Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1222

Harry woke up from a nightmare. When he saw the surrounding environment of oneself clearly, he was surprised to find that oneself was actually in the hospital.

The white ceiling, the quiet environment where he can hear clearly even his breathing, and also the continuously dī dī instruments that sounded, all made him extremely uncomfortable. And just when he was about to struggle off the bed and escape from such a damn environment, a faint voice suddenly rang in his ears.

“Have you had a nightmare? What did you dream of?”

Harry not at all thought that also was in the same room with oneself, and when he turned his head When he was stunned, he found that Quake was holding the tray, standing in the direction of the room exit.

Harry, who didn’t know all this was related to Quake, thought that Quake was just the Quake she knew. He didn’t want to involve Quake in, so he just forced a smile and said to her.

“It’s nothing, I just dreamed of something oneself absolutely impossible to forget. Why are you here? Also, how am I in the hospital. I remember I should be at home.”

“There was a fire, Harry. I wanted to save you, but I was trapped in the fire with you. But thankfully, the omnic saved us. From this point of view, our luck It’s not bad. At least we can all survive. And thanks to you, I can also enjoy the treatment of a luxurious ward. In general, I have earned it.”

Quake While narrating plainly about oneself’s omission, Quake fixed his eyes on Harry’s body. Her gaze was full of inquisitive meaning, and this look that seemed to strip him naked was really unaccustomed to Harry. So immediately, he asked.

“What are you doing looking at me like this? I always feel a little weird.”

“I was thinking, do you mind if I ask about the fire. Incident investigation Say that the cause of the fire is in your living room. Can you tell me what happened there?”

Quake said very bluntly about owner’s request, but Harry was slow to face her request. Slowly his own face sank. He thought of everything that happened in front of oneself, and this immediately caused his emotions to fluctuate violently.

Pain, sorrow, and also helpless despair, negative emotions impacted his feelings like a tide, causing his brain to fall into a very special state. And in this state, some magical things happened.

Like an invisible sledgehammer hitting everything desperately, everything around Harry was hit hard by terrifying within an instant. The bed was smashed and the equipment was smashed into pieces. Even the various facilities that the hospital provided for these special guests to relax and relax, suffered the fate of destruction in an instant.

This was something that was completely beyond the expectations of the two people, and it was certain that the culprit of all this was not own Quake, and this question was raised to Harry almost immediately.

“My God, what the hell did you do?”

“This is not what I did, how could I do such a thing!” Harry was asked this It made his mind a little dazed, he almost subconsciously denied that this matter had anything to do with own. But the changes that happened to him made his excuse not persuasive at all.

I don’t know since when Harry’s hand has a bright flame. The flame seemed to be derived from his body, and with the movement of his palm, the flame also changed in shape. It’s as obedient and harmless as a docile cat.

Of course, this gentleness is only for Harry. Don’t look at this dazzling flame even a single hair on his body can’t be burned. However, any foreign object touched by it, whether it is a medical suit or steel, is almost vaporized into unrecognizable smoke in an instant. It is conceivable how terrifying such a fire would be if it touched the human body. So almost immediately, Quake pulled him a safe enough distance.

“You still said that this was not what you did. Look at what you are holding. Do you think what you just said is convincing?”

After the distance, Quake questioned Harry immediately. Faced with this kind of questioning, Harry naturally didn’t have enough confidence to deny that all this was related to own. It’s just that he doesn’t know the reason for this, so he can only defend Quake innocently.

“I really don’t know what’s going on! I swear, I don’t know anything about it. If I knew it, I wouldn’t be what I am now!”


“Are you sure you are not lying to me?”

Quake is still suspicious, after all, there are really big doubts in it. How did Harry’s ability come from? Whether Harry and the old Osborn conspired had anything to do with it, all of which were still unsolved mysteries. Before all this was unraveled, Quake was not sure whether oneself could believe what Harry said.

Reason tells her not to believe him, but by following the deep in one’s heart voice, she is more willing to believe what he said. So she can only issue such uncertain questions. And what she got was Harry resolute and decisive’s answer.

“Of course, I am sure I did not lie to you. In fact, I will not lie to anyone, especially you, absolutely not!”

“Well, just I believe you tentatively this time. But, can you put the things in your hands away. With that thing, I don’t dare to approach you casually. And I’m sure that if you do this, wait so Yours will never be a friendly greeting.”

After receiving Quake’s reply, Harry’s face immediately showed a sighed in relief expression. But soon, his expression became awkward again. Because he didn’t know how to reduce this ability, especially after the flame in his hand suddenly rose up, this situation became even more embarrassing.

“Can you give me some suggestions? I don’t know how to control this thing. Although I can feel a certain connection between me and it, I really don’t know how to control it. !”

“Can’t control it? Then you ask me what’s the use, and I won’t control this thing! However, you should try to give instructions to it or something. Like Just like computer instructions, clarify the idea of ​​own, form the most concrete thing, and then send it to the parts that are connected to you. This should have an effect!”

Quake wrote the own language, Tell Harry about oneself’s original experience of controlling shock waves in a more understandable way. Regarding such empirical talk, Harry immediately followed the law.

I have to say that this is really a very effective approach. Because soon, Harry controlled the flames in oneself’s hand, making them gradually extinguished. And just when he was about to approach Quake and express his gratitude to him with a warm hug. Quake shook the head, and distanced him again.

“Are you sure you have no problem now? I don’t want to cause me to receive any unwarranted disasters because of your mistakes. It was already bad luck enough, I don’t want to become more bad luck. !”

Such a statement is really embarrassing, but Harry knew that Quake was talking about something. So he could only laughed awkwardly, and then closed his eyes and felt the changes in oneself within the body. It wasn’t until a long time later that he opened his eyes and said to her with some uncertainty.

“I think there should be no problem now, so should it.”

“Yes, this is not a good answer. You better be careful, this is Hospital, if something happens to you, even if you are Lord Crown Prince of Osborn, no one can save you!” Rolled the eyes, Quake continued. “In addition, according to the current situation. The cause of the fire should also be you. I didn’t expect that you would become like this. What happened to you?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t!” Shook the head feebly, and Harry looked towards his own hands. The clean and tidy hands looked as if they were brand new, and facing such a pair of hands, Harry couldn’t help but think of what the oneself father had put his own.

The cube, the existence integrated into oneself’s body, maybe this is the cause of everything.

Harry, who feels that oneself has found the cause, told Quake about this. He was just silent, and then as if he had made up his mind, he suddenly walked out of the ward. past.

This sudden act as it should be by rights caused Quake’s surprise. She quickly stopped him, and then asked him strangely.

“What do you want to do? Now is not the time when you can leave the hospital.”

“I want to go home, I have to figure out some things!”

At this time, Harry’s will was very firm, and simply did not waver because it was Quake who stopped him. Looking at his attitude, Quake hesitated, but said to him.

“But Harry, your home is gone!”

“I know, I’m not talking about that apartment. I’m talking about my father’s residence. There must be some Things I don’t know, I must figure this out!” Harry said firmly, but after listening to his this remark, Quake’s eyes were Blink. She stared at Harry, took a deep breath after a long time, and then said solemnly to him.

“I’m talking about your home. It’s gone. It seems to be the cause of some terrorist attack. Everything has been destroyed and clean. Although there are no casualties. It’s concrete proof, but the result may not be optimistic. I think you should be psychologically prepared.”

“I see!” Harry’s expression was more calm than Quake imagined. Facing such a bad news, he just froze for a few seconds, and then returned to his previous firm appearance. “Anyway, I still want to go and see. There should be something waiting for me!”

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