Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1253

Spoiled and obtained? Looking at the corpses and weapons in the hands of the soldiers, these agents from the Skyhammer Bureau immediately got up to disdain as beneath contempt. For them, I am afraid that another word will be more suitable to explain all this, and that is dead men tell no tales.

Just from the appearance, they can tell that this is just a civilian without any military training. Weak muscles, short body with obvious malnutrition. Not to mention it is Ramamujam who can shoot outside several hundred meters and looks only as much as mosquitoes at worst. I am afraid that even that MK11 7.62mm caliber sniper rifle can’t be held firmly. Such a person, to say that he is a killer, is really exaggerating him.

So if he is not that killer, then who would he be? Obviously, the answer is only such a scapegoat. For such a scapegoat, the agents are completely to disdain as beneath contempt. They looked at the floor passage behind the soldiers, and after looking at each other, they walked directly up. To this, the soldiers did not at all react too much. Because they know very well that oneself cannot control these foreign influential figures.

In this way, these agents of the Skyhammer Bureau have arrived at the location they estimated at first. The 8th floor of this building is also the only place where you can overlook the entire square and sniper Rama Mujam in it.

It’s just weird. According to common sense, a place like this should be surveyed in advance to ensure that there is no who gets involved in any dangerous activities. But from the reactions of the soldiers just now, it can be seen that they simply did not do so. It was completely hindsight, and they only reacted when things got to the worst point. But thinking about the basic qualities of the Indian army, the agents slowly cleared up their doubts.

They can even destroy important submarines and airplanes. It’s not surprising to ignore such basic security issues.

For the time being, letting go of this trivial issue, the agents continued their own work. First of all, what they did was start to confirm the environment of the accident site.

Through a broken window, they could clearly see where Ramamujam was. And from this position, they can also be sure that this is where the killer sniped Rama Mujam. The slight traces left on the ground and the medicinal smell can prove their discovery. Just wanting to confirm the identity of Assassin through these is really too impossible.

“Can the original image be restored through spectral feedback?”

“I’m afraid not, that group of soldiers have been here. The information they leave is likely to interfere with the scene Environment, so that the restored scene will have errors.”

“No matter what, let’s try first before talking.”

After a brief conversation, the agents started from oneself A dozen large and small devices were taken out of the carrying case. They placed these devices all around, and after a while of operation, they let these devices emit complicated rays, covering the space completely like a spider web.

And just after all this is completed, virtual images slowly appear in the space covered by light. Complicated figures, changes in light, and also ripples caused by air shocks. All this is what is presented by these devices. And through this complex presentation, all the past that happened here has been restored.

If it is said that this is the first scene that has not received any damage, then by using this special presentation, they can understand the truth of everything. But now, they are not sure that what oneself sees is the truth. Because it is obvious that there are many human figures that overlap each other in the images presented.

As a special technological product, this spectroscopic device called the Eye of Destiny uses spectroscopy to monitor the changes in air, humidity, electromagnetic and temperature in a fixed area to restore everything in the past for a certain period of time, so Even if there is only one person, you can see multiple silhouettes through his movements in different time states.

This may be a headache for people who are in contact with all of this for the first time. But for the agents who have been in contact with professional training, they have already trained the ability to distinguish all this. It’s like an editor can edit a movie with light and shadow frame by frame. They can also restore the inherent scenes of the time through such overlapping images.

Of course, this is limited. Simply overlapping images created by one or two people can be distinguished clearly. But once more than one person has made enough actions, the resulting image can only be restored with a special computer. And if you want to see everything that happens through human computing power, that is simply impossible.

Thousands of things, even hundreds of thousands, are mixed together. Simply is something that humans cannot recognize. Even with a computer, it is not so easy to tell the truth. A small data error can cause the truth to be completely confused. There are too many factors that can interfere with the computer’s judgment here. This is why some agents say that this is basically impossible.

However, although it is said. But through such a device, the agents still saw some facts that oneself could not imagine. In their imagination, they thought they could see a little Hydra’s fuzzy silhouette in these restored images. In this way, even if these silhouettes are vague and unrecognizable, it can explain their previous conjecture.

But now, they are surprised to find out. There are not at all Hydra guys. Among all the effects that have been shown, only the scapegoat with few movements and the large number of Indian soldiers. And this situation can only show one problem, that is, there were only two possibilities in the original situation.

First, they made a mistake in their judgment. The guy who looked like a scapegoat was a killer with a strong hidden ability. Another possibility is that there are Hydra’s lurking spies among the Indian soldiers.

How to think is that the probability of second guess is a little bit bigger, and with such a calculation, then oneself may just let the spies run away from the owner.

The chagrin caused by the mistakes naturally inevitably appeared in the hearts of these agents. However, compared with this kind of annoyed emotion, a more special worry is going to be more heavy in their hearts.

The enemy has extended its tentacles into the Indian army, but the group of oneself still doesn’t know anything about it. This is absolutely not allowed. As agents, although they cannot influence the direction of the war, it is their job to ensure internal security and the reliability of war information. In any case, they must report this information. But, to whom should this information be reported?

Just looking at each other, the agents have already discovered the worry in each other’s eyes. And soon, some of them asked.

“Should I tell this to Commander Ramammujam?”

“I do not recommend this. Although Ramammujam is our command An official, but he is even a member of the top level of the Indian military. And none of us is sure that after all this is known to him, what will happen unexpectedly. Indians always give people full of unexpected surprises. , But there is no need for such a thing at this time. Therefore, we need to report this situation to others.”

“For example?”

” A director. Send the information here to the center to let the center decipher the complete picture. Then use this picture to report to the directors! I believe if they know all this, things should be different.”

The agents reached such a consensus, and it was at the juncture when they started such actions. Their enemy Hydra has already begun to act. And the actions at this time started from public opinion.

With its own technological strength, Hydra forcibly cut off the Indian government’s contact with all media and took over control of the media. And this also made, at the same time, all official and private channels in India began to broadcast such a scene.

Steve Rogers is still the same, and his appearance immediately made all the believers who fell into despair and struggle because of this massacre as if they had found a mountain they could rely on, calm down Down. Of course, Steve’s purpose is not to appease the emotions of these helpless people, he also has deeper thoughts.

“Here, I want to say sorry to all the brothers and sisters who believe in me. Because I not at all appeared where I should appear, and you will bear all this. And yes Therefore, although I have a sufficient explanation, it cannot make up for the mistakes made because of my absence. I apologize to you.”

“Then, I want to make this explanation to you. Those Our friends, brothers and relatives who died in Mumbai and were slaughtered by the army. They are not thugs or terrorists as the Indian government said. You should be very clear that they are just normal civilians. That’s it. If there is anything abnormal, then they are hoping to think about this cruel country and seek change in a peaceful and naive way. And as you should have seen, this country cruelly rejected them. Everything they did was in their plan.”

“Yes, nothing wrong. My brothers, my friends. The massacre in Mumbai was simply not what you did. What I saw was a reluctant counterattack from the army. It was a premeditated action, and everything was just a lie just and honorable to slaughter us!”

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