Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1247

Looking at the fat policeman, he almost grinned and walked over to the crying woman lying on the corpse. The crowd who was watching immediately uttered uncontrollable exclamations. In any case, it is too inhumane to humiliate his wife in front of a dead husband. So immediately, someone yelled from the crowd.

“What are you going to do? Let go of that lady? You can’t do this to a woman who has just died of her husband.”

“Do this? You think me What do you want to do?”

Stepping forward, the fat black policeman grabbed the woman by the hair and dragged her from the body of oneself husband. Then in front of so many people, he directly put the wooden stick in his hand fiercely into the mouth of the screaming woman, then grinned and yelled at the people around him.

“Listen to me, you untouchables. These people are cultists. They are evil organizations trying to subvert the great rule of this country. According to the highest order of the Federation, we must give these cultists the cruelest And the most severe blow. Anyone, anyone as long as they dare to stop our actions, then count as their accomplices. No matter what your identity, no matter whether you are innocent or not. At this time, we are absolutely not right You have any mercy. Just like this man, like this woman, do you understand what I mean? Untouchables!”

As he said this, his hands began to stir vigorously stand up. The hard stick knocked her teeth, and soon the woman wailed. As the fat black policeman took out the wooden stick in his hand. There were broken teeth in the woman’s mouth immediately mixed with saliva and blood flowing out.

This made her face instantly distorted and ugly. Looking at this suddenly ugly face, the fat black policeman immediately grabbed her by the hair and held her head to the owner.

“It’s all because of you, a woman, and you a bitch. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been humiliated like this. You are to blame for all this.”

If so, the black and fat policeman has already slapped the woman. Then, as if he didn’t feel like it was enough, he just punched fiercely and hit the woman’s stomach.

Weak women simply cannot withstand such a torment. So immediately, she curled up on the ground in pain. But this kind of action actually aggravated the police’s violent tendency. He began to punch and kick, and step by step forced the woman toward the abyss of Death.

Such things are really unacceptable. Even if it is a matter of no concern to oneself, but as long as it happens before the eyes of the owner, it is really impossible to keep watching. So immediately, someone wanted to stop that policeman’s behavior. But he just started to move when other police officers stopped him.

“Why, are you also an accomplice of that guy? Just so, let’s have a good chat. Let’s talk about who also exists in your organization.”

“Wait, you can’t do this.”

Any excuse at this time simply is powerless. With a very ruthless beating, the strongest person is immediately hit hard and can only curl up Fell to the ground. Looking at the surrounding crowds who were shrinking because of their actions, these policemen immediately shouted loudly.

“Listen, the order of the Central Federal Government is to kill to the last one cultists. So, whether you are cultists themselves or you know such cultists. You’d better stand up with knowledge , Point out their identities. Only in this way can you forgive the sins committed on you. If we find out that you are hiding their whereabouts and find that you are related to them. Then these three people here will be yours End. When the time comes, don’t blame the uncle that our sticks don’t have eyes!”

“Kamada, let’s go. Also we are going to inspect the next street!”

I stopped the black and fat policeman who basically didn’t stop. The wild beast, dressed in police skin, lined up the crowd with pride and walked outside. At this time, the fat black police finally let go of the miserable woman who was completely unable to move, spit out a thick sputum at her, and then chased after the own team. It was also known that at this time, the people who had been intimidated and dared not move surrounded one after another.

“It’s so miserable. This poor woman looks hopeless.”

“I recognize this gentleman and his wife. This is Mr. Amihan, who lives A wrestler next door to me. They also have two children, and now their husband and wife have become like this, what can we do with those two children.”

“Stop talking about this, be careful again I was heard by those wicked dogs. Does anyone kindly call an ambulance? Anyway, please save this lady first before talking.”

“It’s too late. This lady she I’m afraid I can’t hold it anymore. It’s terrifying, these damn villains, how can they treat this innocent couple like this.”

Everyone is saying sympathy, but No one can do anything to this poor couple. As at first said, they have become numb to such things. Despite the anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts, when faced with such violence, all they can do is submit to humiliation and bow their heads.

This is a tragedy, without a doubt. And the tragedy that happened at this time is far more than just this one. When this group of wild beasts in human skin got the name of righteousness, their behavior is bound to bring pain to the innocent people. The truly innocent people will inevitably be affected, and those who belong to Steve Sect’s believers have been hit hard at this time.

These law enforcement officers under the Indian government are holding a complete list after all. According to the picture, it is not so difficult for them. Even some people on the list don’t need to look for them deliberately, and the local police can know the general trend.

So the result is obvious, when a group of wolves like tigers rushed into their homes. The target person who had no preparations was immediately subdued. He rebelled, and immediately received the most terrifying counterattack. He does not resist, and the situation is the same.

The police simply won’t show mercy to these people. Because for them, these people must be dead. So they almost greeted these guys with a deadly hand, and incidentally insulted their women and children, and took away their property. Like a robber, completely ruined a good family.

Those who hear it are shocking, those who look are eye-catching. Not to mention the believers who are in it, even those who have nothing to do with them have become dissatisfied and angry because of such an unusual behavior.

After all, thinking cannot be suppressed and Annihilation Power. When watching the atrocities happen next to oneself, anyone is impossible indifferent. And in this situation, Steve quickly got such a message.

“You mean, those regional representatives can’t sit still anymore. Do they want to know my plan from me?” Looking at the believers who came here for the news, Steve’s face showed A calm and deep expression. “What do those regional representatives think?”

“Everyone’s ideas are very complicated, saint.” As a rare high-achieving student among believers, this person who was elected as the representative of communication naturally has quite Of the ability. He bowed to Steve in greeting, and answered his questions methodically. “Some people want to resist and use oneself’s reputation in the area to gather a group of believers to openly resist the government’s repressive behavior. And some people want to negotiate with the government. Because everyone thinks ours Belief is normal and harmless. So they think that it is possible to reach a reconciliation between us and the government.”

“So, what do you think, Aniki “Looked towards this middle age person who can almost be called the core representative of sect, and Steve’s face showed a warm smile. “Which solution do you think we should choose at this time?”

“I think it is better for us to negotiate as a solution.”

Think After thinking about it, the middle age person named Aniki responded. And his reason is very simple.

“Our church members are basically low-level civilians. Even if they want to resist, it may be difficult to defeat the violent agencies that represent the government. The unnecessary resistance will only make us shed more blood. That’s it. Of course, I also know that just blindly seeking a peaceful solution is impossible. If we blindly show weakness and retreat, those bastards who get worse will definitely deal with us in a more terrifying way. So we must also do a good job. Preparations for resistance. The best thing is that we can gather enough people so that everyone can notice us and hear our voices. Then use this situation to force the government to the negotiating table and prompt them to recognize our Freedom of religious belief and improvement of our living environment. As long as you make good use of it, this is not an opportunity to change the country. Isn’t it? Holy One.”

“You are right, then just follow what you said Come on.”

nodded, an inexplicable smile began to appear in Steve’s eyes.

“Tell the regional representatives to bring enough believers to Mumbai, gather there, and use their actions to express our existence and our voice. Then you, Aniki. Trouble you Contact the government and tell them. I will have face-to-face negotiations with them in that place. I believe that if everything goes well, we can change all of this.”

“Yes, saint. I Go now!”

With hope in his eyes, the man started to act excitedly. He thinks this is an opportunity to change everything. Yes, this is indeed, but the final way, I am afraid it will come in a way that he cannot accept.

After all, idealists and realists will always win the latter.

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