Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1211

From beginning to end, the old Osborn was a deadly threat to Quake. Although it was not without any fighting back, Quake knew that as long as the old Osborn touched oneself in the middle, then oneself might be in danger of life.

Although she has a powerful body protection ability, in essence, her physical fitness is far from that of an ordinary human being not at all. Old Osborn could kill those Mutants with a single punch, so it wouldn’t be a problem to kill her.

So, when she watched old Osborn launch a charge on oneself again, she immediately put her hands together, forcibly clustered the shock waves together, aimed at old Osborn and radiated it.

For Quake, only keeping old Osborn away from a safe distance is the only way to defeat him. And until now, she used this method to maintain the contest with old Osborn. In her opinion, this should be just the first two repetitions.

Using the shock waves again and again to eliminate the offensive of the old Osborn, he felt frustration and even despair in this repeated failure and pain, until he completely lost the will to resist. This is the only way Quake thought of to subdue old Osborn. She thought that oneself could do this, but now it seems that things are far less optimistic than she thought.

Although so far, her shock waves can still play a little role on the old Osborn. But as far as she herself observed, the effect of her shock wave on the old Osborn seemed to be gradually weakening. Obviously just now, old Osborn did not have the ability to resist the power of own shock wave. As long as he was hit by the shock wave’s power, he would be knocked out uncontrollably. But now, he can already stabilize own body, making oneself stand still in this kind of shock.

Ultra-high frequency vibration seems to be unable to cause any obvious damage to his body anymore. Quake could feel that it was as if she had encountered some insulator. When her shock wave power was transmitted to the armor on old Osborn’s body, it was already greatly reduced. The remaining power is not enough to have a serious enough impact on the old Osborn’s body now. And the influence of these forces is also continuously weakening.

That armor is weird! Quake is aware of this, but it does not help. After resisting the initial strong shock of the shock wave, Osborn was already step by step approaching Quake.

His state is as if he is advancing against the river, and the huge shock makes him difficult. But this is only a temporary situation, because the armor on his body is adapting to this shocking environment. It is changing its own structure to make its own existence more comfortable in such an environment.

It’s like a land duck fell into the water and was forced to learn to swim without being drowned. The situation of Green Goblin armor is even worse than this. Instead of learning to swim, it directly turns oneself from a dry duck into a fish.

Such changes make Quake’s ability more and more ineffective against him. And seeing the impact and turbulence on own, Infinity is approaching zero. Old Osborn was already grinning and approached Quake with strides.

“Did you see it? This is the power I have! Your little tricks no longer work for me. I have completely adapted to your abilities. No matter how strong your power is, right For me, it’s all in vain. You are dead, Johnson Young Lady!”

When the old Osborn started to speak, Quake was already aware of this. And this kind of understanding can’t make any improvement to her situation, and she is still reduced to the most critical moment in her life. At the next moment, she might be killed by the old Osborn directly on the spot. What she has to do now is just to think about how to make oneself live the next moment.

It’s difficult! There is almost no hope. Quake quickly came to this conclusion in his mind. And this conclusion also made her sink to the bottom directly.

There is nothing more frustrating than going from a hunter to a prey. What worries her even more is that once the old Osborn survives today, then he is likely to convince the human government to get their asylum. That is equivalent to once again sounding the horn of war between humans and Mutant. And if such a thing really happened, then he could not stop his oneself, and he would obviously become a sinner through the ages.

Can’t let him go on! Must catch him! At this time, such a thought became extremely clear in Quake’s heart. This is the most determined thought she has produced in her heart since she discovered all this. It’s just that this idea wants to be implemented and implemented, but it is almost impossible.

Compared to arresting old Osborn, or even executing him. Quake thinks that oneself’s death in his hands is the most likely thing. She was already unable to fight the old Osborn, and the existence of those Mutants had no effect. As for the so-called support, until now they have not even had a shadow, and they can’t even count on it.

