Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1189

Harry finished these words, and both of them fell silent. The reason for this is completely different.

Quake will be silent because of her inner guilt. The more Harry shows love to her at this time, the more she feels a deep guilt. This feeling of guilt weighed heavily on her heart, which naturally made her a little speechless.

And Harry’s silence was because of the restlessness in his heart. As a standard playboy, he has never had a blushing and heartbeat sensation because of his love to a woman. But now, facing Quake, he couldn’t restrain himself and had this kind of reaction. Naturally, this made him feel a little bit frustrated, so he could only use silence to maintain the consistent image of oneself.

The reaction of the two people is really tacit. Not only this silence, but also the kind of action that does not take time to peek at each other. If there is no one to bother them, I’m afraid they will enjoy it all night. It’s a pity that Harry, as the owner, couldn’t enjoy this kind of treatment. Because soon, the silhouette of old steward appeared in front of them.

“Master, the master has already begun to address the guests. You should also help the master to greet the guests tonight. You must know that today’s guests are all influential figures, and that’s why , We can’t let others say that our Osborn family lacks courtesy.” This is what old steward demanded from Harry, and in the face of such a request, Harry really had no right to refuse. Mother’s early death left the Osborn family missing an important role. If there is a hostess in this house, she should be the one who entertains guests now. But precisely because there is no, it is even more necessary for Harry to shoulder such a responsibility. He is a member of the Osborn family, and he must be responsible for the reputation and image of the family. Therefore, he must do what old steward said.

Without any evasion or reluctance, Harry stood up already. He was about to leave this small space that made him feel warm and sweet, but when he was leaving, he turned his head and asked Quake.

“Daisy, do you want to be with me? Or do you want to stay here for a while? Or should I ask Hadley to prepare a room for you, what do you think?”

“No? No!” Looking at old steward with a surprised expression, Quake was already smiling and wrapping his arm. “I’ll go with you. Don’t think of me as that kind of delicate girl. You know, I grew up with snacks. So maybe my body is healthier than your Eldest Young Master! “

“I hope it’s like this, maybe we can find time to try some extreme sports!” Shrugged, Harry smiled and held the palm of oneself’s arm. “But for now, let us entertain those guests. I hope they will not be too enthusiastic, because I don’t want to waste all my energy on socializing with them. It will be a nightmare.”

Quake thought it was just Harry cracking a joke, but he soon discovered that it was not a joke. Because this is indeed a nightmare.

When the old Osborn began to address the banquet, it actually meant that all the guests he invited had already arrived. This gave Quake a glance, and he found that there were more guests in the entire banquet hall than when she first arrived.

The appeal of the Osborn Family is huge, because it represents the top communication circle in the entire United States. Being able to appear here is a symbol of identity and status. Not everyone can appear in such a place, but those who can appear here are almost all celebrities with wealth and status.

Unceremoniously, each of them controls the livelihoods of at least a few hundred people and as many as thousands of people. This makes them the real masters of the country. This was the case in the past and it is still the case. And among these people who hold the foundation of the country, Osborn can definitely be called a well-known figure among them. This can be seen from the eager eyes that many of them showed towards old Osborn.

Many people want to talk to old Osborn about something, because even for people like them, being able to eat some leftovers from Oscorp’s hands is a huge and heart-warming benefit . It’s just that not everyone has the right to talk to the old Osborn family. In this situation, Harry became the only target they could pursue.

From when the banquet entered the subject, the crowd around Harry hadn’t stopped. In the face of these greetings, which may or may not be familiar, Harry, as the master, can only show his own demeanor to deal with them one after another. At this time, it was not him who was the most pitiful, but Quake beside him.

Quake is different from Harry. Harry can somehow adapt to this situation because he was born in such an environment. But Quake can’t. This is the first time she has come into contact with such an environment, and such an environment really gives her tremendous pressure.

She not only had to face every person who communicated with Harry positively with a disgusting smirk, but also had to face the jealous eyes and stinging words of many women of the same age. The former made her almost cramped with laughter, while the latter made her physically and mentally exhausted. It was even more uncomfortable than a bad fight.

Seriously, if you can choose, Quake really would rather fight with a hundred difficult enemies than accept this kind of suffering. She was able to persevere like this because of perseverance and Harry’s weight in her heart. If it weren’t for Harry, she would have splashed the Cocktail in her hand on the face of the woman who has always been oneself frigid irony and scorching satire just now.

What kind of ability is just mocking others in terms of words, and there is ability to write down the road to make a clear cut. Why should I use my mouth to solve things that can be done?

She was angry and suffering. The own limit will soon be reached. At this time, old Osborn had already walked up to them with a smile.

“Come here, Harry. Let me introduce you to this distinguished sir. This is Mr. Reinhardt, the North American Chief-In-Charge of Nano Neuron Corporation. An excellent doctor, and A successful businessman. You should learn from him. If you can achieve such a career at his age, then even if the entire Osborn is entrusted to you, I can rest assured!”

Old There is no lack of praise for this strange man in Osborn’s words, and this is what surprised Quake. For old Osborn, Quake has a good understanding. She knew what kind of person it was, and it would not be wrong to use the word tyrant to describe him.

For self-use, supercilious. The pride of old Osborn didn’t put anyone in his eyes at all. You know, he is a person who can despise God in public, and this is still in the era when True God has not yet appeared, God has not yet become the past, and most people generally have beliefs. Even the President did not dare to do that, but he did. From this you can see what an arrogant guy this is.

And it is such an arrogant guy, who would actually admire a stranger so much, and even compare his own son. It really doesn’t help that Quake is not curious about such a man. So, she began to look at the man carefully.

This is a tall Asian male. From the outside, it seems difficult to tell his age. You can say that he is only in his early twenties, because he seems not at all to be left behind by time. It can also be said that he is 30-40 years old, because he has an indescribable mature taste. That is the accumulation of time, the accumulation of a long life. A person with such a taste must be a person with a story, and stories often mean that they are no longer young.

Temperament, sometimes actually affects other people’s senses more than any other factor. After feeling the temperament of Reinhardt, Quake didn’t care much about his appearance. Her impression of this man was nothing but a heavy sense of time. And this made her look at him with a curious look.

Mature and tasteful men are terrifying to women. Harry knew this too, so he was immediately savoury and guarded against Quake, then said to Reinhardt.

“Hello, Mr. Reinhardt. I’m sorry I don’t know the origin of your company. Could you please explain this so-called nano-neuron, is it doing and so on?”

Nanoneurons are naturally unknown to Harry. Although it is highly respected by the own father, Harry can be sure that this company is definitely not comparable to his own company. No matter how gradually raised the new stars are basically impossible and the old forces mention on equal terms, and substituting this contrast into them, it means that Reinhardt is not at all right to challenge him.

Harry would say that, in fact, he was using power to suppress people, and his purpose of using power to suppress people is very simple, just to give this man named Reinhardt a warning. He was warning him not to have any thoughts about Quake, because this was his territory. And after reading Harry’s warning, the catastrophe that appeared here for various reasons immediately showed a meaningful smile.

“Of course, Mr. Osborn. I think I would be happy to introduce you like this, because maybe one day, you will become a big customer of our company!”

” As long as the quality of your company’s products is good enough, I think I’m happy to provide your company with an order! I just don’t know, does your company have such capabilities?”

Harry doesn’t know the real disaster Meaning, he just took a tit for tat attitude subconsciously. As for his this remark, the catastrophe just explained to himself.

“Of course, I am still very confident in our company’s capabilities. By the way, I forgot to introduce, our company’s main business is charity!”

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