Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1219

Old Osborn didn’t mind letting Harry know the truth. Because for him, oneself is probably already time is limited. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether oneself will be resented or cursed after death. It doesn’t matter if this person is the own son.

He doesn’t mind letting his son know that oneself is a villain who has killed countless lives, nor does he mind letting him know what oneself is trying to cause to this World. Now that he did, he didn’t care about letting anyone know. And compared to own things, let Harry know those things about Quake are more important things.

In his eyes, Harry is just a stupid son. He will be deceived by the cunning woman of Quake for the first time, and he will definitely be deceived by him a second time. If he can’t recognize the true face of this cunning woman, then the rest of his life will just be at the mercy of this woman.

So, even if it is to pay so much to let him know what kind of person oneself is, he is still willing to tell him the truth.

It’s just that, just as he wanted to speak, things have changed. Because at this time, a dim-blue chain had suddenly passed through the broken window and was directly tied to Old Osborn’s body.

Old Osborn didn’t even have the strength to resist, so he was directly dragged out by this chain. And watching everything that happened suddenly, Harry immediately turned pale with fright, quickly took the action gun, and chased him in the direction where the oneself father was dragged out.

He was impossible to see that his own father encountered an accident in front of own, so no matter what would appear in front of own, he couldn’t stop him from moving forward. However, when he saw what had tied his own father in front of the owner, he still turned pale with fright to the point where he could barely control oneself’s body.

At this time, Harry thought that oneself had seen death. Because what appeared in front of him was the little spider that had completely turned into a skeleton and was wrapped in the deep blue hell fire.

The deep blue flames are burning like a cold wind blowing from a freezing glacier, which makes people instantly feel frozen and shuddering. Among them, the impossible skull with any expression can make people feel the deepest fear in their hearts.

Even if Harry had made up his mind to face it bravely no matter what he was facing, at this time, he still stood in his own footsteps in fear because of instinct. Seeing his appearance, the little spider who had already used oneself’s chain to grab old Osborn was taken aback for a moment, then quietly turned his head, and stuck old Osborn’s neck with his hand with only joints and flames. He mentioned it.

“Norman. Osborn, the time to judge you has come, it is time for you to repent!”

“Repent? I have nothing to confess. I did. What I want to do, I am striving for what I should have. I have done all this with my own ability, why should I repent!”

Unrepentant repentance is the old Osborn’s reply. The little spider, who has already had a certain predictive reply, not at all, continue to persuade something. He just lifted it with his hand, stuck his neck to death, and then directly carried him to the owner’s eyes.

“Look into my eyes, sinner!”

The little spider who has made consciousness about everything also cannot allow the unrepentant old Osborn to continue to survive. As a Superhero, he has already understood this truth after experiencing countless tests. That is the indulgence of evil, the persecution of the good and the innocent. And what the old Osborn did was undoubtedly evil. He can’t just ignore him for oneself personal reasons, he must shoulder the responsibility of oneself Superhero. So, even if you can’t bear it, even if you don’t want to. He must also give him the fairest trial, even if the trial is in front of a oneself friend.

Eye of the Judgement has already been launched outrageously. This ability to see people in the depth of one’s soul’s sin and make their own sin worsen and burn their souls into hellfire is definitely a very effective ability for villains like old Osborn. Even if he keeps talking about winner is the king, loser is the villain to own, even if he always thinks that oneself is not at all wrong. But sin is sin after all. Under the counterattack of the fire of sin, his personal wishes and thoughts can’t influence much at all.

Almost immediately, under the poison of this hellfire, he was already wailing in pain. The blue flames gushing from the facial features made his entire face become hideous and terrifying, and what is more terrifying is that his whole person seems to have been burned dry, in this cruel burning The little by little land became withered.

