Sun God Marvel

Chapter 126

Magneto closed his eyes. At this time, he could do nothing. Stryker squatted down, pulled Magneto by the collar like an old dog, and picked him up.

“no no no, you are not yet ready to give up. I also want you to witness the most important moment in my life, the wonderful moment when you Mutants completely disappeared from the world. Look, Charles can’t hold on anymore.”

Seeing that the hesitation and difficulty on Charles’ face turned little by little into submission, Magneto stretched out his hands desperately and shouted, “No, Charles. Wake up. Wake up, you can’t do this.”

But Charles, who was trapped in the illusion of Jason’s weaving, could no longer hear his cry, and he had begun to operate according to the instructions in the illusion while wearing the mind augmentation device. This dangerous weapon.

The scale-like amplification devices began to move at high speed, and they were arranged in a certain sequence like coils. Charles’ Psychic Power is flowing on it, becoming more powerful and terrifying. A mental will that enveloped the entire world appeared.

“Select all the Mutants, and then destroy them.” Stryker whispered in Jason’s ear with the most excited mood. A weird smile appeared at the corner of Jason’s slanted mouth. He obeyed the order of oneself father and began to give Charles in the illusion this last instruction.

The Psychic Power like a giant spread to the entire world. Almost all Mutants felt an unspeakable heartache, as if a giant hand was holding their heart and soul , And use a little bit of force to crush it.

Whether it is the coalition of Brotherhood of Mutants and the professor, or the Mutant controlled by Stryker. Or the guys who are scattered all over the world and don’t know anything about it. They all lost all their strength in an instant, there was no resistance and nothing to do. Can only wait for the pain in the soul to completely drown them, and then attribute to Death.

Ororo can no longer control the storm and the ultra-low temperature airflow. She fell from the sky like a bird with folded wings, and she was bruised and bruised. The wild beast’s pounce against Cyclops was contained in midair. His huge body side passed by Scott and fell to his side, curled up like a big cat with a broken spine. The body was trembling constantly.

And Cyclops was kneeling on the ground like a broken puppet. The red stone glasses on his face were brought to the ground by the sharp claw of the wild beast, and the bursting rays came from his eyes. Infinitely general moved towards the direction he was facing and shot past.

The ray shot through the thick dam and into the deep lake. The calm lake became turbulent in an instant, a huge amount of lake water was evaporated by the intense rays, and then more water flowed into this evaporated area. Hundreds of thousands of tons of lake water were continuously convection, turning the lake into a wild beast of riots in an instant.

In the distant Paris, Clarice, who was enjoying the tea time with her mother, suddenly fell to the ground. She covered her heart in pain, her face turned pale and blue for a moment. This scene immediately frightened her mother. Zhou Lan quickly picked her up and asked, lose one’s head out of fear.

“Clarice, my dear. What’s wrong with you, don’t scare me outside. Help, can anyone help me! Come on!”

Yasi The servants of the Ford family hurriedly called the doctor. At this time, Zhou Lan discovered that except for his own daughter, even a group of friends around her had the same situation. The doctors were busy, but they didn’t help at all. The power of the mind is an area that people like them can’t touch at all, and they can’t do anything about it.

“God, help me. Save my daughter!” Zhou Lan looked at Clarice’s increasingly bleak face, and couldn’t help but put his hands together in prayer.

At this time, Zhou Yi and Wanda who were moving forward also had a wonderful feeling. Zhou Yi directly accelerated the speed of own, and telekinesis and the force field shredded everything that was blocking them. And Wanda quickly guided him in the direction.

“At that position, it has already started. We must be fast!” As the highest Mutant, Wanda is one of the few people who can avoid the destruction of the soul of Professor Charles. She felt the spread of Charles’s power and began to urge Zhou Yi who was taking him into action.

Although she is immune to this kind of spiritual damage, her younger brother Quicksilver does not have this ability. He was as anxious as Zhou Yi, and he couldn’t wait to rush there to solve the guy who caused it all. Time is like poison at this time, and a little at night is deadly.

With Wanda’s guidance, Zhou Yi has increased his horsepower. With the speed of Mach 27 and the powerful support, he appeared in front of Magneto and the others in an instant. He violently smashed the wall on one side of the psychic augmentation instrument, and this directly caused a huge fluctuation in the Psychic Power of Professor Charles.

His appearance caused a great impact on everyone present. Magneto is extreme sorrow turns to joy, and Stryker is a sharp turn. At this time, his appearance is a turning point that can reverse everything.

