am afraid that only she herself will behave somewhat to make a fuss about nothing.

As far as the agent is concerned, this result is really not good. But for Quake himself, this result is enough to surprise people. Although she herself also knew that the surprise mood of own was a bit unsuitable, she just couldn’t stop thinking about it.

This is wrong, but besides her, who knows? In line with the idea of ​​passing by, and getting away with it. Quake finally stopped his own footsteps, and leaned on the well beside him in relief.

The well is very deep, and in such a quiet night, she can even hear the sound of flowing water echoing on the wall of the well. This unexpectedly made people feel peaceful, and just when Quake closed his eyes and planned to take a deep breath, let oneself completely relax. She was taken aback suddenly, and then stood up while supporting the well edge.

The well is very deep, perhaps because of the intention to irrigate the garden with purer groundwater. The conservative depth of this well is estimated to have exceeded 20 meters. Faced with such a depth, the small device in Quake’s hands is naturally useless. Even with the most advanced technology, it can only explore the two existences of water and well walls from the well. As for the deeper, it can’t detect it, and Quake doesn’t think at all.

This is why Quake breathed a sigh of relief before. Because she really didn’t think much about this. However, although she not at all deliberately went to explore, but the clue still ran to her oneself. And this clue is the vibrating sound of the surging water.

Be aware that Quake’s identity is not just an agent and a geek. In her body, the blood of a race named Injin was still flowing. And what this bloodline brings to her is just like Mutant’s formidable strength.

The power of Quake is to generate shock waves. Whether it is air or other substances, she can cause it to vibrate extremely violently. Because the power of this vibration is extremely destructive and destructive, at first, Quake really suffered a lot because of the awakening of this power.

She must learn to control this force, learn to control the intensity of shock waves, and how to generate shock waves of different strengths for different substances. Because only in this way can she ensure that oneself will not accidentally injure the innocent, and that oneself can integrate into the human society normally.

This is a very difficult process, but it is also a very necessary process. Quake has put a lot of effort into this aspect, and this has enabled her to finally control this ability to the point of perfection. And to what extent can this perfection be? That is, she can use the power of own to selectively destroy the target that oneself wants to destroy, and she can feel the material of the object itself only by the shock wave of the object itself in nature.

It’s like now, when the power of Zhenbo feeds back to her nerves, she immediately feels the existence of those high-tech equipment in her hands. Water, rocks, hard metal alloys, and long and deep man-made passages.

The secret is hidden deeper in this well, and this discovery made her whole heart tangled. She began to hesitate and lingered. Because she didn’t know whether oneself should continue to explore.

There is no doubt that the secret of Osborn mentioned by Coulson may lie at the feet of the owner. But oneself is really right to expose this secret like this? The difficult choice made her impossible to move a single step, and just when she was going to be cruel and make her final determination. Harry’s voice suddenly rang from her ears.

“Hey, Daisy. What’s wrong with you? Your face looks a little ugly!”

I don’t know when Harry has been by her side . Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed not at all to find any suspicious problems. He only saw Quake’s ugly face, which prompted him to care about her a little anxiously.

I have to say that he came very timely. Because his arrival obviously interrupted Quake’s difficult decision. She was impossible to tear the own identity in front of Harry, so she had to stop oneself’s special discovery. This gave her a sigh of luck. At the same time, she also turned her head to Harry and smiled reluctantly.

“It’s nothing, I just suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because of dieting. I’m a little hungry and faint at this time.”

“Diet? No! Dear Daisy, you are in good shape now. I can’t imagine you have any place to diet. This is just having trouble with your own body. If I were you, I would definitely give up this stupid practice.”

Harry believed Quake’s statement to be true, and this made him immediately suggest to Quake kindly. When he heard his this remark, Quake smiled slightly, and put his own things in his bag calmly, then turned his head and smiled to him.

“Hey, are you cracking a joke with me? Girls will grow fat if they don’t go on a diet. I don’t want to see oneself turn into that day. It must be a nightmare, I can’t help but commit suicide.”

“No, my dear. In my eyes, you will be a beautiful angel no matter what time you are, I promise you!”

Perhaps the rare weakness of Quake gave Harry the wrong signal. He regarded this as a rare opportunity, and when he seized this opportunity, he immediately made such a vague confession to Quake. This is his temptation, but also his further attempt. Quake’s reaction will determine what actions he should take in the future. At this time, Quake’s reaction was like this.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t believe your guarantee. Because your guarantee is really not credible. By the way, do you have anything to do with me when you come back? I remember your father said yes Very important guest. You just came back. Is this really okay?”

This kind of reaction is obviously a tactful rejection. In the face of such rejection, Harry was disappointed, but he was far from discouraged. Soon, he regained his energy and said to Quake like this.

“It’s just a meeting, nothing else. After all, I’m afraid I don’t have the qualifications to meet them further. Besides, I’m very worried about you. You are my female companion. It’s not something a gentleman should do to leave you alone in such a place. You know, as a master, I should maintain a gentleman’s demeanor whenever and wherever possible.”

“If it’s a gentleman If you don’t, then I’m afraid I shouldn’t be bullying me in this way.” Rolled the eyes, Quake couldn’t help but smiled and retorted to Harry. “Maybe we can make a discussion, for example, what I owe you to write off, how do you say? Mr. Gentleman?”

“Not so!” shook the head decisively, Harry’s face There was a firm smile on his face. “I intend to use this to threaten you for the rest of my life, you never want to escape from my hand!”

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