Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1220

“Be sensible? You killed my father in front of me, and then told me to be sensible?”

The warning was even more in the face of the little spider More than persuasive words, Harry was obviously extremely angry. So immediately, he yelled at the little spider like this regardless of the consequences.

“I think the crazy person is you, you murderer. I swear, unless you kill me now. Otherwise, one day, I will let you pay for what oneself did today It’s a price. I swear!”

“You simply don’t know what your father did, Harry Osbourne. Do you think he died innocent? No, he was not innocent at all. On the contrary. , The guys who died tragically in his hands are the real innocents. If you want me to get revenge for this, then those people who were killed by your father will find revenge!”

“You lie! I am father impossible to do the things you said, you are lying to me, you are liberating from your own crimes! Do you think that I will forgive you when you say this? No, I said it, no matter what In such a situation, I must make you pay, not for anything else, just for you to kill my father.”

Bite his own teeth, Harry’s scream was hoarse and painful. He is very eager to do something now, but he is clearly bound to be unable to do anything. So he could only do this howl, tearing his own vocal cords, letting his teeth embedded in the flesh and blood of his lips and tongue. Let the blood flow, let the pain worsen. Because only by doing this can he feel a little better, and only by doing this can he vent the deepest sadness and anger in his heart.

This is very helpless, and very sad. And looking at his sad and helpless appearance, the little spider, as a friend, was absolutely uncomfortable in his heart. In any case, he is the culprit responsible for all this. Even if there are more reasons to get ahead, it is impossible to change the fact that he killed Harry father.

From this day on, the relationship between them has been impossible or like the original one. He has become Harry’s father-killer enemy, and once Harry has completely figured out his identity, then all that lies between them are ruptures and differences, and unending cruel situations.

This is an almost inevitable result. Although Little Spider does not want this result to happen, as a Superhero who adheres to the oneself principle, he does not regret the choice of owning. If he did it again, he was sure that oneself would still do it. It’s just that I’m so sorry to Harry.

With a sigh in his heart, the little spider is already approaching Harry who is unable to move even a little bit step by step. What he wants to do is unknown. But watching him approaching like this, Harry felt a kind of fear in the heart.

For the first time, he felt that Death was so close, and this is the first time, because of the emotions accumulated in oneself, he quickly forgot the existence of fear. Even if he knew that oneself’s next words might irritate the guy in front of him, and provoke a killing disaster to oneself, he would still yell at him resolutely.

“Why, do you want to kill me? Come on, kill me, kill me like you killed my father. If you don’t kill me today, I must kill you one day. No matter who you are, no matter how powerful you are, I will definitely do it. Even if by fair means or foul, exhaust my life’s power, I will do it all. Come on, kill me !”

He obviously has lost his mind, otherwise he is impossible to say such crazy words. Although Little Spider was aware of this, he didn’t at all try to persuade Harry something. Because he knew that no amount of words could be effective at this time. He wanted Harry to regain his senses and give up this dangerous idea. Only to wake him up, let him see the huge gap between him and oneself. Then use this huge gap to tell him how ridiculous and unrealistic his declaration is. As a result, he completely gave up such a dangerous idea.

This is not the best way, but it is the only way he can choose right now. So he stopped hesitating, just stepped forward and grabbed Harry by the neck, then lifted him up.

“Do you want me to kill you? No, I won’t do it. Because my duty is to judge the sins of the world. But if you want to try what your father tried , Then I will perfect you. Look into my eyes and look straight into hell. Let me tell you what the evil life will end up with!”

The words of the little spider at this Time is full of deceptive power, so even if Harry knew that looking directly into his eyes would not end in any good, he still involuntarily aimed own eyes at his flame-burning eye sockets. Then he saw hell.

The raging flame almost covered everything in front of oneself. Everything was being burned, and everything was struggling and wailing in the flame. It seems that apart from ruins and ashes, there is only flame. And in the flames, Harry saw the existence of countless souls.

Souls who have completely lost their minds can only be placed in the fire of hell because of sin and used as fuelwood, souls burned by Eternity. In Harry’s eyes, their faces were distorted and described as haggard. It seems that they are suffering from huge torture and endless pain, and this also makes them wailing one’s hair stand on end one by one.

The sound of burning flames can’t hide this tragic howl. And this kind of sound can really be called a magic sound. Just hearing it, there is a kind of pain that the brain will be torn apart, the deeper it goes, the more a kind of unspeakable confusion and anxiety spreads in the heart.

Harry couldn’t bear the feeling, he started screaming subconsciously. It’s just that this screaming can’t vent the negative emotions accumulated in his heart, but it makes the negative emotions in his heart become more and more intense. If this continues, maybe soon, his brain will be burnt to a paste, and his whole person will become crazy because of looking directly at things that humans cannot.

Of course, the little spider can’t let this happen, so he is ready to stop oneself’s hand movement. And just when he was about to do so, a special existence awakened Harry before him.

“Wake up, Harry. Don’t be dominated by this negative emotion, you need to control oneself.”

“Father?” When you hear this voice, just It was as if a basin of cold water was pouring head on. Harry’s brain, which had already seen too much confusion and became a little crazy, immediately cleared, and then slowly recovered. He saw clearly the existence that appeared in front of oneself’s eyes, and after seeing all this, he immediately couldn’t help but shed tears.

It was his father who appeared in front of him, the old Osborn who had just died in front of him. A person Harry thought he would never see again, a person who was basically impossible to appear. When he appeared in front of own at this special time, Harry really thought it was oneself who had an illusion. But even so, he couldn’t help crying.

“Father, I thought I would never see you again. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I couldn’t stop all that, I can’t even avenge you. I’m really useless, It’s just a waste. I’m sorry, father!”

“Harry, it’s not to blame you. This is not what you are going to do now.”

Appears in the flames of dim-blue The face of old Osborn who came out of oneself was anxious, he said to his son.

“Remember those things I told you? You have to live well. Only if you live can our family continue in this world. So don’t do those stupid things. Live , More important than anything.”

“But father, I want to avenge you! How could I watch that bastard who killed you and continue to live in this world.”

Harry was unwilling to accept this kind of advice from old Osborn. In essence, he is just as stubborn as his father. Looking at his performance, the old Osborn, who had only his soul left, said to him hastily.

“Be rational, Harry. Don’t do anything stupid for me. I have got the Penalty I deserve, and I don’t want you to follow my mistakes. This is wrong, you have already I see it. I don’t want you to fall to the same level as me. Even if I beg you, promise me, Harry. Don’t do this, I don’t need you to do it. I just want you to live, live!”

“father, father!” Harry obviously wanted to say something, but at this time the old Osborn had been swallowed by the flames of dim-blue once again in the distortion of his face. This made Harry only utter an urgent call, of course, such a call didn’t help.

Old Osborn was completely submerged in the fire of hell, and the meeting just now was probably the last time they met. This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise, or it can be said to be a deeper sadness. But no matter which one it was, it made Harry’s hatred of the little spider even deeper.

The more you witness the terrifying of hell, the more you understand how tortured your own father in hell. As his son, he is impossible to be indifferent to all this. And he, who can’t change all of this at all, can only use revenge and hate to seek justice for his own father.

This is the determination he himself made, and outsiders don’t know it. After watching this conversation between father and son, Little Spider stopped owning. He was still stuck in Harry’s neck, and gave him the final warning.

“Listen, Harry Osbourne. There is no sin in your body, so you can safely return to this World. This is a warning to you! If one day, your hands are stained Bloody, just like your father. Then everything you see today will be your end tomorrow. So, remember my warning, don’t overstep this thunder pool!”

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