Is it going to end like this? Quake had such an unwilling idea in his heart. And this thought came out in a lifetime, as if she had stripped off her whole body strength, making her completely lose the determination and courage to resist.

Failure seems to be a foregone conclusion. In the face of such a situation, all Quake can do now is to close his eyes and accept Death’s coming. Although not reconciled, powerlessness is powerlessness. She had to admit this, so she could only drop her hands, closed her eyes, and chose to give up.

Seeing that Quake, who was the most threatening to oneself, gave up resisting like this, the old Osborn smiled grimly again.

“Finally feel desperate? It’s really rare, I thought you would resist it all the time! But it’s okay, just dying here, better than dying in front of Harry in the future Good. At least, he doesn’t know your ugly face at this time. Maybe with his weak character, he might shed two tears for you!”

Old Osborn’s The words gave Quake a needle-like pain in her heart, and she subconsciously wanted to say something. But in the end he held back his breath and chose silence.

In this matter, in Harry’s question, she was wrong. She knew this very well in her heart, so from what she decided to do, she had already planned to make up for Harry. But now it seems that all this is no longer needed. She would die here, and that meant she could no longer compensate Harry for anything.

And if you think so, maybe this is a good thing. At the very least, she didn’t have to face Harry’s disappointed or even hateful eyes, and with good luck, maybe Harry would really cry for her.

It is a woman’s luck to make a man cry for oneself. If you can find such a lucky piece, then the owner will be satisfied in his life. It’s just a pity, oneself may not see that moment.

After closing his eyes, Quake’s mind began to uncontrollably give birth to such thoughts. Her thoughts are numerous, but this does not prevent her from feeling the outside world. She could hear the heavy footsteps of old Osborn thinking of oneself approaching step by step, and the whistling wind when he raised his fist.

Is it over? Quake, who seemed to have seen the ending, sighed in his heart, ready to welcome the arrival of this last moment, but at this time, a sudden noise came from her ears.

It was a hurried howl, followed by a heavy impact and the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed. There are also some deliberate weird calls and strange Bing electronic sounds. Everything is mixed together, making the scene seem very chaotic.

Is this the sound of going to hell? Quake thought uncertainly. But soon, she heard old Osborn’s angry growl.

“Peter Parker, why are you here!”

Hearing this name, Quake naturally knew that own rescue had arrived. This made her open her eyes with some surprise, and then she saw a Spider-Man in a red and blue uniform, and a guy with a pair of knives in his hands and wearing a red tight uniform.

These two guys are confronting old Osborn one after the other, and it seems that they have a lot of scruples about them. Old Osborn not at all uses violence against them as before. s method. He chose to question, and what he questioned was the little spider who knew his identity very well.

It’s just that he recognized the little spider, but the little spider didn’t recognize him. Facing such a guy wearing dark green armor, he was very dangerous at first sight. The little spider just bowed his body vigilantly, and then asked curiously.

“Do we know? Greenskins? I think this should be our first meeting. No, I’m pretty sure, this is definitely our first meeting. Your disgusting color It’s so impressive. If we meet, I’ll definitely remember you. I promise!”

“He won’t be your creditor. I never remember me. Who is his creditor? So every time someone comes to me for a debt, I habitually put a gun on his forehead. Because I always feel that they are here to cheat!”

The Deadpool partner with Little Spider for a while, talked inconspicuously. When he heard what he said, the little spider immediately turned his head and said to him righteously.

“Hey, Buddy. I’m not the same as you. I can have three thousand USD a month! I also have a surplus of money doing financial investment. My financial situation is very good, so I Impossible, any creditor!”

“Damn, you Stinking Insect!” It’s okay for the little spider not to say this. As soon as he said this, Deadpool changed his face and the knife in his hand Pointed to him. “You obviously have money, why did you tell me when I asked you to borrow money last time? You traitor, you hurt my pure heart!”

“Hey, I didn’t lend you Is the money? Are you talking about what the hell?”

“Is there? Are you sure?”

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