Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1256

The gunfire in the temple was intermittent, but overall, it never stopped at all. But under such circumstances, a group of people had quietly arrived at the center of the temple and knocked on the doors of monks who normally did not want to knock.

For the monks in the temple, most of the commoners are actually in awe. On the one hand, it is because of what these monks have given them. The place where they live, the food they eat, and even the safe environment are provided by these monks. People need to know how to be grateful, so naturally they will also have a sense of awe for these monks who represent the temples.

On the other hand, it is because of shame. Many of them just came here to eat and drink. Because if you are really a believer in the sect of human beings, then you have already made a fortune with the efforts of the owner and the help of sect. Only people like them will continue to live in this kind of place and live such a non-motivated lifestyle with an ostrich-like mentality. Although the monks never came forward to drive them away. But as long as there are people with a little bit of shame, they will not be willing to have contact with the monks in this situation.

So except for the time when they first came here, these people basically haven’t had any face-to-face encounters with the monks.

Perhaps they didn’t even think about oneself, oneself would meet these monks again under such circumstances. But there is no way, in order to survive, in order not to be slaughtered as a beast by others, they can only come to these monks for help.

The door was opened soon, and looking at the foreign monks who were exactly similar in peacetime, dressed in monks’ services, a few civilians who had been forced into a desperate situation immediately knelt on the ground , Pleaded.

“Master, we are already forced into a desperate situation. Those outside simply don’t intend to give us a way to survive. So we can only hope that master will show mercy and save us.”

Looking at these pleading civilians, these monks pretending to be Hydra looked at each other, and immediately revealed a kind of unpredictable clarity and a subtle joking in their eyes. For them, these people might really be regarded as puppets in their hands. Involuntarily, can only be controlled by own. It’s really pathetic and ridiculous to the extreme.

Although they look down on these guys, these monks don’t show any special expression at all. They just opened the door silently, letting these people file in. Then he said to them with a serious face.

“The Pope means that we understand. We will give you the power and tools to resist the government minions. But, have you made up your mind? If you have not made up your mind to resist completely, So let’s go back and forth wherever you go. This kind of road is not suitable for you!”

“We have made up our minds!” Fiercely gritted their teeth fiercely, this group of anxious civilians They showed a rare fierceness. “When the saint was preaching, he said very clearly. There is no truth in this World that oneself can get what oneself wants without fighting. We only wanted to live safely, but these people are now unwilling to give We, then we can only fight with them!”

“Yes, life and death are fate, wealth is in heaven, fight with them!”

“Why? We want to let them kill. Since they don’t want us to live, then we will fight them to death and death!”

The shouting one after another was in full compliance with the expectations of these Hydra monks, so they looked at each other and smiled. , And brought these people to a room.

The floor made of thick marble in the room has now been lifted. And right in the center of this floor, a deep passage faced all the civilians who walked in, giving them an unfathomable sense of unknown.

Without monks leading the way, none of them dare to take their own footsteps casually. Seeing that they were so cowardly like this, several monks sneered, and they were already taking the lead.

“Come up, the things that can give you resistance are under this passage. Standing on top, you can’t get them.”

In this way, civilians We can only take courage and follow behind these monks and walk into the passage. And before they walked in the passage for long, they were stunned to find that oneself had come to an underground space that was suddenly enlightened, bright and transparent.

There are metal walls and all kinds of advanced instruments that they can’t tell. If they hadn’t seen the monks who led the way still here, they might not have imagined that this would be under a temple. Not in the military base in some science fiction movie.

It can be said that almost every commoner behaved like a hillbilly who entered the Grand View Garden. For their performance, the monks didn’t give any explanation, but opened a few of the big boxes and threw the contents to these civilians.

“This is a gun? Real gun!”

India does not prohibit guns, so in many celebrations, there will be many fanatics holding guns and shooting everywhere to show off. Carnage. However, this is not to say that all Indians have access to guns. You should know that oneself in India does not have the function of producing bullets, and in the case of the extremely poor quality of its military industry, the guns they can access are not substandard products of small workshops, or imported goods. And for such a gun, the price alone is not acceptable to the civilians. Unless you join some special gang organization, or simply give some local tyrants as minions. Otherwise, ordinary low-level civilians would simply not even have a chance to touch a gun.

These civilians themselves are the group of people doing the most sordid jobs in society. Even their own food and clothing are not easy to solve. They need the help of the temple to live until now. Naturally, they have no chance to contact this high-end weapon. And it is precisely because of this that they would be surprised when these monks took out their guns.

“What are you doing in a daze? Come over to get your weapons, do you think we will provide you with anything? Apart from this, what else do you think oneself can use?”

Amidst the monks’ reprimands, a few civilians just leaned forward as if they were waking up from a dream, and took over the guns that looked very different from their hands. After receiving these guns, their reactions were also different.

The older ones are full of worries, because they know what oneself is about to face. And those who are young and vigorous, with floating temperament, have a look of excitement. Even those who have seen the gun from didn’t touch can clearly feel how unique the gun in oneself’s hand is.

It’s almost the same as the weapons in the science fiction movies. Putting it together with the dilapidated rifles that the police carry every day, it’s simply the difference between Heaven and Earth. And when you think about oneself, you can use this thing to slaughter all sides immediately, and the hearts of these youngsters immediately become hot.

Seeing the current mentality of these youngsters, the monks of Hydra sneered in the heart, but also put on a kind smile on their faces.

“This is the A13SHI assault rifle produced by oneself. It uses 5.56mm caliber bullets, the whole gun weighs 3.5 kg, the rate of fire is 1,200 rounds per minute, and the effective range is 550 meters. It adopts short-stroke piston transmission. The style system makes its performance more stable and reliable. At the same time, the use of cold-forged carbon steel forged barrels can also be enhanced in the use of lifespan. Because you are novices, all weapons have been equipped with standard styles. Optical sights and expanded magazines. Open this insurance, aim at your target, and then pull the trigger. This is the way you can resist in the shortest possible time.”

Very simple The introduction method gave all civilians a preliminary number of weapons in oneself’s hands, and at the same time, they immediately realized what kind of resistance oneself would resist next. And at this time, even the most enthusiastic youngster just couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

“My lord, are you asking us to fight those Bushwackers with weapons like this?”

“I have already told you, this is your only resistance Way. Of course, you can also choose to give up. It’s still too late. If you wait until you face the guys with your guns, you may not have the chance to give up like this.”

Monks The explanation was always calm, and in such a calm, all the civilians couldn’t help shaking. Although they had just made up that kind of determination, if they were to do it, it would be another matter entirely. Not dare is normal, dare is strange.

However, as long as their minds are sufficiently clear, they will understand that oneself has no other choice. So after a long silence, someone was already silently picking up the ammunition in the box and starting to stuff oneself into the place where oneself could fit.

One person started to do this, and other people, as long as they were not stupid, started to follow suit. And seeing these people suddenly become aware of the times, the monks of Hydra are also sighed in relief. It is also a good thing for them to save some time, because they don’t want to waste their limited energy in such useless places. Because of the waiting battle, they have to participate in it.

And it seems to have seen the feasibility of these civilians. These monks also encouraged them.

“Don’t be too pessimistic. Brothers! We have more advanced weapons than theirs. Our people are not less than theirs. As long as you listen to my command, you will be able to break one Survival. Moreover, our means are not just these!”

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