Sun God Marvel

Chapter 127

Rogen and Yuriko are fighting fiercely and cruelly in the hot metal soup, Wanda is also in midair with the spirit butterfly, you come and me, all kinds of strange and unpredictable methods Shi spread it out.

As the center of the event, Zhou Yi was unusually quiet. He neither helped his own teammates, nor did he thunderbolt his own enemies. He just floats in midair motionlessly, like a decoration.

And his appearance is precisely the situation that Logan and Wanda don’t want to see. Because they knew that he was doing this, not because he was stealing, but because he was facing the most terrifying mental attack in the world.

Professor Charles plus phantom master Jason, this kind of mental attack is enough to make every powerhouse in this world feel scared. Even at the level of Mutant cream of the crop, Scarlet Witch Wanda, who can withstand the mental attacks of Professor Charles, cannot guarantee that oneself can be safe from such a combination of attacks. Therefore, the critical situation of Zhou Yi is completely conceivable.

They worry that Professor Charles and the illusion master will join forces to kill the most powerful hero in this world. At the same time, they are also more worried that Dawn Knight will lose his will in their spiritual invasion and become the minion in the hands of Stryker.

The first situation will make them sad, but the second situation will make them mortal danger. And no matter which kind, they don’t want to accept it. So they are desperately hoping to rescue Zhou Yi before this happens. At the same time, I prayed in my heart, hoping that Dawn Knight could persist for a longer time.

At this time, in Zhou Yi’s spiritual world. His situation is indeed exceptionally critical. He was experiencing an illusion that he had never experienced before.

Opening his eyes, he found that oneself was lying in a room filled with the smell of disinfectant. The white ceiling above his head and the sounding instruments of oneself told him that he was in the opinion ward. in.

He wants to stand up, but there is a blank touch from his limbs and whole body. He feels that his body is as hard as a rock, no matter how hard he exerts it, it cannot produce any His reaction, even the slightest finger trembling could not be done.

This weird thing made him feel huge doubts and surprises. He has never lost oneself’s control over the body, this feeling makes him feel very bad. He wanted to open his mouth and shout for help. But I found that oneself couldn’t even make a sound. He couldn’t do anything except roll his own eyes.

This kind of feeling as if a fully perceptive person is trapped in a small container that can’t even perform activities, it makes people want crazy. Although Zhou Yi is not crazy, his mood is also difficult to calm down.

He began to think about what happened in the middle. However, when he began to search the own memory, he found that blanks began to appear in the own memory.

Where he was before and what did he do. Who are his friends and relatives? All of them are like being covered with a layer of fog, and they want to do not raise. The only thing he can remember is his mother and younger sister also his identity.

Dawn Knight, the sun God. A Superhero with formidable strength.

But even this only memory has become a little fuzzy. Not only because of an indescribable interference, but also because he himself questioned this memory.

From this stone-like body, he could not feel any power. Can such a person be a so-called Superhero? He doesn’t believe it, nor does anyone believe it. So, if even this is false, will his mother and younger sister be real?

He wanted to doubt, but he didn’t dare to doubt. This last memory has become his most important thing. He began to repeat this memory silently in his own heart, and Infinity repeated it again and again, reflecting it deeply into his mind, engraving it into in the bones. However, how long this pale memory could last, he couldn’t understand.

Time is passing little by little, and every second is as long as a whole day. Until the sun rises and sets, the moon becomes round and missing. Time and time again, time and time again. As for Zhou Yi, I don’t know how many days and nights have passed.

Time is always the most terrifying poison, because it can make everything fade away. Even if it is a memory, Zhou Yi has become utterly in a trance about the memory that oneself has told countless times. Countless days and nights passed, and his world remained unchanged.

The white terrifying ward, the body that can’t move, irritably makes people nameless dī dī make noise. No one has ever been here, nor has there been any change. It’s as if there are only these in the world. Eternity’s unchanging colors and scenery are enough for everyone to smooth out everything in oneself’s heart.

Those memories began to fade away gradually, even though they were a little unwilling. But for an unchanging reality, no amount of reconciliation can only compromise. There is only this in his world, no relatives, no friends, no self. Everything began to sink.

Zhou Yi’s spiritual world is still maintaining almost the same Eternity. Outside of the mind, the world is changing drastically.

Without the image of the Psionic Amplifier, Charles once again played a role in the seal of oneself. His strength began to decay, and soon he lost what was a deadly threat to all Mutants. When the illusion master and Charles joined forces to drag Zhou Yi into the deepest spiritual illusion, their influence on everyone was reduced to the lowest level.

