Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1240

A dozen people were called out in succession, and everyone looked like a person with a story. And their stories intersect in Steve’s place, and their story has changed in his place. From a possible direction to tragedy, it transformed into a perfect happy ending.

If things like this happen in stories and movies, then it is natural. But if these are happening in reality, it is hard to believe. Because everyone who lives in reality knows that reality is cruel and there is nothing you can do. You don’t have any power to change reality, you can only adapt to what reality changes you. In this case, tragedy and peace is the end of most stories.

This is the reason why human beings are easily touched by tragedies. Anyone’s life is impossible to be as happy as in a fairy tale. After experiencing the bitterness, I will empathize with the bitterness in the tragedy. If you have experienced pain, you will be pierced by the pain of others. This is the power of feelings and human nature. And it is precisely because of this that the story of these people is so commendable.

It can be said that everything is because of Steve. His existence has changed the lives of these people. And it is precisely because of this that everyone here who has received his favor will worship him even more.

Maybe people who have never experienced it will not understand. But people who have had this experience will know that when you sink deeper and deeper in the most desperate darkness, if someone stretches out your hand to you, then you really can desperately and even dedicate yourself. life’s.

These people feel this way for Steve now. And this is exactly what Steve wants to achieve. Although the purpose is not simple, to be honest, Steve enjoys this process very much. Being able to help others and make a person live like a person is in itself a very sense of accomplishment.

While he enjoys being worshipped by others, he also truly helps others feel a sense of accomplishment. Of course, at the same time, he is also doing his own purpose in an orderly manner. Instilling the concept of oneself into these special people, so that they have the same beliefs and beliefs as oneself, this is what he needs to do, and it has already done something to some extent.

“Following our last topic. Last time we talked about the content of the French literary masterpiece “Les Miserables”. Some people gambled on their own lives for the so-called freedom of oneself. I remember that someone was right at the time. I have asked why you want to do this. Is freedom really that important? Even if it is so important, do you really want to fight for it in a violent way like revolution?”

“At the time, I didn’t at all answer this question. And now it is difficult for me to tell you the answer to this question. Because this answer does not exist, everyone will have an own opinion on such things. But I know one thing, that is most of you No one can accept this point of view. I think it is wrong. But I want to tell you that your idea is problematic.”

Knocked on the golden sword in his hand, Steve sit cross-legged down. Then he spoke very bluntly to the believers below. “Many of you are accustomed to enduring, accustomed to surrendering. It’s as if doing so can change your life. But in fact? Has your life changed? You got the life you want. Is it? It seems not at all.”

“The opposite of you. The French people at the expense of sacrifice and revolution got the result that oneself wanted. They overthrew the own emperor, again and again Once. No matter how powerful military force is used to suppress them, the final result is always that their revolution and free will have won. They have got what oneself wants, even if this thing is not very satisfactory. But they do I got it, and what about you guys?”

Steve’s religious gathering is actually more like a large seminar. He asked questions and asked the believers below to answer own questions. Then he used the own answer to make a comparison, so that everyone present could see the difference in thinking.

Thinking is like flint, collisions can produce sparks. And the great ideas of ancient and modern China and foreign countries are almost all produced in such a fierce collision. Steve didn’t expect these low-level civilians who had been ignorant to produce any great thoughts, and that was not in line with his purpose. He only hopes that these people can learn to accept some different ideas. Some ideas are completely different from the ideas they have instilled from their birth to the present.

This is his goal, so he doesn’t care about someone verbally confronting him in this situation. Of course, this is actually difficult at first. Because low-caste civilians have long been accustomed to the idea of ​​accepting authority, there is no concept of confrontation and rebuttal in their minds. However, when the first person tried, the situation had already changed.

Mind cannot be blocked, even if it is wrapped tightly, it will always find a way out for oneself. And here, people are getting used to this special exchange of ideas, and even turn it into a habit. It’s like now, Steve tone barely fell, someone straightened his body and retorted loudly to him.

“Holy One. We also got what we wanted, under the leadership of our Mahatma Gandhi.”

“Non-violent and non-cooperative mode?” Shake After shaking his head, Steve looked straight into the eyes of the speaker and asked him back. “Do you really think this is what you have won?”

This person does not need to answer, he already has his own point of view.

“No, I think what you think of striving for is just a charity from others. And the Mahatma you admire is nothing but a ridiculous joke.”

As soon as this sentence was said, there was a little commotion in the crowd.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi. The leader of the Indian National Liberation Movement, the leader of the Indian National Congress Party. In India, his status is lofty, and he is even called the father of India. And so it happened because of the nonviolent resistance he advocated. Many people believe that his peaceful, non-violent way of resistance is the key factor leading the country to independence and breaking away from the colonial rule of the United Kingdom. India can have today, and his efforts cannot be delayed.

So slandering Gandhi is no different from slandering India. Even if these people here are dissatisfied with the own country, they still have patriotism in their hearts. And it was for this reason that they would commotion after Steve had said these words.

This is very rare. For these Indians who are accustomed to listening to other people’s words and respect Steve. This is also very dangerous, because once the words go too far, it is very likely that Steve will have other thoughts because of the conflict of thoughts.

But Steve doesn’t care about this situation, he just speaks plainly without blocking.

“Non-violent and uncooperative resistance, is this resistance? Let other people’s swords fall on your body, let other people’s bullets run through your body and your brain. Let others look at you. Blood and the corpse, and then abandon the weapons in their hands because of the so-called sympathy? This is not resistance, this is prayer, it is begging. You didn’t hold the destiny of own at all, you just handed the destiny of own to your enemy.”

“In my opinion, India’s independence with Gandhi is actually very small. If it weren’t for the United Kingdom, it’s already in decline after World War II. If it’s not for the rise of human rights, British began Worry about this colonial approach. If it weren’t for the fact that United Kingdom and India were too far apart, so far that they were basically unable to maintain a complete military and supply support after the war, India is now a colony of United Kingdom. Can you? Today, I think it’s fate that I should thank you more for, not a wimpy old man who caused you to be beaten to death by others, but couldn’t even hold your fist!”

“Look. How many examples. Humans want to control the destiny of own, how can they be achieved without bloodshed. Other countries are also bleeding, but they are bleeding own blood and enemy blood. And you are also bleeding, but you The only thing that flows is own. This is the gap, and this gap is also reflected in the result.”

Said here, Steve pointed to the north, facing them in a special tone Said.

“In this direction, in another country separated from you by only a mountain range. In those years, you were actually in a similar situation. Feudalism and colonization. People at the bottom will always It is the existence of being exploited. Every bit of strength in oneself’s body is exhausted, every bit of blood in oneself’s body is drained, but not a single trace of what you get from such a contribution is owned. A person lives, simply does not look like a person. Sometimes it’s even more miserable than the animal’s.”

“No one wants to live like this. You don’t want it, and they don’t want it. And what they choose is to be with you completely A different path. They chose to fight, and really took up swords and guns to resist. Use own blood to make the own enemy bleed, and use oneself and the enemy’s life to fight for everything oneself really wants. This approach allows them to rely on own has worked hard to establish the own country and established a country that truly belongs to them. And what about you? Does your country belong to your own? You can ask yourself whether this country that has been charity belongs to you or belongs to the upper-class clans Of?”

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