Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1233

What the guard said gave Tony a bad feeling in his heart. Because he felt that it was probably not some alarmist news. It is something that really appears in reality.

He knows that oneself does not care enough about oneself’s wife. This damn job consumes too much energy for him, and it is really difficult for him to find time to care about the episodes in oneself’s wife’s daily life. It is not strange that some strange things happen in places that oneself ignores.

Because he knows exactly what happened to oneself’s wife. What kind of identity the baby who was born through Ultron’s technology implantation should be, he still can’t make a statement. Because he obviously can’t be regarded as a normal human anymore. As for the fact that he is a machine, Tony, as the father, can’t do this cruelty anyway. He can only hope that he can move a little closer to the ordinary person category. From the current situation, it seems that everything oneself expects is not at all possible.

He is too special, so special that even if he has not yet been born, he has already begun to show that own is extraordinary. Tony has every reason to believe that the haunted incident that the guard said was caused by his child. And why he did that, Tony didn’t know the specific reason yet. But it is already possible to get a general conclusion.

He is already an impatient and wants to understand the world where oneself is about to be born. This is the reason Tony can think of, and only for this reason can this special little life create that many natural phenomenon at this time.

This looks very beautiful, every father is always excited and joyful because of his inexplicable throbbing when oneself child is born. Tony is no exception. But in addition to this excitement and joy, he was more worried and doubtful.

He remembered the question that oneself had thought about before. Is the child born like this still an own child? This question turned around in his mind and was immediately forcibly suppressed by him. He knows very well that this is an own child anyway. It is the crystallization of oneself and Maria. However, his inhuman identity couldn’t make him feel the complete joy of becoming a father.

In this regard, he is hesitant and painful. Hesitate before identity and feelings, the pain lies above the inability of own. Such a complicated mood made him step involuntarily and came to the door of oneself’s wife. And when he looked through the gap in the door and saw that oneself’s wife hummed and folded her little clothes like every mother who was expecting a little life to come, his heart suddenly became more struggling.

He didn’t want to destroy oneself’s wife’s dream, nor did he want oneself to lose the possibility of being a father. However, if this child is really born, will it be correct? Is it really appropriate for this child or for the entire human race?

Tony is not sure. At this time, he is not a Superhero, nor is he the courageous and courageous Tony Stark. At this time, he was just a helpless father, a president who wanted to do his responsibilities but was restrained. He is also a flesh and blood mortal, so at the end of this last, he still chose to escape, a shameful but very useful escape.

Secretly covering oneself’s wife’s room door, Tony strode towards his research room without stopping at all. When he came to this completely private space, he naturally had no need to be an invisible person. After revealing his figure, the huge instrument in front of him immediately began to function as if it were alive.

The light and shadow gathered in front of his eyes into a figure that was seven to eight points similar to him, but with a bald head and a thinner figure. The figure smiled at Tony the moment he saw Tony, and then greeted him like this.

“Good afternoon, father. I didn’t expect that you would have time to come and see me!”

“I have something to look for you, Ultron!” For the name oneself Partners, Tony not at all, what special feelings are attached to. So his tone to Ultron is very plain, plain like a stranger.

Ultron doesn’t mind his attitude. He knew that it was not easy for two people to get along with each other in this special way and stand on the same front. So there is really no need for him to force something.

“If I can, I will be happy to serve you, father!”

“Look at this!” After receiving a positive answer, Tony put the Harry’s blood The container was placed in front of Ultron. “This is the Extremis sample left by Norman Osborn. He has created a more perfect finished product and has injected it into the body of oneself son. Although unfortunately we cannot get the corresponding information, but I think If you reverse-crack this sample, you should be able to develop the perfect version of Extremis.”

“I think I should be able to do it.” Ultron answered like this. He was operating the robotic arm and wanted to put the sample into the owner’s palm, but before he touched the sample, Tony had already put it back quickly.

“I need a guarantee, Ultron. This thing is given to you, which represents my absolute trust in you. You must be worthy of my trust, so I need your guarantee !”

“What guarantee?” Ultron in the light and shadow trembled his eyebrows in surprise, and his face was appropriately confused. This made him look very lifelike, and it also made Tony’s worries deeper and deeper.

Ultron is becoming more and more human. Even if he does not know the true identity of Ultron, it may be difficult to tell whether he is a human or an intelligent life. Perhaps for him as a creator, this is a good thing. But for him as a ruler and Superhero, this is not necessarily a good thing.

He created a life with his own hands, and this life is likely to give birth to a race. Perhaps now, they are still serving humanity. But how many years later, will they still serve humanity? Tony really doubted this. Nothing else, just because he is human.

But this is after all just a worry about the future. But now there is really no need to think too much about these issues. So soon, he put aside the special thoughts of oneself and buried them deeply in the heart of own. Then, with a stern face, with a solemn expression, he said to Ultron.

“I need you to assure me that once you restore Extremis, you can only hand it over to me. I am very useful to it! You should know my current responsibilities. On the road to rejuvenating my country, the role of Extremis is irreplaceable. So you must ensure that only I can get it.”

“Father, is your idea too selfish!”


Although Tony made such a request. But Ultron did not at all immediately accept his request. As an intelligent life, he has his own thinking and judgment. In his judgment, Tony’s request was obviously inappropriate. So immediately, he retorted to Tony.

“You must know that Extremis is the key to the evolution of the entire human race. Once I reversely cracked Extremis, then the entire human race can usher in an evolution as great as their prehistoric ancestors. From apes to humans , And then evolve from humans to new humans. Such a process is correct and meets the needs of human development. Father, your request is to let this evolution be limited to your hands, don’t you feel this selfish Are you committing a crime against all mankind?”

“Why don’t you go and talk to the Corona Group in Huiyao City?”

Being hit by Ultron like this, Tony naturally It’s a bit irritated. So he naturally taunted Ultron with accents. In the face of his mockery, Ultron didn’t mean embarrassment or embarrassment at all. He was just plain, and he said seriously.

“If I could speak in front of the Corona Group, I would be willing to persuade them to surrender the technology in oneself’s hands. Unfortunately, I am not at all qualifications. I can’t explore that way. As far as the existence of analysis is concerned, I am not an at worst existence. In front of him, I may not even have the qualifications to speak, so I really don’t have to be boring to him.”

“Then what right do you have to say to me like this?”

Tony asked angrily, because he was obviously treated as a softer persimmon. Faced with his anger, Ultron just smiled.

“Because you need my help to get what you want, father. Since my help is indispensable, then naturally I can also ask for myself.”

A good reason, but it made Tony’s face blackened. He obviously held the evil fire in his heart, but he couldn’t vent it. After a long silence, he said to Ultron like a compromise.

“You should know that this is very important to me. So I absolutely cannot compromise like you. At most, I can only guarantee that I will make this technology public one day.”


“Within five years?” Ultron offered a time that he thought was appropriate. For his condition, Tony’s expression suddenly became more gloomy. What can be done in five years, the most is to install all Extremis. That’s not a big advantage at all, and he really wants to go a lot. So immediately, he bargained.

“Ten years, at least ten years. Less than this number, I will never compromise!”

“Ten years? Good.” After thinking about it, Ultron There was a big smile. “Happy cooperation, father. I thank you for your generosity for all mankind!”

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