Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1259

The battlefield can be said to be a place where life and death depend on the sky. Anyone involved in this is probably already ready for Death. This preparation is not only for their own, but also for the comrades around them. However, when Captain of this squad died in front of his subordinates, the soldiers were still dumbfounded because of this unexpected situation.

Comrades-in-arms are found in the most deadly friendships in life. For those soldiers who pin their lives on their belts, the comrades who can entrust their lives with oneself are undoubtedly oneself’s only guarantee on the battlefield. And people are affectionate. After a long time of getting along, even the bastard guy can establish a real friendship in this special situation.

This Captain is the same, although he always likes to follow the influence and cling to the powerful. But for the subordinates of own, he really has nothing to say. Almost every one of his subordinates has benefited from him. He has taken care of almost every family under him. He may not be the best Captain, but for these soldiers, he is their only Captain.

And now, this Captain, who has been with them for countless days and nights, died in front of them, which naturally caused them to experience earthquake-like turbulence in their hearts.

They are saddened by what happened to oneself Captain, and they are also worried about what happened to oneself. Even people like Captain are already dead here, will they be able to go back alive?

In extreme circumstances, it is inevitable that people will think badly. The more they thought about it, the more pessimistic they were, and soon a fierce light appeared in the eyes of the owner. In their view, oneself has been forced into a desperate situation. Although there may be rescuers who have come to assist them, Heaven knows whether they can survive that time. If they can’t make it, then they will die together with their Captain in the hands of these mobs. And they didn’t even have a decent counterattack, and they died so tragically in their hands, which was really a bit too awkward.

Thinking of this, a few soldiers bit their steel teeth, frowned, and shouted to the others.

“Fuck. The only way to stay here is to be beaten to death by those untouchables. The ghost knows when those robots will come to save us. Maybe they won’t come here! I asked You, are you willing to wait so long and hand over the own life to those untouchables or those robots?”

“Of course not, the ghost wants to hand over the own life to them?”

“Then you guys, what should we do? Should we continue to wait, or charge ahead and fight those guys?”

“Fight! Even if we die, we The dignity of the one who is going to die, the one who died like a soldier!”

The bloody soldiers quickly reached an agreement on their opinions, and after reaching such an agreement, they immediately agreed I grasped the gun firmly and loaded it up, like a beast-like coming out of the cage, rushing out from behind the bunker.

In the spirit of killing one and earning one, killing two and earning one, these soldiers almost ruthlessly vented their own firepower at the civilians who were approaching in front of them. And under their firepower, the civilians who had gone smoothly from the counterattack at first were immediately dumbfounded.

For others, they thought that the soldiers had been terrified by oneself. But they didn’t expect that in this situation they could launch such a fierce counterattack. The sporadic gunfire and the rain of bullets are simply incomparable, so as soon as I experienced the feeling of facing the rain of bullets, the overwhelming majority of them were all stunned. And this blankness immediately caused them fatal injuries.

The medicament provided by Hydra can change their muscle structure and make them no longer afraid of bullet damage. But this is not absolute. Important body tissues like the brain are not something that a simple medicament can protect. Therefore, when the soldiers who have been considered crazy concentrated their firepower and tilted their own bullets on the bodies of the stunned civilians, their heads were inevitably hit by a few bullets. And this immediately caused them to pay the most painful price for oneself’s stupid behavior on the battlefield.

The bullet may not be able to penetrate their changed bodies, but the kinetic energy of the bullet can be poured into their brains. The brain is the most important organ in the human body, let alone withstand the kinetic energy of a bullet, even if it is hit hard by the fist of an ordinary person, it may be fatal. So in an instant, the brains of these people have been torn to pieces, and they themselves can only fall directly to the ground when the brain is Death.

This is the only result that the government has achieved since the civilians launched a counterattack. And the result of this battle also made these soldiers red eyes immediately and began to attack more vigorously.

For them, such a result is enough to give them hope. If these mobs’ offensives can be suppressed, then maybe their chances of survival will become greater. So at this time they can’t help but work hard.

But sometimes there are things that you can’t solve just by your hard work. Just like now, these soldiers desperately can suppress these civilians who have never experienced combat, but their most terrifying opponent has never been these civilians, but the Hydra monks hiding behind these civilians. The sniper rifle in their hands is the deadliest existence.

The soldiers forgot this. In other words, they dare not think about such a cruel reality. And such an omission immediately brought them greetings from the god of death.

The sound of the sniper rifle sounded again, which is different from the situation just after hiding in the bunker. Because these soldiers have completely exposed oneself to their vision, the monks of Hydra almost have Shoot them with 100% certainty. With a gunshot, a soldier fell to the ground. The monks of Hydra shot quickly and eagerly, almost just a few breaths, and the soldiers who stood up to fight back had already fallen.

Although the remaining soldiers were already concealed on the spot when the gunshots sounded, they could no longer hide in the bunker. Essentially, they had little time to survive. Up.

“Damn snipers! These damn bastards!”

Almost every soldier cursed in his heart those guys who hid in the dark and put cold guns. They were helpless, because they couldn’t even figure out the position of the snipers, except for those snipers as targets, they had no other effect. They will be shot here one by one, either in the hands of snipers, or in the hands of mobs who came back to his senses. It can be said that everything is over.

Thinking about this, someone is already weeping secretly. And just as such a sob sounded, several more soldiers fell in a pool of blood. For the condescending snipers, their position is really not hidden. And to clean them up is just a matter of time.

One after another, one after another. All the soldiers can do now is to shoot bullets aimlessly at all possible enemy locations. And the people who can do this have become only three or two in just two minutes.

They are already desperate in their hearts. Now for them, the only hope may be that the civilians will rush over and get some interest back from them.

However, civilians are also smart at this time. They also know how to judge the position and size of the enemy from the fire of the gun. After seeing that there were only two or three people putting up a desperate struggle, they didn’t feel anxious. At the same time, he began to observe the reaction of these soldiers on the final journey of life with an attitude like watching a play. No one will come up to die, only them will die. This situation made the few soldiers feel as if they had fallen into an abyss. And just when the gun flames in their hands became thinner and thinner, and the resistance became weaker and weaker. There was another crisp sniper gun shot at their position.

Every time such gunfire sounds, one less person will be lost among them. At this time, they don’t think there will be any accidents with the own enemy.

And just when they are ready for that, as if they are playing Russian Ross roulette with a small probability, waiting for the bullet to fall on oneself. A weird voice rang.

Clearer than gunfire, like one metal hitting another metal. The soldiers who don’t think that those snipers who put cold guns in secret will hit crookedly in this situation are looking subconsciously, wanting to see what happened. But at this time, they suddenly discovered that the air in front of oneself began to ripple inexplicably.

Like a big fish coming out of calm water. One by one, all silver-shining omnipotents appeared from the air so plainly, and completely blocked in front of the soldiers.

The sound they just heard was the sound of sniper bullets hitting these omnics. After revealing the shape of the owner in this way, the omnics immediately stretched out their arms and shot a sparking missile into those dark corners.

There was a rumbling sound, and the entire temple immediately reflected by the flames in the sky was red. And against this background, these omnics that appeared in the temple had already made such a sound in unison.

“Found the clearing target, start the clearing work!”

The third party has inserted into the battlefield, and the destruction has quietly come.

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