Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1221

Will Harry remember his warning? Little Spider really has no idea at all. Because Harry simply didn’t give him any answer, he just stared at him with hatred eyes.

And if you look at it for a long time, it will naturally make people feel psychological pressure. Although Little Spider is a Superhero, this does not mean that he can withstand this psychological pressure, especially when such eyes are from oneself’s best friend.

He didn’t dare to stay for a long time, but dropped Harry directly, jumping from the height of these dozens of stories. And with the sound of a low engine roar, he was already in a burst of dim-blue fire, quietly disappearing into this quiet night.

The disappearance of the little spider will not reduce Harry’s hatred in any way. On the contrary, this made the hatred in his heart become more intense. This kind of hatred was born not only because Little Spider, the father-killing enemy, just and honorable left in front of oneself, but also because of his powerless hatred and shame on owner.

If oneself has power, if oneself can be as powerful as those Superhero. How could this happen!

The more he thinks about it, the more he hates you, the emotions in Harry’s heart soon overflowed again, and this time not at all people let him vent in front of him, and no one can stand up and enlighten he. He could only pant violently, and forced oneself into violent veins, his face flushed, and his whole expression became hideous and terrifying.

People can drive oneself crazy. Harry did this, although he didn’t drive oneself crazy. But it forced out another look of own.

His body became red, like a prawn that was cooked. And this does not seem to be the ultimate he can perform. Because the color on his body continued to intensify, until he almost gave birth to light.

Light represents heat, and heat represents surging energy. It was hard for Harry to imagine how his own body had changed right now. The only thing he can be sure of is that oneself seems to be burning.

From the inside to the outside, his blood and brain almost boiled. He began to struggle desperately, trying to break free from the chains that bound his own. This is almost absolutely impossible in the past, but now, all of this is not impossible.

The heat on his body is high enough to melt steel. If these chains are still being buffed by the power of Ghost Rider of the little spider, then it is impossible to get rid of it even if Harry works hard. But now the power of the little spider is not among them, this is just the most common iron chain. And such a layer of iron chain, now simply can’t stop him.

The hot body temperature with no difficulty melted the steel. The billowing molten iron melted and dripped on his body, dissolving the clothes on his body, but it did not have any effect on his body itself.

There is no doubt that his body is undergoing changes, and this change is also making him separate from the identity of an ordinary person. Just like his father, he is already extraordinary.

This is not an impossible thing, because at the beginning, those who received the injection of Extremis, besides his father, also existed. It’s just that the old Osborn added him not at all in the follow-up research and development, which makes him look different from ordinary people not at all. But in fact, the seeds of evolution have already been planted in his body, and he just needs to wait for a special opportunity to let this seed germinate.

At the most critical moment, the old Osborn gave him this opportunity. Let the door of evolution in his body get the key it needs. And when Harry pushed the door under intense emotional stimulation, the power brought about by human evolution naturally appeared in his body.

Strong body, terrifying heat, and almost undying ability. Everything is exactly the same as that of his father, even more perfect than his father’s. Because what the old Osborn gained was Extremis’ power, his development of Mutant’s gene not at all added to own. And what he got was all the hard work of old Osborn.

This can be regarded as the last gift Osborn gave to oneself child. But Harry at this time was obviously a little blessed. Because now he is about to lose his own consciousness.

The development of Extremis started from the human brain, and because of Harry’s emotional fluctuations before, this development of the brain obviously also showed an overactive response. The brain is such a fragile part, so naturally it is somewhat unbearable to withstand this kind of excessive reaction. For self-protection, it quickly forced oneself into an unconscious state of shock.

It can be said that Harry at this time has completely lost his reaction ability to the outside world. Under such circumstances, he was already caught in the flames.

Extremis gave him a terrifying high-temperature physique, and this physique made the fragile furniture all over him burn. At first it was just a carpet, then it spread to the entire living room, and later it burned his entire apartment.

The raging flame spread extremely quickly, and soon everything was surrounded by the tossing fire sea. And all of this naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

If the bang just now was not enough to attract the attention of the entire city, now this flame that almost burns the floors through has such an ability.

The dazzling fire and the deep disgust drew countless people’s exclamations and shouts. Many people had already subconsciously dialed the call to the police. Want to stop the spread of the fire before it reaches more people. At the same time, the residents who lived in the same building with Harry apparently realized what had happened.

These people who are rich and noble dare not use their own lives to crack a joke. So immediately, he immediately fled downstairs in a panic. And this also made the people who were crowded together because of the fire become more and more confused.

Quake is in the middle of these chaotic crowds. She followed the trail of old Osborn. As an existence closely related to Harry, she naturally knew which floor Harry lived in. But at the moment, counting silently in her heart, she put her eyes on the floor where the flames roared.

She is not sure if Harry will be there, but now she has the worst premonition in her heart. You know, old Osborn has a high chance of fleeing to find him. And the person who is hunting him is more than oneself. Once someone else finds old Osborn first, and causes some fighting, then it’s hard to say whether Harry will be involved.

Although there are reasons to believe that Harry is not at all implicated in it, Quake does not dare to gamble on this probability. So immediately, she rushed to the top of the building against the crowd.

“Wait, what are you doing? It’s dangerous in there!”

Some kind people warned her like this, but it didn’t stop her determination to move on. With the help of her own ability, she quickly rushed up against the crowd and completely disappeared from the sight of these people. In this regard, many people can only sigh helplessly.

“It’s crazy, why does such a beautiful girl want to go to death so much?”

For others, this is a death-seeking behavior. But for Quake, the situation may not be so bad. After all, the fire has not completely spread, so the entire building is still safe. And just facing the flame, then her shock wave ability is enough for her to protect oneself from any harm.

Of course, this is only temporary. Once it goes too deep, or the fire suddenly intensifies. So whether it is the floor that may be smashed down at any time or the thinner air, it may take her life.

She is in it after all, so even with such a powerful ability, she cannot be protected. Because she is just an ordinary person in essence, she has various weaknesses, and these weaknesses may take her life at any time. She is not invincible, nor undying. It is precisely because of this that it becomes even more commendable that her behavior is.

Not anyone can have this consciousness to take risks for another person. Especially when there is such kind of grievances between them. If you change someone and have experienced such things, maybe at this time you have chosen to let go, and then cry hypocritically.

But Quake is not such a person, she made such a decision, and she absolutely does not regret the decision made by oneself. She wanted to rescue Harry and let Harry live well in this World. And now, after putting in such awareness and great effort, she finally appeared in front of Harry.

It is impossible to describe Quake’s feelings at the moment with just one sentence of surprise. As if she had to say something, now she is more unbelievable and a kind of unspeakable panic.

She saw what Harry looked like now, and this look gave her a lot of terrifying ideas in her heart. Old Osborn said that Harry was ignorant of all of this, and she couldn’t be sure whether all of this was true. Because if it is true, then why does Harry have such an ability? She didn’t dare to think about it, and even said she didn’t have the courage to go into it all now.

What is the truth? Quake’s brain hesitated because of such a thought. She doesn’t know what oneself should do now. And just as she was hesitating like this, an electronic sound suddenly rang in her ears.

“Young Lady, please come with us. We are an omnic under the name of the Los Angeles Fire Department. We will protect you and this gentleman from here safely!”

This The sound awakened her, and she also noticed Harry’s changes at this time. He is already normal, as if everything is over. But Quake knows that the matter is far from over.

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