“Quickly, Dawn Knight. Stop him and destroy this place. He is about to succeed!” Magneto hurriedly shouted, and Stryker immediately kicked him to the ground, facing everyone around him. Shouted.

“Stop him, stop him. Jason, control him.”

The two female guards next to him immediately rushed towards Zhou Yi, and Jason was almost paralyzed. Also transferred part of own energy to him. They are all fighting for time, but they work in vain.

The heat rays burst out in an instant, like a sharp sword, completely cutting the entire mind amplifying instrument into countless pieces. The extremely high temperature melted all the metal into a thick golden soup, and the whole room instantly became as hot as a volcanic crater.

In this case, the Psychic Amplifier has completely lost its function, and it can’t enhance Charles Psychic Power either. And this also meant that Stryker’s plan was completely broken, and the revenge he had planned for many years was vanished at this moment.

Looking at countless molten metals flowing down little by little, pungent smoke filled the whole room. Stryker’s heart sank to the bottom, sinking into the abyss. This is the damage he cannot bear. He would rather Dawn Knight kill oneself than see the revenge of own turning into a false dream.

At this moment he almost broke his own teeth. The silhouette of Dawn Knight black caught in his eyes, and he was completely hated in the bones.

He stared at the demon who destroyed everything, angrily roared.

“Damn bastard, do you know what you did. You ruined everything, you let these mutant monsters get a respite again. I won’t make you feel better, I want Let you die without a burial site and bear all the pain and despair in this world. Jason, let Charles control them. I want them to be the craziest puppets in my hands.”

He said Before he finished speaking, Scarlet Witch waved a chaotic red mist towards him, and countless sharp blades flashed in the red mist, hiding the sky and covering the earth and shot towards Stryker. For this fanatic who almost killed his younger brother, she would not have any affection.

The endless sword is enough to shred Stryker’s body, he is just a mortal after all. He has no resistance to supernatural forces. But he has the most loyal guard around him.

The Asian woman named Yuriko stood in front of him, and countless sharp swords were shot on her body, but they only tore her flesh and skin apart, but couldn’t penetrate further. They are blocked from the bones. That is Adamantium’s skeleton, the strongest defense in the world.

The sword rain stopped, Yuriko drew out the sharp sword from oneself expressionlessly, and her body healed in her breath. For her, this kind of injury was nothing but tickle. Then she stretched out five sharp claws, leaped into the air and threw in Wanda’s direction.

Protecting Stryker is the only mission in her consciousness, and Wanda, who threatens Stryker’s life, is her mortal target.

However, her body has just vacated. A sturdy body suddenly appeared and threw her down. The two figures were entangled and rolled down the sky bridge. Rolled into the molten metal that was still flowing. Suddenly, the man’s painful growl came from below. That is the voice of Vajra Wolf Logan.

However, their battle was not at all stopped because of this, on the contrary. In this metalized lava, Logan and Yuriko are still fighting fiercely. Lava melts the flesh of their bodies, but it can’t melt their Adamantium skeleton within the body. Therefore, they were fighting desperately with bare skeletons.

The body is being continuously repaired and melted down, and the battle is continuously heating up. It is not so much that they are fighting a physical contest, it is better to say that they are fighting each other’s will. Therefore, it is difficult for them to tell the so-called victory or defeat in a short time.

Wanda pulled away and stood in the air. She just wanted to support Logan. A figure suddenly appeared behind her. A purple radiance flashed on the figure’s hand, piercing directly behind Wanda like a short blade.

Feeling the danger from behind oneself, a chaotic red mist surged across Wanda’s body. Her body became false and unreal in an instant, and the assassin’s silhouette passed through her illusory shadow. , As if through an illusion. But the shining blade of light in her hand slashed across her shoulder, causing her the pain of being pierced.

“Mind Blade? Are you a Lingdie?” Wanda covered her shoulders and stared at the female assassin with peculiar ability. When she saw the peculiar ability, she recognized the assassin’s true identity. A dangerous assassin recorded by SHIELD.

She is in charge of teleportation and the blade of the mind. Entering and leaving any environment is like entering no one’s land, and the speed is always in an instant. As for her psychic blade, it is even more invisible. No instrument in this World can detect the existence of this psychic weapon. This is the most feared type of all Leaders, and it is precisely because of this that she was included in the vision of the largest spy organization. SHIELD has been paying attention to her for a long time, but she didn’t expect her to be controlled by Stryker.

The red mist on Wanda’s body became hazy, and she disappeared into the air. To deal with this kind of enemy, even she needs to be cautious. Because, it is very possible that a mistake, she will die in her hands.

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