In the end, what he will become will depend on the sin on him. Ordinary villains will only be burned to dry every drop of blood on oneself, turning into charcoal. What’s more serious is that it was completely burned to ashes, and even the soul became part of the fire of hell. Little Spider wasn’t sure what kind of result the guilt on Old Osborn would give him. But he knew very well that no matter which result it was, it would be fatal to old Osborn.

There is no doubt that if this continues, he will really fall into hell in this suffering. And just when the little spider was conducting this kind of trial, planning to bring that result to old Osborn. An unexpected gunshot suddenly sounded in his ears.

Harry has recovered, and his first reaction when he came back to his senses was to aim at this little spider and pull the trigger frantically.

As a son, he is naturally impossible and indifferent to the torture of his own father in front of oneself. So even if he had fear in his heart, he could only restrain this fear and launch an attack on the little spider without hesitation.

This attitude is obviously worthy of recognition. It was a pity that the result was not as perfect as he had imagined. The role of guns has been weakened to almost nothing in front of this little spider. In the face of such an attack, the little spider didn’t even bother to dodge, and simply let the bullets shoot on the owner.

Some bullets shot into his body, hit and deformed on the bone that was definitely harder than steel, and then fell feebly. And also’s directly touched those terrifying blue flames, in the burning of this flame, it directly vaporized into a mist of mist.

Harry’s actions can’t stop the behavior of the little spider at all. And he soon realized this, so immediately, he just rushed to the little spider desperately. He had to find a way to stop what was happening in front of him, so he knew that the monster in front of him and the flame on his body represented absolute danger, so he still made such a move.

Faced with his movement, the little spider just shook his own arm casually, making the chain entangled on his arm look like it was alive, and shuaa rushed towards him.

This was something Harry didn’t expect, so he didn’t have time to react at all. And even if he reacted, he was basically impossible to avoid such an attack.

In just an instant, he was already wrapped tightly in chains like a snake. This made him no longer able to move on, and he could only start struggling desperately. And this kind of struggle is nothing more than a meaningless struggle, because just a wave of the hand, the little spider has already thrown this friend into the corner far away, so that he can no longer cause any influence on oneself.

Harry can only watch, watching his own father withering in front of the owner so little by little, until he becomes a scorched statue-like existence.

Such a sight almost completely defeated his sanity, and made him scream and scream like crazy.

“No, no, no! Let go of him, you can’t do this. Damn bastard, you can’t kill him like this!”

“It’s too late, Harry Osbourne. He is dead!”

Let go of his hand and let the old Osborn, who is like coke, fall hard to the ground. Little Spider looked at Harry tearfully, and said to him in an almost calm tone.

When he heard this remark, Harry felt as if he had been emptied of his soul, and he hadn’t come back to his senses for a long time. For him, although his own father has always been a cold and indifferent role. But he is always the own father, an existence connected with oneself bloodline. Father and son’s nature is an indelible feeling. Even if the old Osborn treated him like that, he still had the most sincere love for the old Osborn.

He once imagined that oneself will one day talk and laugh like a normal father and son with old Osborn. He thought about letting old Osborn watch oneself walk into the palace of marriage; thought about letting him watch oneself’s first grandson come into the world; thought about taking his wife and children and let him leave this world safely with a smile. He thought about that many, but never thought that he would disappear from the eyes of the owner in this way, completely disappearing on this World.

The huge disappointment and pain almost wiped out his whole person’s will, and destroyed all his reason. He seemed to have lost his soul, and his whole person became like a walking corpse.

This situation makes people sad, and as his only friend, Little Spider really wants to comfort him, no matter what to say or do, as long as it can cheer him up. . However, he dared not do this. Because his current identity is Spider-Man, his father-killer enemy.

The embarrassing identity made him not even have the courage to expose his own. He could only grit his teeth and make such a sound to him after hesitating.

“Norman Osborn deserves it. He has done a lot of things and must be responsible for these things. Harry Osbourne, I don’t want to see you repeat the same mistakes as your father. So, you better be rational .”

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