Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1252

“Can you give me an explanation? General?”

Looking at Prime Minister Hegtel who appeared on the screen, even though he was already sick in bed. Rama Mujam still had to straighten his waist and replied seriously to him.

“It’s my fault, Prime Minister. I wrongly believed in those despicable guys. Originally I thought they really wanted to solve all this in a peaceful way. As long as they are willing to surrender, We can achieve our goals at the least cost. Doing so can avoid unnecessary bloodshed and prevent our country from falling into decline because of all this. It’s just that I didn’t expect that all this is just a Trap.”

“You didn’t think about it, you didn’t think about it.” After listening to Rama Mujam’s recount of complexion is gloomy, Hegtyl immediately yelled. “General, my general. Can you tell me what is in your mind? You are a soldier, a politician. You are not a stupid idiot, and you are not a minor child. What do you say to cheating children? I can believe it. Even if you believe it, why didn’t you make the appropriate defenses, do you believe that those guys will be a group of lambs without minions?”

“It’s my fault, sir I am sorry for your trust, I am sorry for the soldiers who sacrificed because of my mistakes. For this, I am willing to accept any Penalty from you, no matter what kind of Penalty, I can accept it.”

“Now it’s not the question of whether or not to accept Penalty!” When he said this aloud, the anger in Hegtel’s eyes became stronger. He stared at Rama Mujam on the opposite side of oneself’s screen. After twitching the corners of his mouth a few times, he sighed and asked him. “Forget it, now is not the time to pursue all this. How is your body, can you continue to hold on?”

“My body is fine, sir. Very lucky, this spear only hits On my shoulders. Although it may be necessary to hang a bandage, this will not affect my subsequent command work. I can still continue my mission!”

Said this in a firm tone, pull When Mammujam answered, he was also paying attention to Hegetel’s expression. He could clearly see a breath of expression on his face. In Rama Mujam’s view, this is a matter of course.

You must know that he is labeled as the Prime Minister, in other words, he is his person. At this time, if oneself can’t continue, it means that Hegetel must send someone else to take charge of this action. At this time, if you want to find someone to take over the action, you may not be able to find an own person.

The huge political capital falls into the hands of others, and it may even cultivate a powerful enemy for oneself. This is not the Low Level mistake that Hegetel, a man who has been steadfast for more than ten years, can make. So his affirmative first intention will definitely let Rama Mujam take over all this.

And Rama Mujam’s answer is undoubtedly a touch on his mind. Minor injuries can’t get below the line of fire, such an attitude can not only be recognized by Hegtel, but also relieve his urgent need. He naturally had no reason not to believe that Hegtel would refuse to own.

And the facts are the same as he imagined. After getting such an answer from him, Hegtel immediately reassures him.

“Very well, since you are willing to continue to complete this action, then I will spare no effort to support your decision. In addition, I will arrange the best doctor for you to ensure your health at any time . You can put yourself in your own work with confidence.”

“Thank you for your trust, Your Excellency. I will definitely not let down your trust.”

The expression on Hegetel’s face also became amiable.

“I believe in you, General Rama Mujam. I believe you can complete the mission I have entrusted, and I believe you can complete our ambitions. In short, I have only one request from you Since these mobs are already so impossible to tell good from bad, they are determined to bring chaos and war to our country. As a soldier, you must never show mercy to them. You must do your best Work hard to clean up these mobs for me in the shortest possible time, understand?”

“I understand, sir. I promise in my name!”

Higtel Satisfied nodded, hung up the communication with Rama Mujam. And it was only at this time that Rama Mujam’s face showed a sneer.

A perfect performance, he has successfully obtained everything oneself wants. Not only completed the transaction with Steve Rogers, but also successfully eliminated all suspicions of oneself and placed oneself in the ranks of the victims. Such a plan of one move, two gains, and killing two birds with one stone really makes it inevitably complacent.

