Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1251

“Who launched the attack? Who caused the explosion?”

“Admiral Rama Mujam was shot, from which direction was the attack Come here. Find them, don’t let them run away.”

“Block the scene, mobilize the army to completely block the scene. Everyone, no one can escape from here. These damn it Untouchables, they must pay for all this.”

Rama Mujam, who was dizzy in his head, had already heard this sound from the owner when he came back to his senses. And this sound also made his chaotic brain completely awake. He subconsciously wanted to get up, but the sharp pain from his shoulder just after the move made him couldn’t help but pull an ugly smile.

Unsightly, because the wound is too painful. The entire pierced shoulder was still bleeding continuously, and the hot feeling only made him feel like he was being stabbed with a red iron rod. And laughed, but because he was very satisfied with the result. Although it is painful, he cannot deny that this spear played very accurately. He is not at all dead, but alive, this is the best result.

Rama Mujam, who escaped from the dead, obviously attracted the attention of the officers who lost one’s head out of fear because of all this. They immediately surrounded them, and then they seemed to be Caring for oneself, the father who is about to ascend into the sky said to Rama Mujam.

“Sir, how are you feeling now?”

“Sir, hold on, the helicopter will be here soon. We will send you to the hospital immediately.”

Pushing away the group of humble and warm subordinates forcefully, Rama Mujam pulled the already hoarse voice and asked them.

“How is the situation at the scene? How long have I been in a coma, how can I still hear the explosion?”

From the very beginning until now, the explosion has not stopped. And the area destroyed by the explosion has spread from the surroundings of the square to the inside of the city. It can be said that if this situation is allowed to continue, not only the army stationed here, but also the innocent civilians in the city will be affected. And it seems that considering this situation, some of the officers immediately responded to him.

“Sir, you have been in a coma for almost ten minutes. The terrorist attack has never stopped, and it is about to spread from the scene to the city center. We have every reason to believe that, All of this is a trap deliberately laid by these untouchables. They want to use the name of negotiation to attract you as the commander-in-chief, and then use this assassination attack to destroy our command system, so as to achieve their secret Human purpose. Sir, we can’t let these untouchables act wilfully in this way. If this continues, Mumbai will have to play thoroughly.”

“Has things reached this point?”

Rama Mujam, who was chanting like this, showed a cold smile in his heart. He first glanced at the anxious officers in front of oneself, and then through the gap between them, he cast his eyes on those explosions further away.

It can be seen that under those explosive baptisms, the army he brought has already suffered heavy losses. For him, such a situation is a good excuse. So immediately, he made the own expression become sad, and at the same time, he reluctantly ordered the officers around oneself.

“We can’t go on like this anymore, we can’t let our soldiers die in vain, and let our people fall into the pain of terrorist attacks for no reason. Send my order, let the heavy standby Weapon troops are preparing to launch an attack, and the target is these mobs in front of us. In order to prevent the appearance of a fish that escaped the net, we must not allow any possible threat to escape from here. Must, cut them weeds and eliminate The roots, don’t keep one!”

With the unique strength and coldness of soldiers, Rama Mujam gave this order. Under his order, all the officers were taken aback for a moment, and then they reacted.

“Yes, sir. Let’s go and give orders now. Assure you, any mob inside will not have any chance to leave!”

If you say If Rama Mujam dared to give such an order before, then any one of them might not have the courage to go along with him. Because this is obviously anti-humane, and it will attract huge controversy. Even the identity of Rama Mujam can never afford such a thing. Once the account is settled afterwards, he will definitely involve oneself while powerless to defend himself. So, if he really did this forcibly, some of them would definitely rather denounce him than entangle him.

But now, the situation is different.

Although Rama Mujam’s orders are very cruel, even cruel. But they have to admit that this is the best solution at the moment and the only solution that can control the whole situation. Anyway, it is Rama Mujam who is responsible for this matter. They are just passing orders. So even for their own safety, they would definitely agree with his choice.

It can be said that the fate of the pacifists who are present has already been decided. For such a decision, some people are unacceptable.

For example, those at first stand up to greet the sect managers of Rama Mujam. They are full of rejection, plan and panic towards such orders. So, seeing that the officers were really going to give such an order, they rushed up and stopped these people stubbornly.

“Your Excellency, Your Excellency General. You can’t do this. We are innocent. We are unaware of all this. You are killing the innocent. You are absolutely wrong to do so. “

“It’s not you who did it, who would do it. Here are only both of us, and everything here is arranged by your own hands. If you say that this was not done by you, Is it because I can’t do all this?”

Although I want to say it, it is not that there is no such suspicion. But looking at Rama Mujam’s pale face, also his blood-stained military uniform. These managers can’t say anything like that anyway. At this time, they can only be pleading.

“Your Excellency, this really has nothing to do with us. Please, leave a way out, let us go. I can use my life to assure that all the church members here really don’t What kind of terrorists are they. They really don’t know all of this. They really came here for peace.”

“Peace?” Looking at the explosions of fire, they seemed frightened. Cultists running around like rats. Seeing more and more explosions where they entered and exited. Rama Mujam rebutted almost ruthlessly. “I didn’t see any trace of peace from you, all I saw was destruction, also utter madness. You guys must be crazy, blatantly doing it in the name of peace. Only terrorists Will do terrifying things. Only I, a fool, will believe you and have fallen into such an obvious trap. At this time, I can’t let you go anymore. As a soldier, I must protect my country and me. People of China. So you, there is only one result that can wait for you. That is to be completely wiped out by our army until it is reduced to ashes!”

“How can this be? Your Excellency, there must be something The place is wrong. We didn’t make any traps, everything we said was true. We really negotiated for peace…”

It seems to be a cruel reality After being hit, these managers are already somewhat unable to control their own emotions. Some of them even rushed towards Ramah Mujam, as if they were about to pull him, just like confronting him.

Of course, this kind of action obviously has another meaning for the officers on the scene who are already somewhat allergic. So immediately, one of them took out oneself’s matching gun and screamed while pulling the trigger at these people who leaped over.

“Protect the general, these untouchables want to assassinate the general. Take the general and leave here!”

No words of trust at all make these managers dull, and that The companions who had fallen in a pool of blood obviously made them realize something. At this time, this kind of hindsight was already a bit too late. Because the officers had already pulled out their pistols one after another and shot them indiscriminately.

For them, these thugs who have been classified as terrorists are death cannot wipe out the crimes. For the safety of themselves and the generals, shooting them is completely justified and there is no need to hesitate at all.

While watching these guys dreaming of peace fall to the ground like this, Rama Mujam raised his eyebrows calmly, and then instructed the officer next to oneself.

“Okay, let’s get out of here quickly. It’s not safe to stay here after heavy fire. Also, remember my words, don’t let any mob leave here.”

At this time, his words are equivalent to imperial edicts. No one will disobey him, and no one will argue with him. Everything has started to proceed as he expected.

When he and the officers left the chaotic square in a plane, the armed soldiers and war chariot of the brigade also marched in. They are ruthless and attacked all the civilians left here.

Use steel to fight flesh and blood, bullets and cannonballs to fight your bare hands. This is simply not a war, but a bloody massacre. Simply as easy as blowing off dust, and it’s simply too late for anyone to make trouble from it. Everything has come to an end in a short time.

The blood has already dyed this land red, giving the name of this city a layer of blood forever.

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