Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1243

The golden sword already revealed its own figure when the omnic began to draw the air out of this space with its weapon. And now, with Steve’s hard urging, the sword of the king that he held tightly in his hand immediately exploded with the power that oneself should have.

The golden-yellow radiance shot out like a satellite orbital gun, and in front of this radiance, the omnic had no chance of parrying or dodge. He was like a person piled up with sand. When he was hit by radiance, he was scattered all over the floor in an instant. When Steve regains his freedom, the only remaining part will be a head.

This was left by Steve on purpose. And his purpose for keeping this thing was to pass another sentence to Ultron.

“You can’t stop me, Ultron. Just like you can’t stop the floods. This is a surging trend, the great power that this country has accumulated for thousands of years. I am already there. A hole was cut in the dam of China, and soon, you can taste the horror of being submerged by the flood!”

“You will not succeed, Steve Rogers. We have noticed you. In front of all mankind, your actions are completely meaningless. We will end you, and end everything you have.” Ultron spoke these words in a flat tone. , As if he was not the one who failed in this short struggle. In fact, he did not fail. Because what he lost in this kind of confrontation was only an omnic and an experimental weapon.

The cost of a single intelligence device is only 30,000 USD, and the experimental weapon is only hundreds thousand USD. Use 130,000 USD to almost force Steve into a desperate situation. This is very worthwhile. Even said that if time allows, he will continue to harass him continuously in this way.

This is a war, a war that does not pay attention to any morals. If he can’t achieve decisive results against Steve in military force, then mentally give him continuous cannibalization and blows. Let him cope with it, let him be overwhelmed, let him fall into complete collapse.

He believes that as long as Steve remains alone, one day he will be knocked down by oneself in this way. After all, compared to human beings, as an intelligent life, he has endless energy and endless time. In this regard, he has an absolute advantage. And to attack the enemy’s shortcomings with one’s strengths, this was originally the Profound Truth in the battle of war.

It’s just a pity that time doesn’t allow him to do this. So he can only use this way of speaking out to warn Steve about his end and doomsday.

Of course, for Steve, this is simply a series of nonsense. Just like when Zongheng was on the battlefield of World War II, Steve simply never thought about the issue that oneself would fail. Even if he knows what kind of power oneself will face, he still has absolute confidence in oneself.

This kind of confidence is not unreasonable arrogance, but a decision-making faith that he has honed in the countless battles he has experienced in his life. He doesn’t believe that oneself will fail, especially that oneself will fail in the hands of this decadent and almost incurable government. So at the moment, he patted the head of the omnic and gave him a big smile.

“Then let us wait and see. Let’s see who is the one that will end. Is it the religion that I and I have painstakingly managed, or is it completely useless? The stupid government that saves you. Haven’t you already begun to act? Then I’m fast too. So, soon, we will know the answer to the question. I hope that at that time, you can also be as confident as you are now and tell me Come like this.”

tone barely fell, Steve had already pierced the only remaining head with a golden sword. And under the golden radiance that was constantly on the blade, the brain of the omnic quickly turned to ashes. This meant that Steve had another short victory. And he really didn’t have any excited thoughts about this kind of victory.

He knew very well that what oneself defeated was only a consumable, and this victory of own was just a victory that was meaningless. If you want to stop Ultron from continuing like this, if you want oneself to no longer suffer from this endless harassment, then the only way is to become the final winner in this country’s future game.

That special candidate will be the key to this game. And thinking of this, Steve couldn’t help but start to rejoice, but fortunately someone had prepared in advance.

He didn’t hesitate, but immediately made a call. And as he dialed the phone, a person was also awakened.

Admiral Rama Mujam has just returned from the home of Prime Minister Hegtyl. He enjoyed a dinner there and drank a lot of wine under the kindness of the Prime Minister. This made him inevitably feel a little hangover, who was very restrained, in order to be able to cope with the next tension. He lay on the bed early and started to conserve strength and store up energy.

For him, this may be one of the biggest turning points in his life. So naturally, he was a little excited and couldn’t sleep. And just when he finally fell asleep in the dimness, a rush of bells suddenly rang.

A person with insomnia is awakened after falling asleep, and the irritation in his heart is absolutely incomparable. For Rama Mujam who has experienced all this, if the caller dared to appear in front of oneself, then he would immediately take out his gun and shoot a bullet at him. Only in this way can it be counted. On the hatred.

But obviously he cannot do this. This was not only because he couldn’t drag the person on the other end to his eyes along the phone line, but also because the special phone opened again, which reminded him of what oneself was least willing to think of.

“General Rama Mujam? I’m sorry to disturb your dreams on this beautiful night. But I think neither you nor I have any other choices. Introduce myself, I am Steve Rogers, Smith. Mr. Zhou asked me to greet you!”

At first, Ramah Mujam didn’t at all realize what Steve’s self-introduction had realized. Because he is not American after all, he is not so sensitive to the special existence of Captain America. But as Steve mentioned the existence of Smith Zhou, he immediately realized the identity of Steve Rogers. And this kind of cognition completely dispelled his inner irritation, making him panic.

“Why are you? How could you collude with him? What do you want to do?”

Three questions in a row, all showing Ramamuga How shocked is Mu’s heart at the moment. And the reason for his shock Steve is completely conceivable. So he just laughed and responded to him.

“Don’t be too surprised, my friend. If you keep holding this attitude, I am very worried, will you just collapse after listening to my request?”

“I’m not the same as you, and I don’t even want to mix with you. For Smith Zhou’s sake, I can treat this call as an unknown Harassing phone calls. I can assume you haven’t said anything or even showed up. Do you understand what I mean? If you understand, then I’m going to hang up. And you don’t have any need to call in again. !”

Rama Mujam, who is very satisfied with oneself’s life now, means very clearly now. That is, he didn’t want to get involved with dangerous people like Steve at all, let alone put oneself in their terrifying business. Some people who have a bright future have to disassociate themselves from these people, so he will say this remark today.

Steve can understand why he said this remark, but that doesn’t mean he will accept his request. So after hearing this, he immediately said to Ramamujam.

“Your Excellency General, I can understand your feelings now. But this does not mean you can make such a request. You know, you owe Smith Mr. Zhou a favor. If If you reject my request, then it is equivalent to rejecting Smith Mr. Zhou. You should be very clear about the consequences.”

This remark said Rama Mujam frowned suddenly. In any case, he is in a high position. Even if Smith Zhou gets stuck, it doesn’t mean that he has become Smith Zhou’s dog. So what he said to Steve was very cold, and this immediately made him argue.

“No matter how serious the consequences are, it will not be worse than having a relationship with you. And I owe Smith Zhou a favor, but this does not mean that I will be at your mercy . In fact, if you knew he was with you and a part of Hydra. Then no matter what I said, I would never have the slightest relationship with you.”

“Afterwards, everyone can say beautifully. But at the time, believe me, you would never do it. Everyone lives for their own selfish desires, and you are absolutely no exception, mine Your Excellency General. So, why don’t you listen to my terms first? Maybe the terms I can offer you will be generous that you can’t refuse?”

Steve is tempting, and like this To Rama Mujam, the words are no different from the fine wine mixed with Venom. He is a very reasonable person, so he is not affected by this shallow temptation. So right now, he was speaking bluntly to Steve.

“No, sir. I think our conversation should end here.”

“Really? Then you have to think about it clearly. I angered Mr. Smith. . Zhou, you have to pay a huge price. And this price may also be your life.”

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