Before this, he had a deep dread and respect for the prime minister, Hegtyl. But now it seems that this is nothing more than an old man played by oneself between his palms. There is nothing great about him, just a little bit of tricks can turn him around. So from this perspective, replacing what Steve said and becoming the de facto ruler of this country is really not a problem of impossible realization.

Thinking of this, Rama Mujam thought of another special guy. Steve Rogers. This guy who planned all this behind the scenes, but never showed up. His existence is probably what oneself must care about. You know, the guy who can send tens of thousands of people to hell in that idealistic way is definitely not a good guy. At the very least, compared with him, Hegtel is a stupid herbivorous donkey.

Rama Mujam has every reason to believe that now this guy must be lurking in the dark, preparing for oneself’s next fatal blow. He must have a back hand, and such a back hand is probably the most critical place. What he was going to do, what he would do, at this moment, Rama Mujam was already very much looking forward to it.

He is waiting and see. And while he was lying in bed looking forward to all of this, on the other side, near the scene of the Mumbai riot, a group of special visitors started own work.

They are agents from the Skyhammer Bureau. The mission they appeared here was also to investigate the truth about the assassination of Rama Mujam.

Anyway, Rama Mujam was also their commander in this mission. Even though Rama Mujam was not so caring about them, the commander was assassinated. After all, they lose face. Based on this alone, as a member of the Skyhammer Bureau, they must also find the killer and give oneself and the organization an explanation.

even more how, judging from the situation at the time, this matter is probably not as simple as it seems. In the hearts of many people, there are strange things in it.

Suddenly exploded, assassinated, and also followed by the rapid and deadly massacre. Everything seemed to be arranged. Of course, this does not mean that these agents began to doubt the identity of Rama Mujam. But in their opinion, this is probably another song carefully composed by Hydra. It is even said that even the assassination of Rama Mujam was part of its elaborate design.

As an opponent, in this world, there is probably no other force who knows Hydra better than them. If this powerful terrorist organization really wants to assassinate Rama Mujam, it simply cannot use this method. And even if they chose the method of long-range sniper killing, it is absolutely impossible to be wrong.

A shot to death, this is definitely the only possibility that will appear at that time. If not, then they can only say that Rama Mujam’s alive is what they want to see. When contacting the entire process of development, the agents of the Tianhammer Bureau naturally thought of certain possibilities.

In their opinion, if it had been shot at Ramah Mujam. Of course, it may cause huge chaos on the scene. However, it is also possible for the central federal government of India to intervene directly. At that time, it is uncertain whether the massacre will happen. After all, the government always wants face. Politicians are always impossible, as direct and bold as soldiers.

And it would be different if only Rama Mujam was seriously injured. As the highest commander on the scene, as long as he is still alive, then the command must be in his hands. Under the circumstances at the time, blood loss and anger were likely to dazzle Rama Mujam when he made irrational judgments. This means that this massacre is the result that Hydra wants to see.

From here, one such answer can be analyzed, and that is in this religion dominated by Steve Rogers. His voice is probably not the only voice, there may still be some differences among them. And what happened here now, if it is connected with Hydra’s usual style in the past, then it can be seen as a trap they laid in order to get rid of dissidents.

Those who were slaughtered are innocent, their existence is not a threat, but a turning point in the whole thing. If that is possible, it is not impossible to instigate them and get them out of Hydra’s camp. As long as they can find evidence in this scene to prove everything they suspect.

Unfortunately, they didn’t find any evidence at all. In other words, they have come a step too late. Because what appeared in front of them at this moment was the guard of Rama Mujam and a corpse dragged by them.

“Is this the Assassin? It looks like a civilian.”

Someone asked, and they had great doubts about the efficiency of these soldiers. In this regard, the soldiers said with certainty.

“Of course, we are around here. When the general was assassinated immediately, we blocked the place and started searching for this guy. Look, even his gun is here, and people get stolen. It must be right!”

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