Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1234

Ultron profiting from somebody’s misfortune is generally forced to make such a deal. Although Tony is very upset, he has no idea. So he could only temporarily let go of all this, and then began to move on to other issues.

“By the way, about that cult. Haven’t you started to take action yet?”

“In fact, I have started to think of ways to suppress and arrest them It’s just that the support and assistance promised by the Indian government has never been in place, so it can only be delayed like this. But almost five working days have passed, I think they should be almost ready.”

If Ultron is replied, obviously, he seems to have too much hope for the Indian government. And Tony, who has long recognized the ability of the Indian government to execute, will not be as naive as him. So after he finished saying that, he immediately interrupted him roughly.

“You are too naive, Ultron. That hope rests on the execution of the Indian government, but it is irresponsible for your actions. Do you know how bad the execution of the Indian government is? Take the introduction and laying of omnivores, other countries can complete the deployment of most cities in at least three months. India has pushed this time beyond two years. Even now, they are only A very limited number of omnipotents have been deployed in only a few cities. The expected level of laying is simply impossible.”

“This is simply not a special case, but in any Under the circumstances, their bloated and complicated organization is enough to shirk. So, you absolutely can’t count on those stupid guys. It is the most correct way to control everything in the hands of the owner!”

“You are right, father. But if I alone rely on my power alone, I am afraid it will not be able to deal with a special religion with thousands of sects. After all, it is another country, although it has a large population. , But they are ignorant and backward. They blindly reject what oneself cannot accept, which makes the number of omnibuses there are not many. It is simply impossible to complete the suppression of this religion by omnibus. “

“So, what have you done so far? Obviously given you that many time, but you have not made any results. Instead, they have increased their number. Ultron , Your performance disappointed me too much!”

“I’m sorry!” When things have reached this step, Ultron does not think that oneself is not responsible. So his apology also followed. But this does not mean that he admits that everything is an own responsibility. And he quickly pointed this out. “But I don’t think all of this is my fault. Father, you know, I’ve been doing what I can do as much as possible. I even said that I’ve sent a special omnic to this religion. The high-level management of China has carried out a planned removal work. This is not something that can be easily made up for me who adhere to the principles. Even so, I have not been able to control the development of this religion, which allows me to Is there any way?”

“What do you mean?”

Tony frowned and asked in a rather unclear way. In this regard, Ultron responded with own.

“I mean, father, you are too negligent about this matter. You know that guy exists there, why do you let him act like this? Only I can deal with it. For such a guy and tens of millions of people, do you trust my ability too much. You know, I am not omnipotent. At least now, I am not omnipotent!”

Facing such a statement, Tony was obviously helpless. Because he knew that Ultron had his reasoning, it was indeed impractical to stop Steve’s expansion supported by Hydra with his own power. However, even if he has realized this, I am afraid he is powerless. Because there is a saying that the whip is beyond reach.

That is, after all, something that happened on the land of India, and it was an internal matter owned by the Indians. Let alone now, even when the United States was at its peak, it was difficult to reach out to that country. So now, even if he knows what is going on in that country, if an Indian oneself can’t manage it, it’s really hard for him to get in.

The key to the problem lies with the Indians. Ultron obviously understood this too, so he immediately asked.

“If it is said that through mutual negotiations with the Allied Powers, can Indians be forced to speed up cooperation? You tell the truth to those countries, they should be willing to put pressure on India.”


“That’s right, but to be honest, I’m really worried about the Indian government’s ability to execute. I’m afraid this is not a problem that we can solve with pressure. However, if it really doesn’t work. ….” With worrying words in his mouth, Tony quickly made up his mind and said with firm eyes. “Then you can only use special means. Threats or persecution. In short, I will facilitate the government’s cooperation with you as soon as possible.”

” Then there is no problem, father. As long as you can Get your help. My actions must be smoother.”

“Why, do you have a plan?”

Look at Ultron suddenly became so confident, Tony immediately asked him a little surprised. And listening to such a question, Ultron felt that oneself had nothing to tell people, so he immediately explained it to Tony.

“Of course, after so long, I didn’t make any preparations for it’s definitely impossible. In fact, I have mobilized the entire internal omnics in India to prepare a Sect Lord’s physical force strike action. What is lacking now is the absolute support of the Indian government. I think I have given them enough time, but now it seems that you still need your urging.”

“Is it this way? I know, I will solve this problem as soon as possible.”

Nodded, I don’t want to talk more with Ultron and so on Tony and I just left here . He did not go to rest, but went straight back to the own office and contacted the assistant secretary of the own.

“Contact the leaders of the countries and tell them that I have important matters to discuss with them. The meeting time is as fast as possible, and it is set at nine o’clock in the evening. Also, there is a guard named Anderson, right? I can arrange for him to work in the documentation department. I don’t want to ruin other people’s families because of my side.”

“Yes, sir. Also, what other things do you want to order?”

Looking at the gloomy expression on Tony’s face, the youngster as the secretary asked cautiously. For this, Tony shook the head first, and then said to him as if thinking of something.

“Nothing. Oh, yes, tell your wife that I may not have time to accompany her tonight. Let her rest early. Also, arrange a doctor. Her delivery date should be the In the past few days, I have to step up to take care of her.”

“Yes, I know, sir!” Nodded, the secretary hurried out. Tony, who was sitting in oneself’s office, was counting the time, knowing that when the hour hand had completely reached a ninety-degree angle, he straightened his clothes, and then opened a device in front of oneself’s desk sternly.

Soon, a group of projection avatars representing the leaders of various countries appeared in front of him, and he also expressed a serious greeting to these same classes.

“Good evening, everyone. This is Tony Stark. I believe you have been informed by me.”

“Yes, Sir Stark. I don’t know at such a time. Here, what kind of important things need you to summon us urgently?”

“Yes. Your Excellency Stark, for this meeting, I have rejected a few large-scale events in China. If you can’t give it With a proper explanation, it’s a bit unreasonable.”

Many people have resentment for Stark’s hastily convening such a meeting. Because they know that this is definitely not a matter of life or death, because if that is the case, the meeting should be held immediately under the alert of the highest level. But now it’s just notified in advance through the assistant secretary. Obviously, the topic of this meeting is not at all that important. And since it’s not that important, then it is excusable for them to complain about the face of the old Boss.

Many people have such an idea, and Tony also knows why they did it. This made him look very ugly, but he still sullenly said with an expression of business affairs.

“I’m sorry at this time summon everyone. Of course, I have my own reason for doing this. And this reason is that I discovered Hydra’s important boss, the whereabouts of Captain America Steve Rogers, and his Ongoing event. This is a big event, and I think we need to stop him in time. That’s why I held this meeting under such circumstances.”

“For Hydra? Steve Rogers? Your Excellency Stark, you are cracking a joke with me. Don’t tell Skyhammer about such things but tell us how much you hate that guy. Even if there is any personal grievance between you, you shouldn’t Raise this kind of thing to the level of the heads of countries. You are using a public tool for private use, trampling on the rules of the alliance!”

As soon as Tony finished speaking, someone immediately clamored. And the reason why he is so clamoring is, on the one hand, the reasons he said. On the other hand, he needs to show kindness to the current owner of oneself.

Weak countries have no diplomacy. Their diplomacy can only be attached to those powerful countries. In the past they clung to United States, but now they clearly have a better goal. Naturally, the old Boss has become a bargaining chip for them to use as a disguised blow to increase weight in front of oneself’s new Boss.

This is very realistic, and the reality makes Tony’s liver hurt. But he had to tolerate such a provocation, and gave his own reason.

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