Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1254

“This is a lie, a lie that gives you hope. From the very beginning, their intention to resolve peacefully is false, and the reason they cost I have tried my best to facilitate this peace talk, so that I can find a chance to give you serious damage.”

“The brother sisters, counted as hundreds of thousands, have been mercilessly slaughtered by them. They are They are using the blood of those innocents to tell us their violence and terror. They want to defeat us spiritually, destroy us, and make us completely lose the courage to confront them. As far as the current situation is concerned, they seem to be It did this.”

Steve said this in front of the TV, and then took off his own clothes in front of everyone, revealing his own chest. On his chest, there was a very obvious new wound. And just pointing to this wound, he said to everyone.

“You have begun to fear, you have begun to hesitate and worry. And like you, I have also begun to fear. But what I fear is different from yours, and what I fear is different from yours. . What I fear is that you have forgotten what I gave you, and forgotten the fundamentals and feelings of being a human being. What I worry about is that even if you no longer resist anymore, nothing will be waiting for you. The end.”

“This country has always been cruel to you, but now their methods show that when you become what they don’t want to see, they will only treat you even more. blooded and emotionless. Look at my wound. This is because I naively thought that they were still willing to accept you in a peaceful way and stayed. Before that negotiation started, I was assassinated by the military. That’s why I can’t be there. They’re chain after chain and want to wipe us out completely. In this case, there are only two choices left for you.”

“The first is to sit and wait for death. Watching those violent agencies that represent the regime impose all their cruelty on you, watching them take your lives, take your family, and everything you have Everything. I think many of you have experienced or seen such a tragedy happen. And I also believe that you will never want such a thing to happen to each of you again.”

“The second option is to stand up and resist. It’s like what I told you before. Gandhi’s non-violent and non-cooperative prayers won’t get you what you want The thing. In the case that the other party has no sympathy and compassion at all, the more naive you are, the easier it will be to ruin all of your own. We have already paid the price for this innocence, it is the price of blood, is enough to make The result of your fears. And now do we need to continue to be so naive? Are we really going to hand over the choice of own destiny to those terrifying dictators?”

“If Your answer is no, then please learn to stand up and come to our temple, we will give you the strength and courage to dominate the destiny of oneself. And if your answer is the same as those who have compromised with destiny, and what happened to oneself If you are already indifferent people, please sit in your own home. Waiting to meet the terrifying all.”

“Change, or not change. The right to choose is in your hands. I look forward to it. Now, the moment you told me your answer!”

Steve’s speech lasted only five minutes, but the impact was already profound enough. For the people in this country, their government really has no power to persuade others. Therefore, when there are different voices, let alone those who have been hurt by it, even those people who have nothing to do with it start to ask in their hearts whether all this is a conspiracy designed by the government. ?

The answer is of course no. In fact, after watching Steve’s speech all the way, Hegtyel angrily smashed the TV in front of oneself, and picked up the phone and yelled at the other end.

“What the hell is going on? What about your news control capabilities? Why do you let this damn news be exposed. Are you guys failing to eat shit?”

Hegetel, who was extremely angry, even shattered all the swear words. In the face of his anger, the officials in charge of the news can only replied trembling with fear.

“They have technology that we can’t match, but in an instant, our control of all media channels has been taken away. We have no way to prevent the release of this information. This is Helpless matter, Your Excellency Prime Minister.”

“Helpless matter? Very good, then I tell you, you can submit my resignation now. Although I am sorry, I am also very helpless. With all your men, get out of your office immediately. The federal government doesn’t need such incompetent waste from you!”

He fiercely vented the evil fire in oneself’s heart, black After a long silence, Gettyl picked up the phone again and got in touch with Rama Mujam.

“Have you seen the news released by the cultists?”

“Yes, sir. I just finished watching all that.” He probably guessed what he wanted Dry and so on Rama Mujam responded cautiously. And just after he finished saying that, he immediately greeted Hegtyl’s stern inquiry.

“Since you have seen it, then I won’t go around with you anymore. Tell me, is all this related to you? Is the military like that bastard, What conspiracy is secretly laid out?”

“Your Excellency, this is simply nonsense.” Upon hearing this, Rama Mujam immediately gave a negative reply. “I have reported all the actions to you. All these are arrangements made in advance just in case. Faced with the gathering of tens of thousands of potential threats, we will rectify It’s our job to guard the military and make the worst-case scenario in itself. If there is any conspiracy behind the scenes, you will know it. And if that’s the case, I won’t be in that dangerous situation. Place. It’s not a conspiracy to send oneself into the danger of being nearly killed. It’s just playing with fire.”

The gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. This is the mentality that a mature politician should have, and Hegtel, who has climbed to the top of his political career, naturally agrees with such a point of view. If this is a conspiracy, if this is what Rama Mujam made with oneself behind his back, then he has no need to let oneself get involved in that dangerous situation. You know, if the bullet is a little bit higher, then he will be lying in the coffin now. It’s impossible to think of this kind of conspiracy with own life.

Thinking of this, Hegtyl also let go of his suspicion of Rama Mujam. After all, in his eyes, Rama Mujam is just a soldier. Soldiers are not as comfortable with conspiracy as they are politicians. His suspicion is really very small, so small that Hegetel would hardly believe it. So soon, he changed his tone and asked him.

“So, are all these damn cultists secretly messing up?”

“There is no doubt, sir. Don’t forget their Hydra identity. Under such circumstances, we carefully design everything and predict our every move. This may be impossible for other terrorist organizations, but it is not impossible for them. They are With this kind of strength and this kind of motivation.”

“We deliberately created such a chaotic scene, under the circumstances that forced us to use special means. Then we jumped out and made an innocent look. Let the believers in his hands completely give up the possibility of a peaceful settlement with us, and turn into a terrorist organization hostile to the government. This is probably their purpose. And we have to admit his purpose now. It may have been reached. After his speech, we may have millions more enemies. Once they have weapons, then all this may really turn into war!”

“War?” As soon as he heard this word, Hegtel felt a tingling feeling in his heart. As the ruler of a country, he is most afraid of hearing such a word. The current situation is that he has to go through all this inevitably. And it’s not the ordinary war, but the most terrifying civil war in the war. No matter who the outcome belongs to, the result will be disastrous for this country.

Such recognition made him want to moan, but he knew that oneself could not show any cowardly expression in front of Ramah Mujam. So he could only take a deep breath and then seriously questioned Rama Mujam.

“We can’t let the situation worsen, Your Excellency General. You must resolve this as quickly as possible. Even if it is a war, you must end it as quickly as possible. Yes, take advantage of it. They have not yet assembled, and while they have not yet been able to obtain weapons to confront the government. We must preemptively eliminate them. Society cannot withstand such turbulence, and our country cannot withstand such a turbulence. The ravages of war. Destroy them, destroy them desperately. This is the order I give you, and you must complete this order!”

“Yes, sir. I assure you! Just, about The issue of mobilizing the army. With my authority, I’m afraid it’s not so easy.”

The owner condition was put forward in a timely manner, and Hegetel immediately gave him such a guarantee.

“I will guarantee you the cooperation of all the troops. Your Excellency, all you have to do is to fulfill the promise you made!”

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