Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1258

“Damn, why are these untouchables undying!”

Watching the own bullet shoot into the chest of a civilian, a soldier who is familiar with the kinetic energy of guns is subconsciously The ground thought that the civilian who was shot would explode a flower of blood in his chest and lay down on the ground. But this situation did not happen at all. The person who was shot didn’t seem to have this little injury in his eyes at all, but the lively dragon and animated tiger, rushing over as usual as if Rambo was reborn.

This makes the soldiers cannot help but scold their mother. You know, this is reality, not a Hollywood movie. Although the firearms they used were of the IWC brand, they were also genuine military weapons, large-caliber assault rifles. Even if this spear hits a person’s limbs, it may have a fatal effect, let alone hit the person’s main torso frontally.

A hole in the hole is already a beautification scene in the movie. If you really want to say something, it should be a big hole in a bowl. As long as the bullet hits the bone, it will basically create a cavity in the body tissue due to the venting of kinetic energy. Broken bone scraps and eroded muscles will bring great pain to the powerhouse, and may even cause hard objects such as bone scraps to stab the internal organs and directly cause Death.

This is the formidable power of conventional military weapons, and it is the most common situation in wars. But at the moment, this situation has never happened. In other words, the common sense that these soldiers have always thought has become an abnormal thing.

Bullets can’t stop the crazy civilians at all. They charge with weapons like terrifying in the movie. If it is far away, then things are fine. Because the Spear Art of these guys can’t let them shoot the soldiers and policemen hiding in the bunker. But when they get closer, things are not so good.

Even if it is Spear Art, it is only a dozen meters away, holding an assault rifle with a firing rate of 1,000 per minute, even if you shoot with your eyes closed, you can shoot a few bullets at the enemy. Not to mention, civilians still occupy an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Almost as soon as they rushed up, they were just a few soldiers and police officers and started shooting. In this case, no matter how elite soldiers are, they can only be dead end. And such things happened more often, and the government’s army and police immediately began to people were alarmed.

Fortunately, those soldiers said that the soldiers who participated in several battles with Bucky Stan already had the courage to face life and death. But those policemen have such a mentality about impossible. They came here to gain political achievements and profit. Not here to die. So when they saw that the people around Oneself were killed one by one by civilians who they normally regarded as pigs and dogs under Oneself’s gun, many of them had a mental breakdown.

They started desperately trying to escape, and yelled nervously in their own mouth.

“Damn, I can’t die here, how can I die here. No, I want to live, I must live!”

“I don’t want to die, I I don’t want to die! I have to go back alive!”

“They are not humans, they are the devil. I can’t die in the hands of the devil, otherwise I won’t be able to go to the west!”

The chaotic shouts and their behavior of running wolves and running for their lives not only made the front of the government army instantly confused, but also caused the soldiers who had also resisted their minds to begin to shake in their hearts. Up.

They can see that the current situation is very unfavorable for them. Originally, they also had the determination and courage to fight, but when these policemen made such a fuss, this courage was immediately like a tire with a valve core pulled out, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If you can live, who wants to die? So knowing that the current battle cannot withstand the impact of the mobs, why are you still here to die?

With this idea, many soldiers also began to retreat. It’s just that they just started to move, a very special gunshot immediately made them shrink their own heads, and yelled at the comrades around oneself.

“Be careful, there are snipers. Enough to hide!”

For the soldiers who were planning to retreat at the end, this sound was very timely. Because they had a considerable degree of combat experience, they immediately hid under the bunker after hearing such a sound, and did not dare to show their heads to death. However, for those policemen who had already escaped, this sound was too late.

They had already escaped from the shelter of the bunker, almost exposing oneself to the enemy’s vision. In this case, even if they heard the warnings from the soldiers, they had no time to carry out any effective concealment.

At this time, they can only pray, and the Spear Art of those snipers is as bad as those of the mob. But this kind of thing is basically impossible. Therefore, with the sound of the first shot of the sniper rifle, everyone who fled began to fall to the ground like a scarecrow blown down by the wind. And unlike those mobs with strange abilities, after they fell to the ground, they never got up again.

In just a few minutes, the dozens of police officers who followed to carry out the mission were dead and clean. While this surprised the soldiers, they couldn’t help but start to fear.

Snipers with shooting accuracy like this are rare even in their army. And now such an elite has appeared among a group of mobs, which makes them even more frustrated about the future of own. If just now, they dared to raise their guns to make a counterattack gesture, then now, they dare not even show their heads. Because they know very well that such a Spear Art sniper, as long as oneself dares to show up, it will definitely end up with a headshot. Forget about death, death is so miserable, it really makes them a little unacceptable.

However, hiding here all the time is not an option. Because soon, those mobs will rush over. And with the hatred of those mobs towards them, and the weapons in their hands, they will definitely be inevitable in the end.

These soldiers also knew this in their hearts, so they immediately began to figure out how to survive. In such a situation, soon, some of them suggested to own Captain.

“Sir, let’s ask those robots for help!”

“Seek help from those robots? How can you say that? Don’t forget, what is the order above? This mission must be completed by our own hands. Once those robots intervene, we will not only get no credit, but we will be punished by the people above. And now the chief officer in charge will not give any face to the family behind you No matter what the background, as long as it falls into his hands, it will definitely be unforgettable!”

The words of his subordinates made this Captain a little embarrassed and yelled at him. Obviously, he was still In more consideration of merits and demerits. This can be considered the normal mentality of these soldiers. In most cases, they are almost always thinking about how to take credit and climb up. But now, many people have already choked off such thoughts.

“When is it all, sir. If you don’t ask for help, we will be torn apart by those mobs. Don’t tell me you are not afraid of death. Those mobs will not be blamed on who you are. Any show mercy for you!”

“But!” People who are officers are still hesitating, and more and more people are dissatisfied with him at this time.

“What are you still hesitating? Even if we ask the robots for help, the bureaucrats above will punish us, but it’s better than the death here. You were a few days ago I just bought two virgin sisters from that slum and went back. Don’t tell me that you have enjoyed enough. If you die here, let alone the sisters’ flowers, even if you’ve worked so hard for so many years. Wealth must have nothing to do with you. Your wife is secretly raising other men. Once you die, those will be cheaper for them!”

Some things that you can’t talk nonsense are also at this time Being confided without any scruples, and being so stimulated by these words, the man who was the chief was first taken aback, and then immediately said with gnashing teeth.

“You didn’t lie to me, that bitch is really stealing a man?”

“You can go back and check. As far as I know, there are several non-commissioned officers and she have an affair!”

“Damn, I’m going to kill her. I must go back and kill her!”

Captain screamed fiercely, and had lost his sanity immediately. It is clenched the teeth, and took the special communication device from the owner. Then he shouted into the microphone.

“This is the seventh team. We have been suppressed by fire, and the enemy has snipers. We can’t resist and ask for support. Repeat, we ask for support!”

” The team has been received, please stick to your position. We will be there in five minutes!”

Hearing the clear reply, the Captain man felt relieved first, and then immediately caught the The collar of the subordinate who just broke the news broke the news, lifted him up, and then shouted at him with a fierce appearance of choosing people.

“What else do you know, tell me all. Also those bastards and that bitch have an affair, tell me everything you know!”

“I. …..” The person who was picked up obviously wanted to say something, but at this time, one after the other two gunshots, he also lifted him up, the head of the officer who had been lifted up instantly exploded. Then they fell to the ground like two dead dogs, overlapping each other.

They have forgotten that this is the battlefield. And if they dare to make such a big noise on the battlefield, it can only be said that they are courting death.

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