Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1210

Old Osborn did all the preparations. This can be seen by Quake from the equipment on his body.

The armor that looks full of sci-fi colors has a metallic color, and the various weapons hanging on it make people think of the word war weapon at a glance. Associating this weapon of war with the nonsense of the evolution of all mankind he said before, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of ghost idea Osborn is making.

In the final analysis, he is still a bastard who loves power. What opens the door to human evolution is nothing but the most high-sounding fig leaf for what he did to own.

Use the Extremeis restored by him to carry out the so-called evolutionary development of ordinary persons, and then use this modern high-tech weapon to equip them. In this way, an entire army whose combat effectiveness is not under the Mutant clan was created by creating something from nothing.

The past facts have proved that human beings will never let go of such an opportunity. Especially when this opportunity will increase their power unprecedentedly and let them once again have the dominance of the world.

Once Osborn completely perfects the technology of own, then the human government will do whatever it takes to protect him. He will once again hold huge powers, and that will also mean that there is another war between humans and Mutant.

This is not impossible. Old Osborn said very clearly that he must figure out the secrets hidden in Mutant’s genes if he wants to perfect the upgrade development of Extremis. And this secret makes him sure to look for Mutant everywhere to make own research materials. As he is doing now, he kidnapped Mutant everywhere to serve as a guinea pig in oneself’s laboratory.

If this was in the past, it would not be a problem. Because Mutant at that time had no status at all. Not to mention the research departments of various large companies, even the United States Government is doing all kinds of inhumane research on Mutant in a way that violates human rights.

But now, this is fundamentally impossible. Mutant, backed by the city of Glory, is not afraid of any human threats. Especially when the United States Government has reached a series of agreements with Mutant, they can just and honorable, in the name of the law, seek justice from all companies that have caused damage to Mutant in the past.

At this time, if the human government chooses to support Osborn, it is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire on Mutant who has finally calmed down. You know, the previous war was barely calmed because of King Ming’s intervention. If the same stupid war is provoked again because of human greed, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will still stand up to stop it this time.

Quake, who knows all this, does not dare to take this risk. She believes that the bosses behind oneself must have the same idea. So at this time, she had already made up her mind on Osborn like this.

“Norman. Osborn, you can’t escape, obediently surrender!”

“It may not be!” The old Osborn in a suit of armor shook the with a grinning smile head, and then replied to her in a dull and hoarse tone. “Those Mutant brat just said the same to me, but now, where are they?”

“What did you do to them?” Upon hearing this, Quake immediately felt bad. Premonition. And this premonition caused her to question in a loud voice.

“Who knows? Maybe, you can ask them yourself and go to hell!”

Old Osborn made a mocking faint smile, and then it was like lightning , Rushed towards Quake. At this time, his speed was obviously faster than the one he had just arrived. This is because his armor has a very excellent streamline shape, which can reduce the resistance in the air to a limited extent. On the other hand, it is because the armor developed based on biotechnology can enhance the user’s physical ability.

Even if Extremis has already used the old Osborn’s physical potential to the limit, this armor can still be on this level, raising his overall ability one after another to two levels. This is already a very rare data, and such a data also makes the old Osborn’s threat to Quake reach a new height again.

She came over without a reaction, and the old Osborn had already rushed in front of her. Seeing that his head was about to be smashed with a punch by the old Osborn’s Iron Fist, Quake was completely subconsciously and burst out oneself’s greatest energy.

The invisible shock wave erupted in an all-round way of 360 degrees in an instant, and this kind of explosion caused the old Osborn to be knocked out again due to the impact of the strong earthquake, and it also caused The mansion of the Osborn Family was devastated.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Quake simply couldn’t effectively control the power of oneself. And when she can’t control her own power, then the damage she causes simply does not distinguish the enemy from us. So not only old Osborn, but even old steward Hadley and everyone in this mansion were affected by the shock she released.

What will happen to an ordinary person under such a strong shock wave? Just look at the reaction of old steward to get a conclusion.

He was knocked into the air first, and flew to in midair with everything around him. Then, because of the high-frequency vibration, his body tissues were disintegrated in an instant. Muscles and skeletons, blood, and various body tissues were all mixed with the existences that were also turned into powder. Threw it in a fixed direction.

At this time, you can hardly see his presence through your eyes. Because he has been crushed! Everything has been mixed in the wood, masonry, and dust. Even if you want to find some remaining parts, it is fundamentally impossible.

This is the cruelest method of death, and what this method of death proves is the horror of Quake’s power. This is not all, because with the spread of this shock wave, the entire Osborn mansion has fallen into the same fate.

The airflow and impact that were diffused by the shock wave were like the sharpest blades, cutting off the entire house from the base level. Then the impact of 360° No-Dead-Angle smashed everything in the house, as well as the house itself.

Same as the tragic death of old steward before. Everything has been stripped into the finest dust in countless high-frequency oscillations. And this made it seem that a terrifying sandstorm suddenly set off around Quake, madly devouring everything in front of oneself with its wide open own mouth.

Such shocks come and go quickly. After a brief eruption, it was like the end of a firework. All the artificially created dust had already flowed into the sky following the rapid changes in airflow. Of course, the Osborn mansion at this time no longer exists. Everything is gone, whether it is alive or dead, everything has been turned into dust in Quake’s shock waves.

Of course, also an exception. That is the old Osborn, this guy with almost undying ability.

The targeted situation just now failed to kill him, and now such an all-round outbreak is naturally more impossible to do with him. even more how, he also has such a strange armor protecting him.

With the protection of this armor, old Osborn’s damage was much smaller than before. Although his body is still crushed to pieces, compared to the previous situation that took a lot of time to repair, he now only needs a small amount of time to correct it.

Moreover, this armor is more than just a defense.

Feeling the body being reshaped into a perfect state, Osborn stood up while staring own at oneself’s palm wrapped in armor. He can clearly perceive that the basic structure of this armor is undergoing special changes, and it seems to be gradually evolving in a special direction. Although he cannot have a clear understanding of this change because he has no equipment on hand, as a designer, he is very clear about the reasons and consequences of this change.

Different from Stark’s technological Iron Man Armor, the armor on his body was made using a certain kind of bionic technology. It looks like metal, but it’s actually some kind of biological tissue material. The source of this material was handed down during the Cold War, code-named Darwin’s Mutant gene.

strictly speaking, this kind of armor is the same sect as the original sentinel robot. Because they are all imitated on the basis of Darwin. It’s just different from the sentinel robot that only imitates and adapts to Mutant’s ability. The armor he named Green Goblin more developed in the special direction of adapting to the environment.

The reason why he chose this way is because his goal is not just Mutant. Old Osborn had great ambitions, so his goal was all external factors that might cause devastating harm to humans in the future.

Using biotechnology to simulate Darwin’s environmental adaptability, let this armor help users adapt to all extreme harsh environments. Coupled with the powerful ability of Extremis itself, the warrior created in this way is the real War Machine, the real ultimate Destroyer.

Old Osborn has full confidence in the design of own. However, he knew very well that any design should have undergone the test of actual combat. So now facing the battle of Quake, it has become the best experimental opportunity. He does not want to miss such an opportunity, in fact he has no more opportunities to choose.

So immediately, he rushed towards Quake again.

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