Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1255

The supreme leader of the country made a decision, so naturally, the entire state agency began to operate rapidly. In just one night, countless police and troops have poured into various cities like locusts. And quickly occupied the anthropological temple created by Steve.

These tall temples were built one by one by Steve using Hydra’s funds. Although the chakras are not necessarily deeper than those ancient temples, they are not inferior in terms of size and style. Moreover, one of the biggest characteristics of the Anthropocracy is its acceptability.

For the temples of the overwhelming majority, the meaning of their existence is to worship God first, and then support monks. But the religion of man and god is different. Its existence is not prepared for God, it is prepared for man from the very beginning. So it is not so much a temple. Rather, it is more like a university in the cloak of a temple.

Except for the square for lectures and monks’ residences, all other places are basically built to look like dormitories, so as to provide a place for civilians who have no permanent residence to settle down. . It can be said that a temple of humanity in a city is equivalent to a refuge for refugees. As far as India’s national conditions are concerned, there are no fewer refugees living here anyway.

Of course, although there are so many common people living in the temples of the Anthropocene, this does not mean that they are the followers of the Anthropocene. Even at best, they can only be regarded as the reserve of the cultists. Because no matter where it is, it must be the kind of guy who seize every opportunity. Some people come here just to have a place to live, and it is not so easy for them to believe Steve’s style.

Of course, this is not to say that these people are so intelligent and able to see through Steve’s tricks. It’s that they are so stupid that they don’t believe that there is a possibility of change in own life, so naturally they won’t believe the nonsense that Steve promotes.

It can be said that these people should have belonged to the type who would not have anything to do with him no matter what Steve did. At most, they were just losing a place to live. But today, this situation is no longer valid. Because the Indian government has made a huge determination, and when implementing such a determination, the violent law enforcement agencies also choose the most direct way.

There was a mistake, but I didn’t let it go. Perhaps a person in a high position like Hegtyel might consider something for the bottom of these civilians. But law enforcers like them will never have any pity or sympathy for these civilians.

For them of high caste, these civilians are simply garbage and Stinking Insect living among them. So if there is a chance to get rid of them, they will naturally not hesitate to act.

Like a sudden storm, the police and army have already invaded these temples in the shortest possible time. And ruthless land began to drive away every civilian that oneself could see. For them, these civilians are all the same goods, so what they give them will naturally be the same violence. The club and the butt of the rifle were completely ruthless and greeted them at the weakest part of their bodies, but anyone who hesitated or wanted to resist was already beaten to death by them in an instant. , Lie down on the ground.

Such brutal methods naturally scared many people. So when I saw these violent law enforcement officers walking towards oneself from a distance, someone had already started to flee in a panic.

People living here have more or less experience of being chased by the police. So they thought it would be the same as their previous life, as long as they ran away, so that the police could not chase oneself, everything would pass. However, the facts have long ceased to be like this. When they started to flee, there were already soldiers who raised their guns and started shooting at their backs.

Although it can’t be said to be a hit. But with so many guns, civilians are still being dealt with. Even if it is a blind shot, the result is not much worse. And just after a few shots, there were not many people who could escape their sight alive. But even so, these law enforcers did not even want to let them go.

“Call a few people to catch up. Don’t let them escape from here! If they dare to have any resistance, you should know what to do.”

The leader of the law enforcement officers made such a sound, and soon someone started to act according to his orders. And the people hiding in the corner saw from a distance these law enforcement officers chasing after the runaways in a crazy posture that oneself had never seen in the past, and after a gunshot, dragged an individual like a dead dog When they came back, their hearts suddenly became more frightened.

“Damn, these Bushwackers. What are they trying to do, do they want to kill to the last one to us?”

Seeing what happened in Mumbai, Most of the people of Anthropology, or those who have a good impression of Anthropology, will call these government law enforcement agents Bushwacker. This is not only because they massacred more than 100,000 innocent people in Mumbai, but also because they normally played a bad role.

The police or soldiers in India do not serve most Indians. They only work for those powerful and powerful, even those irrelevant foreigners, the service they enjoy on these law enforcement officers will be more than that enjoyed by most civilians in this country. For these people at the bottom of society, these police and soldiers will only oppress them. And now, they have become more vigorous and become the terrifying Bushwacker that harvests their lives.

These people don’t at all think that things will turn out to be like this, and when such things come to them, they are completely at a loss.

“What should we do, what should we do? They are coming soon, we will be killed by them! We will really be killed by them.”

“Stop arguing, do you want to bring them over? It’s better to find a way to escape than talking nonsense. Yes! We have to find a way to get out of here, get out of here as soon as possible!”

” Leaving here, where do you want to go? Look at the position of these people. They are soldiers and policemen. Do you think they will leave you such a big loophole for you to escape here safely? This is simply impossible. . I bet you can’t even get out of the temple door, and you’ll be beaten to death by them in an instant!”

“Then what do you say we should do? Don’t you just sit here and wait for death Is it?”

A group of people were arguing hurriedly. And this kind of dispute is undoubtedly useless in today’s circumstances. This will neither make any improvement in the situation, nor will it be possible for them to escape from the sight of those law enforcement officers. After all, this is just a waste of their precious time and consume their limited lives.

Of course, in this case, there is no lack of understanding. For example, one of the youngsters gave an own opinion at this time.

“Didn’t the saint say that he will leave us with the strength and courage to resist in the temple? I think if there is this thing, it must be in the hands of the monks. Take advantage of it. Now, those Bushwackers haven’t found the monks’ residences yet, so let’s go quickly. Maybe it will give us hope to live!”

“Hey, are you crazy? You Do you know what it would be? Maybe it’s nothing serious, maybe that kind of thing simply doesn’t exist. Do you want to court death when you rush over?”

When he said this, someone immediately raised it Objected. Faced with such a statement, the youngster immediately yelled.

“It doesn’t matter what it is, whether it exists or not. We always have to try it, don’t we? It’s no use just sitting here, won’t it be like a dead dog in the end? Drag it out. I don’t want to die here, I also my life dream has not been realized. No matter what, I can’t die here!”

“But, do you know what this means? You I have also seen that outside are the army and police representing the government. Even if you can find the power of the saint from the monks, once you start to resist, it means that you are opposing the government of this country. This But the Government of India! Do you think you have the power to fight against the leader of this country? Do you know how terrifying the power in their hands is?”

Some people began to rebut worriedly. They admitted that what the youngster said was true. However, they had to consider the consequences of what he did. Use their meager power to deal with the power of a government. To say that it is striking a stone with an egg is not enough to describe the power balance between them. That kind of gap is as ridiculous as a rice paddy trying to kill an elephant.

Youngster also understands how huge this gap is. However, this huge gap could not dispel the idea and impulse to resist in his heart. So facing the questioning, his voice immediately became more intense.

“Of course I know what that means! But I know better that if I don’t resist today, then after today, my life may be drawn to an end. This is not what I want The result. If rebelling against this government can give me tomorrow, if rebelling against this country can give me a future. Then I am willing to resist. They forced me to such a point. I want to live, I want these guys to know that I am not a beast they can slaughter like a pig or dog!”

After saying this aloud, the youngster has already rushed without the slightest hesitation Get out. Looking at the back of him leaving, more and more people clenched their fists.

“This is all forced by you, this is all forced by you! We, not beasts!”

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