Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1242

At the end of the day of preaching, Steve walked away from everyone on his own. He had already told these people the news that the storm was approaching. As for whether they were willing to act, and when they acted, that was another matter for the time being.

Don’t look at him now that he has tens of millions of followers, but he knows very well that only half of the 10,000,000 are willing to stand up and fight the storm with him. Of course, this number will gradually increase as the storm spreads, so he is not worried that not enough people will join the storm later.

He only needs to find a suitable opportunity to make some unexpected signs appear before the storm comes.

He is impossible to do this kind of thing oneself, so he is going to find a suitable person to do this thing. And just when he already had a similar candidate in his heart. A special change made him have to put his own mind in the present.

That was a scream. And the voice of the person making this scream is very familiar to Steve. It was his attendant, the subordinate he had brought from Hydra. A well-trained fighter shouldn’t make such screams casually. If there is, then it also shows that he has experienced something special. For example, Death.

This is not surprising, because in these days, Steve has encountered this situation more than once. Normally, this means that a guy who specializes in dealing with him is about to appear.

Thinking of this, Steve is already holding the hilt of the Golden Sword. And just when he was ready to meet the enemy, a special silhouette had already smashed through the wall in front of him, and walked straight to Steve in a puff of smoke.

“Steve Rogers, I’m order to arrest you.”

There are not many electronic sounds with ups and downs. With the conspicuous metal shell and external equipment, the identity of the person is already The performance is very clear. That is, he is an omnipotent, an omnic specifically for Steve.

Since discovering Steve’s location, Ultron has started to use omnics to continuously target Steve to launch arrests again and again. Although these actions have not been successful until now, they really make Steve feel tired. Obviously it’s impossible to rely on these machines to deal with oneself, but they still go forward and let them die. There really is nothing more stupid and time-consuming than this.

Steve really didn’t want to continue wasting time on this kind of things, so he didn’t at all at this time attacked the omnic in front of him first, but said directly to him.

“I don’t understand, Ultron. Why do you use this useless way to target me all the time. It’s just a waste of our time!”

” My own useless time delays the effective time of the other party. I think this is feasible. I have the greatest data processing capabilities, and this kind of side-line action cannot cause any burden on me.”

If Steve’s face turned black, the omnic had already dismantled the weapon from his body and aimed it at Steve.

“Also, if you can get rid of you successfully, even if the chances are small, it is worth trying. This is better than involving tens of millions of innocent people.”

“It’s ridiculous, Ultron. You say this as if I killed those people. Move your mind carefully and think about it. Whatever I do, is it hurting? Are they still helping them?”

With a disdainful smile on his face, Steve expression confidently said to the omnic in front of him.

“You see everything that this country does to those people. They simply don’t give them a way to survive, how many people have been muddleheaded, and it’s not as good as a beast, you know And I, my arrival brought them hope, I told them what it’s like to be a real person. If this is also harming them, then what do you think is to help them. Let They live and die like that, worst than a pig?”

Steve’s voice is powerful, as if it contains great power. And such power really exists, because Ultron has been silent for a while.

He can’t deny what Steve said, because what Steve did is really bringing new life to these special people. But this doesn’t mean he agrees with Steve’s approach, because he knows exactly what Steve wants.

“You are indeed helping them, but you are also selfish. Moreover, according to the current trend, what is the fundamental impossible future you will bring to them? What you give them There is only destruction. Complete destruction, an incomparable tragedy. This is something I absolutely cannot tolerate. Therefore, I want to arrest you. If you dare to resist, then even if you kill you, you will not hesitate!”

“It’s so funny, it’s as if you can do to me. Ultron, you can’t stop me. Because what I represent today is the will of the people. The will of countless people is gathered in mine. On the body, this kind of me is something you can never defeat!”

shook the head, the golden sword in Steve’s hand is already gradually thinning own silhouette. A violent air movement sounded in this small room. And with such a sound, it was Ultron’s voice that seemed to be an enemy, but unchanging.

” Sooner or later they will see your hideous face hidden behind you. Steve Rogers. Your bewitching impossible will always cover their eyes. And not everyone will be deceived by your appearance Yes, your behavior is no longer a secret. And the big net that humans use against you has already begun. Your doom is coming. Now surrender, this is your only chance. Otherwise, it’s waiting for you There is only destruction.”

“Let it come. I am looking forward to such destruction. Of course, I will first witness what I want to see from you. “

Steve, who didn’t want to continue talking nonsense with this machine, directly swiped the golden sword in his hand at the omnic space. And it was like a huge sharp blade crushed past, just in an instant, everything that stood in front of the two of them had been divided into two halves.

It can be imagined, if you don’t avoid it, what the omnic will face. But he didn’t mean to avoid at all, but in that instant, he activated oneself with a square-shaped weapon in his hand.

The sound of something running at high speed rang. At the same time that the sound rang, the whole room seemed to have experienced an earthquake, and it was slightly shaken.

The attack of the Golden Sword was disintegrated in an instant. At the same time, a special sense of sinking and oppression enveloped this small space, and for Steve, this change made him start to suffocate.

This suffocation is not the kind of suffocation caused by panic. It is a real physiological response. He could not breathe the air, as if the air had completely disappeared from this space. He is impossible not to breathe, so it is a fatal situation for him. For this reason, he didn’t care about why the own attack was ineffective on the omnic in front of him, but he had to rush outside when his body moved.

The changes inside the room have clearly stated that the air here may have disappeared. He urgently needs supplemental oxygen, so he must leave here as soon as possible. But when he just started to move, he immediately felt the suction from behind oneself.

The weapon in the hand of the omnic issued a growing roar, and what this brought was that the hand of the omnic seemed to have appeared in the abyss of Devouring All Living Things, continuously turning him in that direction Pull over.

Despite having power far beyond human beings, under this special attraction, even Steve cannot get rid of it at all. He could only stand in a stalemate, leaving the owner’s body as if imprisoned. With the maintenance of this deadlock, his face became ugly.

The inability to supply oxygen is really a fatal problem for human internal organs. When the oxygen in the blood is exhausted, Steve’s complexion has already turned blue. The meridian on his neck became terrifying and terrifying like a twisted earthworm, and his scarlet eyes were completely terrifying. Although he was trying his best to control, the muscles on his body had already cramped uncontrollably. As the convulsive reaction intensified, his pupils began to spread slowly.

All the conditions caused by suffocation appeared on his body one after another. And these conditions almost mean that his brain, his heart, and also those fragile internal organs, have all been devastated by suffocation. In this state, it is unlikely that a normal person can survive. Even if it is rescued, it is likely to become a vegetative person due to brain damage.

Ultron is absolutely impossible to give Steve any chance of being rescued. In other words, he didn’t even have the possibility of becoming a vegetable. When he fell completely, it was when he completely died. And this is the result Ultron wants.

However, this result is not at all coming as expected. Because Steve has been so half-dead for a long time.

It’s been a long time beyond human records, and it’s a long time beyond Ultron’s imagination. In Ultron’s view, even Steve, a Superhuman that has undergone serum fortification, is impossible to hold on for too long under suffocation. Because he is still human after all. However, he just persisted in this way. Although expression is not so good-looking, it just persisted.

He doesn’t have Death, as if the Death option doesn’t appear on him at all. As time progressed, Steve, who had been struggling long enough, finally launched his own counterattack.

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