Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1246

Benefits, principles. These are originally hopelessly muddled things. Few people can distinguish these two things so clearly. And Rama Mujam is obviously not one of them.

When interests and principles are confused, and the whole person is vacillating. Rama Mujam finally made the decision Steve wanted to see. This was expected, and a key part of Steve’s huge plan. So, when all this reached a final agreement, Steve’s heart was already impatient.

He impatiently wanted to see how the tree planted by oneself could see how gorgeous flowers came out.

And just after he gave birth to this idea, 2nd day, when people woke up from their sleep, they suddenly discovered that this country is already different from yesterday.

Suddenly, the streets were full of police officers wearing yellow uniforms and holding wooden sticks. They wore helmets and sloppy riot suits. With a list in his hand, he was almost stuck in the street and checked the people passing by in front of oneself.

Someone wants to go around them, but they will find out immediately. Then use the stick to beat wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. After seeing this result, no one dared to make such a stupid action anymore.

They can only line up obediently and honestly, shivering under the police stick, and walking forward.

The police in India have never been honest law enforcers. They are accustomed to that special way of law enforcement, they don’t care about national events and future policies. They have always only cared about own interests. And in the face of such a national action, they also did not forget to profit from oneself.

beating those untouchables who basically don’t know how to resist, and put their own hand in their wallet. Seeing the beautiful woman, she stretched out her hand unscrupulously. This is what most police officers do. They have done this in the past, and now they are naturally less aware of convergence.

In this case, the response of most civilians is just to endure and condone silently. Because whether you are a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Zoroastrian or a Green believer. There is no human rights in front of these policemen in India. As long as they hold a ring arrow in their hand, they can abuse you in the most brutal way. So they would rather suffer such a small loss than give these fierce guys opportunities and excuses to kill oneself.

This is also the reason why these policemen are confident. However, this situation does not always happen. Just like now, when an Indian policeman carrying a wooden stick saw a woman behind a tall man, he immediately eyes shined, swayed and leaned over.

“You are you. Let the woman behind you come out and let me see what she looks like? I suspect she may be the suspect we are looking for. You protect him like this, Are you also a suspect?”

The police’s reason is obviously untenable, but it’s not at all related. Because for him, as long as there is such a reason. With this reason, he can find enough excuses for own behavior. He can go on unscrupulously. Anyway, these untouchables can’t do anything about it, and even if the boss knows it, he can only use this excuse.

The term “official protection by officials” is not just for feudal society. In modern times, in a country where even civil servants are of a high caste, they, policemen, are the beneficiaries behind the term “official protectors.”

Under normal circumstances, Indians who are questioned by the police do not make any resistance. Although I know that the female family members of oneself will be humiliated in this situation, compared to the most tragic experience, compared to the tragedies that have occurred, this may be the best result. This is true for them and for them. But now, this tall man who protects the woman behind oneself doesn’t at all do it.

“What are you going to do, what are you going to do to my wife?”

The man’s gaze is not at all cringe like those around him. The police approached At that time, not only did he not do as he ordered, but instead hugged the woman behind oneself tightly, staring at the policeman with a look that looked like an angry Old Hu.

Such an unseen look made the policeman’s actions immediately stop. Then, he immediately screamed as if losing face.

“Damn untouchables, what do you mean? Do you want to interfere with our law enforcement?”

In the past, this was an unprofitable way, even untouchables No matter how courage he is, he would never dare to make that kind of blatant resistance in front of so many police officers. They will just beast-like as if they have seen a leather whip, coowering their own minions. But now, this man didn’t do this at all, instead he squeezed the policeman with his chest.

“get out of my sight, I don’t allow you to offend my wife. When will the laws of our country allow you guys to make such obscene actions to innocent women under the skin of law enforcement That’s it!”

“Untouchables, do you have the right to question me? I think you owe it to clean up. Tell you, uncle my business is beyond your control.”

Highly raised the wooden stick in his hand, the policeman who had been wiped out several times immediately wanted to give the man in front of him a bitter meal. It’s just that his wooden stick just hit this tall man, and this man already grabbed the stick from the policeman. Then, he immediately glare like a tiger watching his prey and looked towards this guy who wanted to be unruly to his own wife, and his eyes showed the desire to almost tear him apart.

“What do you want to do, I am a policeman. Assaulting a policeman is a felony, what do you want to do to me?”

The tall man who was whipped just now doesn’t care about him. Kind of remarks. Almost immediately, he waved the stick fiercely in oneself’s hand.

The rubber stick wrapped in his head slammed heavily on the black and fat policeman, causing him to scream like wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. You know, it hurts people like this to hit people. Especially when it is used by such a muscular tall man, its formidable power is even more terrible. In this case, the police who only know that they are tyrannically abused power are not able to bear the pain. So, he rolled on the ground like a dead dog.

This is not a sight that can be seen all the time. For most of the people present, seeing a policeman be beaten in this way is simply indescribable. So they didn’t care about what was causing the trouble, and they surrounded the whipped and whipped two people like they were watching a play.

Some people couldn’t help but applauded, and this kind of applause naturally attracted the attention of other policemen. So soon, the police were already carrying the sticks, foul-mouthed one by one, leaning forward.

“What are you doing? Get out of my sight, get out. You untouchables, don’t make trouble for us at this time.”

“Go away, go away, this It’s not the time for you to join in the fun. Leave me away!”

The violent law enforcement police used wooden sticks to drive away the crowd watching the fun. At this time, the policeman who was being beaten obviously saw his own companion, so immediately, he called for help loudly to them.

“Come and save me, save me. I’m here, get me out of here.”

“It’s Kamada. Damn it, untouchable. Hurry up and stop. , You are an assault on the police. If you don’t stop, don’t blame us for being impolite to you!”

Several policemen said that, while they were already at the man who was beating the police. Past. Rescue partners who are being bullied, this is just and honorable excuse for them. So simply without mercy, they had already greeted the tall man with the stick in oneself’s hand.

Although a man is tall, he is just an ordinary person after all. Although he can knock a policeman to the ground because of anger, this does not mean that he can deal with that many policemen. Two fists were hard to beat four hands. In this case, he was quickly beaten to the head by the swinging stick and fell to the ground.

This is a scary situation, so the people around immediately flinched unconsciously. At this time, the policeman who was beaten at first had already got up. He retrieved his own wooden stick, then gritted his teeth with a hideous expression, and drew fiercely over the head of the tall man.

And just such a violent blow immediately caused the tall man’s head to hear a crisp sound. It was the sound of bones being broken, and with this sound, the tall man quickly stopped moving. He stopped struggling, even his physical instincts stopped. In the pool of blood that had dripped on the ground, he was like a dead person.

“Did you beat him to death?”

The companion of the police officer who was beaten asked so, but the policeman who was beaten made his own statement.

“This damn guy, I think he is one of the people we are looking for. He also attacked me. According to the law, I killed him in self-defense, not at all. What’s the problem? “

“You really look like that. This guy, really looks like Amihan Klad, one of our targets. Well, if it is really him, you really don’t do it. What’s the problem.”

“That’s right, this damn guy.”

The policeman who was beaten said so, he put his own eyes on that at first A woman protected by a man.

“I remember the above command is, let us be prepared to deal with these guys in the most severe way? Then this woman, this woman with him, I think she is also a dangerous person , I want to do something to her, don’t you care.”

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