Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1261

“I will negotiate on government issues. Moreover, it is not entirely for you to take over. As I said, you are the main force, and our government will still send Some troops have assisted you.”

“Assist?” Although I understood the meaning of this word well, after Rama Mujam uttered the word, Jarvis repeated it, and Asked him.

“I don’t quite understand, General. What do you mean by this assistance? Is it different from the previous one?”

“Very simple, I A certain number of soldiers will be sent to form a mixed formation with you, and attack those temples that have not yet been captured. This time is different from the last time when you were only on standby and waiting for support orders. I want your machines to be responsible Those Hydra’s dark hands, and my people are responsible for the civilians with weapons. Of course, I think you shouldn’t need credit for this thing. So, for the final calculation, I plan to earn all my achievements In the hands of the soldiers, you should have no opinion on this point.”

“Of course, your Excellency. I have no opinion.” Jarvis, who doesn’t need the so-called exploits in the human world, is very happy. Just let go of these unnecessary things. Compared to these things that are useless to him, he cares more about the results. So, he asked immediately. “So what is the time for the attack? When do you plan to start the second attack?”

“Twelve hours later, or late at night. I need time to mobilize the army. You should not have this. Questions.”

“There is no problem, we can stand by at any time.”

“That’s it!” After receiving a specific answer, Ramah Mujam immediately Hung up the phone. From his expression, it can be seen that he is already impatient with this kind of conversation.

“It’s just a trifling robot, what right do you have to stand there and talk face-to-face with me.”

This is what Rama Mujam said about omnic and even Jarvis The most intuitive view of intelligent life. For him, this World belongs to human beings, and everything else, no matter what intelligent life or Mutant, should be a servant subordinate to human beings.

Of course, a powerful force like Mutant is something that he has no ability to provoke, so he would not stupidly show his own mentality. But this does not mean that he will not hide this attitude in his own daily life. From so few details, his mentality will unconsciously reveal. Jarvis can feel this, and he himself knows it very well.

Although it is clear, Rama Mujam still does not take this issue seriously. In his opinion, anyway, the definition of omnic is to provide them with personal services. For them, treating them as slaves is already a somewhat flattering practice. It can be said that he never regarded this kind of intelligent life as an object of equal communication. Therefore, even if such a verbal agreement had been reached, he still had an own calculation in his heart.

“It’s not clear what exactly Hydra has done to prepare. So it seems that there is no need to let that many people cooperate with these omnibuses. The military’s power should be a little more cautious. Anyway, it’s just a coordinated operation. It only needs to symbolically mobilize a few soldiers in the past. As for other things, it seems a good idea to dispatch local police and paramilitary forces.”

Think about it. Rama Mujam found an idea that he thought was more reliable. After confirming this idea, something in his mind hesitated.

“Should I inform those guys over there?”

Those guys, of course, mean that Steve and his group are closely related and closely connected with him. The grasshopper guys on the rope. In all fairness, he definitely doesn’t want to get involved with these people. But now he is already deep in the quagmire, unable to extricate himself. If Steve is over there, then oneself who has done so many transactions with them must have only one way to go. And if they succeed, then oneself may gain more than oneself now has.

So, no matter what, he doesn’t want to see Steve and the group get any serious trauma because of his own actions. So after he had made up his mind, he had already started to figure out a way to inform Steve about this.

The call was made quickly, and Steve’s voice soon came from the other end. Obviously, he was very surprised by Ramah Mujam’s sudden call, so his words were also full of surprises.

“What a surprise, my friend. I thought you wouldn’t come to contact me actively?”

“If I could, I would really like to stay at home forever Dealing with people like you. But now, I seem to have no other choice.” I don’t know if I am really sorry for my previous choice. Rama Mujam is already deeply in answering this. Sighed. But soon, he rallied and said to Steve seriously. “I contacted you because there is an important thing to notify you. We intend to launch an attack on your temple again.”

“This is normal, my friend, completely within our expectations. If you If it’s for this kind of thing, there’s no need to make a special trip to inform me.”

“You must be very proud now. Use a mob of worthless mobs to block the government’s offensive. You should have more weight in the hearts of those mobs. But, do you think that just relying on those mobs, also the power of your Hydra, can completely withstand our attack? Are you too high on oneself! “

The self-confidence expressed in Steve’s words made Rama Mujam very uncomfortable. After all, he was the supreme commander of this operation, and the failure of the battle naturally made his face dull. It’s okay if Steve is a little low-key, he can forget about it for now. But Steve was not low-key at all, which naturally made him unable to resist verbally.

It’s always a partner, and Steve didn’t mean to hit him too much. Although he does look down on the quality of Indian soldiers. But in order not to refute Ramah Mujam’s face, he still said apologetically.

“Sorry, my friend. Maybe my words made you misunderstand what I mean. I not at all laugh at your thoughts, I just say that we have already prepared for all this today For a long time, it can be said that you have made complete preparations. It is normal to achieve such results with mental arithmetic and unintentional. This has much to do with how much you are not at all.”

“Whatever you say. I just want to remind you that we intend to change our combat strategy. That is, we will attack again in the early morning of tomorrow. And this time, the omnic will really join in. Don’t you have confidence in the power of own? Then let us wait and see, see if your mobs can survive tomorrow’s attack.”

“Of course, if you don’t have faith in own mobs. Then also twelve hours, It should be enough for you to evacuate oneself’s important things from your lair. Then I will stop here. If you end up with bad results, then don’t blame me for not reminding you!”

Hung up angrily, Ramah Mujam’s attitude made Steve frown. But after frowning, the expression on his face was relieved again. Even slowly, his face began to smile again.

The reason why he is like this is entirely because this call is really not bad news for him. On the contrary, it is not an exaggeration to call it good news.

If it is someone else, they may feel a little frightened by the involvement of the omnic. But Steve won’t. This is not only because he is not afraid of the power of the omnic, but also because he has seen a lot of interesting things behind this news.

For example, Rama Mujam’s psychology has gradually been biased towards them. Or on the other hand, the situation in India has become more and more complicated.

With the help of Rama Mujam, the inner ghost, the Indian government is afraid that it no longer has the ability to control the overall situation. Maybe I don’t think it now, but when the momentum on his side has expanded to a certain extent, these signs will naturally show up. At that time, those local forces opposed to the Indian government, the Skyhammer Bureau also the interest groups of various countries behind them, plus the omnibus represented by Ultron. These forces that are still on the sidelines will join in one after another, and in that case, Steve is confident and will turn the entire situation in India into a muddy water.

You can fish in troubled waters. After so long of arrangement, Steve is already seven or eighty in the way of oneself’s final goal. Of course, even he dare not say that what oneself does is perfect. Especially in such a major event of subverting the country, he dare not boast such a Haikou.

Be careful and careful, meticulous and focused. This is his consistent style since acting. The more he reached this critical stage, the more he must implement the own style. So after thinking for a while, he immediately commanded the subordinates next to oneself.

“Tell the Second Special Force to take advantage of this special opportunity to experiment with our secret weapon. In addition, you can arrange it for me. I think that after tomorrow, I should go there. Have a good talk with the representatives of the armed forces in the region.”

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