Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1239

Mumbai, located in the Indian state of Maharashtra, is the capital of this state and the largest and most prosperous city in India. And in this city that Indians are proud of, a huge temple has gathered thousands of assemblers in silence.

India is a country where religions prevail. Such a huge religious gathering in the past is not uncommon. There are similar gatherings in Mumbai every year on festivals. But every rally in the past is different from this one now.

Quiet, quiet. Even with thousands of people gathered, it is still quiet and uncomfortable. No one spoke, and no one deliberately made noise. All the people present were silent and praying. Even if it lifts the head occasionally, it just looks towards one place. This situation is really strange.

The strangest thing is the people here. Indian society is jokingly said that one percent of nobles manage 99 percent of civilians, and 10 percent of elites occupy 90 percent of resources. Generally speaking, the most religious people belong to the 99% of the lower class. Because only they will believe in God’s blessing, this set of the afterlife. Of course, this is not to say that there are no high-level people who believe in God. It’s just that their beliefs are limited after all. Most of the senior level in India have received higher education. In the face of technology and God, most people still choose the former.

According to such a statement, it is gathered here as it is now. It should also be the lower class people who are ragged and thin-faced. But in fact, the situation does not seem to be like this.

They are all well-dressed and full of energy. Although some people have dark skin and rough features. But that kind of high-spirited posture and vigorous vigor revealed from in the bones is simply not what the lower-level civilians in this country can have.

Just seeing this, some people might think. These people are the upper class, the nobles with high castes. In fact, this is not the case. They are not high-caste guys, nor are they high-class who. Although it is true that a few of them belong to the upper class. But the overwhelming majority are still the poor general public, or the poor who are exploited and oppressed.

It is difficult for the lower-class people in India to have the opportunity to stand up. In the past, most of the Indians we saw belonged to middle-class families or directly high-caste clans in India. These people receive capital education, speak fluent English, and the living environment is unmatched by ordinary Indians. And looking at the lives of these people, you can hardly imagine how ordinary Indians live.

It is normal to live in a shack of several square meters. Even said that under normal circumstances, there are still six or seven people living in such a small space. Most ordinary Indians simply do not have a stable career. Many people are doing things like picking up junk or selling pirated books. This kind of daily life is unimaginable for people in many other countries, but for Indians, this is the most normal life. Sometimes, they dare not imagine how oneself has a fixed job.

Someone may say how this is possible. I think these words are a bit exaggerated. Because this is a modern society after all. Even if nothing else is said, the common sense that knowledge changes destiny is already enough to carry people’s hearts. As long as you are a little motivated, you are willing to take a moment to learn something. More or less, it is also possible to find a job for oneself. Even if Indians are used to laziness, there will always be some exceptions based on 1 billion people.

But it is a pity that there are absolutely few such special cases beyond your imagination. Because the education of the Indians is not for these low-caste civilians. Not that civilians cannot go to school. It is that even if civilians go to school, it is difficult to learn things.

It’s hard for you to imagine what it would be like in an independent country where all the textbooks use the languages ​​of other countries. This seems impossible to happen, but in fact, this is the current state of India’s society.

India is a country with many ethnic groups and complex languages. Its common languages ​​are Hindi and English. In addition also 1600 52 languages ​​and dialects. Among them, 18 languages ​​are designated as the official languages ​​of the Federation. From the perspective of the independence and nationality of a country’s culture, if it is used for education, it should be based on the official national language of the country, supplemented by the universal language of the world, English. But the Indian education sector does not do this. Their approach is to use English as the unified language for all official textbooks starting from basic education.

Imagine a group of low-level civilians who speak a few languages ​​enter the school without being able to communicate effectively, and then look at Teacher, who oneself doesn’t know, use a language oneself doesn’t know at all. Explaining the text that is not understandable at all, do you think learning will be useful?

Powerhouse is always strong, and the weak are always weak. This is the fixed posture of Indian society. People of lower castes are almost impossible to fly up to the branches and become Phoenix, and the power of the country will not deviate against them. Only in this way can they continue to be exploited by the upper class. And it is precisely because of this that almost all the low-level civilians in India are at a loss but desperate for own life.

In the past, those inferior Indians who had no hope for life or the future had hollow eyes and numb expression. They almost never show the expressions of these people at the rally today. With that expression, it feels like they have been reborn, as if they have completely shedding body and exchanging bones. It’s amazing.

The reason for such a miraculous change is entirely because of the man who just walked out of the depths of the temple.

Steve is still the same Steve, but he has changed his appearance. The tall body was dressed in a linen robe like a monk. Some of his long hair is tied behind his head by a rope, with a thick beard, which makes him look very vicissitudes of life. Of course, if you look at his bright and deep eyes, you will forget the previous views of oneself. Because at this time all you see is firm will, also wise thinking.

He held the golden sword, walked to the high platform in front of everyone with a smile on his face, and then spoke gently to the believers whose eyes had become fanatical and pious.

“Good evening, my dear brother sisters. I am glad to see your better appearance and silhouette again. This proves that our efforts are not in vain.”

He called these believers who looked at own with pious eyes as brother sisters, but these believers could not treat him by the title he called them. They were just immediately when Steve appeared, and they already bowed to the ground neatly, touching the ground with their foreheads, and touching the soil with their lips. Let the palms and soles of the feet fully face up, and bowed with extreme concentration and piousness.

While bowing, they were still chanting like this.

“Praise you, my great elder. Bless you, my benevolent father. May the glory of the ancient sages always shine on you, and may your wisdom always shine on our way forward .”

It is not Sanskrit or Hebrew pretending to be profound, but the most common language that everyone knows. Because there are so many languages ​​in India, what many people say sounds different. But in the case of thousands of people pronounced together, such an ode is still enough to be deafening and turbulent.

It is not language that can shock people’s hearts, but the inner power represented by language. This is the power Steve can hear, so a big smile immediately appeared on his face.

With palms together, like a devout Buddhist, Steve bends his own waist deeply to the believers in front of him, and then he smiles at these respectful linkages The person who didn’t dare to move said.

“Thank you for your trust, my brother sisters. Although the time we spend together is not long, I can see that we maintain this kind of trust and affection between each other. Excited.”

“Holy!” Someone shouted loudly, and then it was densely packed, neat and tidy. This situation caused Steve to show a helpless, bitter smile, and then emptied his hand and said to the believers in front of him.

“Okay, everyone. Don’t waste our precious time on this red tape. Let’s continue our previous exchanges. In the meantime, I want to ask. Dudi, Is your son’s illness cured? Is our medicine useful for him?”

“Thank you, saint. My son’s condition has been healed by your messenger. Wait until he is completely healed Now, I will definitely hug him over to thank you.”

A thirsty middle-aged man, when he heard Steve call oneself’s name, he already kowtowed directly at him. Up. He used a lot of force, which caused him to be broken directly on his head. But he didn’t care about this, but he still replied in a loud voice.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small matter. He is a child. For the sake of the child, each of us should do our best to do something, right?” Waved his hand, Steve looked looked towards another place. “Halla, have the debts in your family been repaid?”

“It has been repaid, and my wife and children have also been redeemed. Thank you for your kindness, thank you for giving me the second time Chance of life. Holy One, I will always remember your kindness!”

It was also a reply from a man, and his voice was more of the feeling of great enlightenment and the original shame of regret. In this regard, Steve is just comfortable.

“People always make mistakes. The key is whether you can correct your own mistakes. It’s your luck, Harla, that you can have a chance to save everything. I hope you don’t make them again Same mistake!”

“I swear, use everything I have, saint!”

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