This means that whether it is Brotherhood of Mutants and school, or Mutant controlled by Stryker. Most of them recovered. Especially those who are under control, when Jason has no time for him to take care of, a little psychedelic medicament can no longer control their minds. They gained oneself spiritual freedom.

However, when this freedom came, they also discovered that terrible disasters were coming to them.

The Erika Dam has become riddled with scars under the super rays of Cyclops, and it has been maintained. The rays of Cyclops and the turbulent lake formed a fragile balance. The rays shoot out from the cracks in the dam, so that the influx of lake water evaporates without impacting the dam.

This is drinking poison to quench thirst, but it cannot be said to be useless. However, when Cyclops regained his own consciousness and closed his eyes subconsciously. This fragile balance was interrupted. The lake water rushed towards the dam like a beast-like that had broken free.

The dam with deadly wounds can no longer stop the huge water pressure and terrifying force. From that huge wound, the dam began to fall apart. Together with this base, what they have to face is a natural terrorist disaster. Hundreds of millions of tons of water will drown everything here.

The Mutants began to fight for their lives. In the face of this natural power, they had no other choice, and no time to make other choices. The dam may be able to support it for a while, but how long can it be supported? No one will know, and no one wants to know. Everything they think now is to escape from this natural disaster.

The healthy wild beast picked up the unconscious Ororo, and she broke her own legs when she fell from the sky. At the same time, he also pulled on Cyclops, and Scott could only walk with his eyes closed at this time, losing oneself eyes. He is simply a blind. Because he can’t control the own ability, he can only let oneself close his eyes to prevent more damage.

As for Magneto’s men, they run the fastest at this time, because they are only oneself. At this point, I have to say that Magneto’s education for oneself is absolutely a failure. Weak are prey to the strong may create powerhouse, but it cannot build a strong team.

Almost all of them are running out, but one person is going against the flow of people. That’s Jean, or Jean who has fallen into a power runaway.

Charles’ previous spiritual annihilation did not at all cause any harm to the strongest Mutant that might exist, just to think. His psychic attack made Jean’s fragile will no longer able to sustain.

The cage of the mind has been unable to hold the almost irrational Dark Phoenix. She began to compete with Jean Grey, who is the body, for the sovereignty of the body. And this caused a riot of her abilities.

telekinesis, Psychic Power, and even Dark Phoenix, disassemble all the powers from the material source and the micro level to form a terrifying spiritual storm.

She step by step forward. On the road she walked, all the cement and steel bars were disassembled into fine particles. She was accelerating the destruction of the dam. But no one dared to say anything to her. Because a storm visible to naked eye surrounds her, and it is this storm that is causing everything they see.

In the face of this devastating force, no one has the courage to speak. They could only get around her from a distance and flee from this place desperately.

Wild beast saw Jean’s existence, but he remained silent about what oneself saw. He didn’t shout her name, because he knew that oneself was around someone who would be desperate for her.

And even if Scott wasn’t here, he didn’t have the courage to stop him. As a former assistant to the professor, he also knows something about the strongest Mutant that may exist, and her deep in one’s heart Dark Phoenix. An existence that can be feared by the professor will only make the fear in his heart even worse. He almost lost his courage just seeing her now.

Smart people will always do what they think is the most correct thing, and the most correct thing Beast Hank thinks is to flee here with the only remaining fruits of school at this time. Jean Grey has become the most feared existence in the professor’s mouth in his heart, and he has given up her in the heart.

So, there is hardly any hesitation. He took Ororo and Scott into the crowd and escaped.

In this scene, Jean naturally saw it. The body of Jean Grey felt a little bit sad, but for Dark Phoenix, who is now more in the upper hand, she didn’t care. Ant’s thoughts never left any trace in her heart. There is only one she cares about, and only this can make her put in the heart.

But now, what she feels is something that makes her afraid.

Psychic Power is about to catch up with Charles. She already feels the light of the soul that he cares most about in the dimness at this moment. Under the inducement of two powerful Telekinesis, this radiance became like a candle in the wind, which seemed to be extinguished soon.

And this phenomenon is enough to make her crazy. In almost an instant, the mental storm around her surged, and the destructive power was stronger than before. At the same time, the storm began to move quickly, like a real hurricane.

It destroys everything. There is only one goal. Right in the deepest part of this dam.

(No way, the temperature in these two weathers has become too hot, the cold is really too bad. There is only one watch today, sorry. I am going to see a doctor.)

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