Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1262

In the eyes of many people, local armed forces should only be found in places where the political situation is turbulent and chaotic, such as Africa and Southeast Asia. But in fact, with the exception of a few large countries with very stable regimes, local armed forces exist in most areas.

For example, Mexico’s. Before the destruction, the Irish independence militants in United Kingdom. these all are local armed forces that actually exist. In India, such forces are equally indispensable. As a multi-ethnic federal country, India has such a problem. That is, the central federal government cannot completely subdue local forces.

Those local states, although nominally they will listen to the central government’s dispatch, but in reality there will be more or less outward devotion but inner opposition. And some conservative forces in remote areas dare to just and honorable pull out their armed forces to contend with government forces.

Although the Indian government has strong military strength, it is still somewhat powerless in the face of these anti-government militants that are different from the sect and the local powers. This is not only because these armed forces are really good at fighting, but also very cunning. It is more because India’s own system has already given these armed forces the soil to survive.

Except for the Sikh rebel groups and other armed forces that are produced purely because of religious beliefs, most of the anti-government forces are born out of problems in Indian society.

Due to the serious imbalance of economic development in various parts of India, and the upper classes occupy too much resources. As a result, many economically backward areas or ethnic minorities have extremely strong dissatisfaction with the Indian government. Under the inaction of the Indian government, these dissatisfaction quickly rose to ethnic conflicts and armed conflicts. And it is under such circumstances that the rebel forces in India will be born one after another.

There are reports that there are rebels of various sizes in 14 of India’s 28 states. And all of them, under the banner of robbing the rich and helping the poor, regularly launched attacks on local government agencies and military police. Cause serious personnel and property damage. Many members of these rebels are demons in the eyes of the Indians living in the upper class. But in the eyes of the Indians in the poor villages, they are heroes. And for this reason, every time the Indian government suppresses these anti-government armed forces, the final result is that these armed forces Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More revive.

Some security analysts believe that as long as the Indian government cannot eliminate terrifying grade discrimination and the huge gap between rich and poor. Then they will not be able to eliminate these militants who have risen to resist because of inequality.

Although this sentence can be said to be in place, it is the most impossible thing for the Indian government. Because let alone eliminating all inequalities, even if it is to feed the poorest poor people a full meal, it is probably not what they can do. In India, it is extremely difficult for the resource thing to tilt the poor. And in the hands of corrupt officials, this kind of thing is even more impossible.

So the result of this is that the flame of hunger is always burning, and the damage caused by this flame is always spreading in India.

They are the thorns in the eyes of the Indian government. And now that he is ready to formally hostile the Indian government, it is naturally impossible for Steve to give up the opportunity to unite these anti-government armed groups.

even if a little, it’s still better than nothing. Moreover, these anti-government militants who have been fighting with the Indian army all year round are not necessarily just mosquitoes.

As long as these anti-government forces can be in the hands of oneself, this will be another special trump card when a full-scale war with the Indian government is launched. Not much else, at least half of the states in India do not want peace. On this point, Steve considers very carefully. And just when he was preparing how to take down these rebels, the same conspiracy was launched on the side of the Sky Hammer Bureau.

Of course, the object of their conspiracy is not an anti-government militant. They are the abnormal movements of the Indian regular army.

Perhaps in the eyes of Rama Mujam, oneself said that the hands and feet he made are perfect. But he never thought that because of the hands and feet he did, the three directors of the Skyhammer Bureau had already noticed him.

The intelligence brought by the agents from India has been deciphered by the center’s supercomputer, and it has been the most likely answer. Faced with this answer, the three responsible directors naturally began to discuss in secret.

“It seems that our honorary advisor seems to have done a lot of things secretly that we cannot understand. What do you think he is doing?”

The chairman of the surname Wang always has hidden meaning. And this naturally made the upright Chairman Mao feel awkward. He pulled the tie around oneself’s neck, and then said carefree directly.

“What else could be because of his own interests. He ordered his subordinates to buy the killer to assassinate oneself, and then slaughter more than 100,000 civilians. If such behavior is not a lunatic, it must be a conspiracy. No matter which one it is, it is enough to bring him back for a rigorous interrogation!”

“But if this is an internal affair of the Indian government, our actions like this will lead to unnecessary You should also know what the state of Prime Minister Hegtel is now. It’s not a wise decision to play with fire on the side of the gunpowder depot.”

Coulson obviously and Director Mao Holding different opinions, although he was speaking in an admonishing tone, the inside and outside of the words showed that he did not agree with Director Mao.

As for this, Mao Zili made a disdainful cut beforehand, then raised Erlang’s legs and asked Coulson.

“Then what are you going to do, Director Coulson? Do you just watch this suspect continue to act secretly, and then make the situation worse and worse?”

Hearing this, Coulson’s face also became silent. Of course he is impossible to let something like that happen, but if he follows Director Mao’s words, it is somewhat contrary to his original intention. So he can only stay silent, waiting for another person to take the topic.

And just as he thought, the chairman surnamed Wang quickly made a voice and took the topic.

“Of course we’re impossible to make the situation worse. But, so far, India’s situation has not been so bad that their government can’t control it. In this case, I I think we shouldn’t act blindly without thinking. In this regard, as Coulson said, it may be involved in India’s internal affairs. Judging from the current tension of the Indian government, once we intervene, it is very likely. It will give them the wrong signal that the countries behind us are ready to take action. Such serious disputes should not happen, at least, they should not happen to us. So, exercise restraint, this is a very Reasonable and correct statement. But…”

“We can’t take this matter lightly. If it’s just a simple internal affairs issue, it’s okay, what crafty plots and machinations the Indian government wants to play , Has nothing to do with us. However, if this matter has something to do with Hydra, then the severity of the matter is not as simple as we think.”

“Talk to Hydra On the relationship? This is impossible, just the Indian Asan, can he have such courage?”

As soon as he said this probability, Director Mao screamed. He thought it was a little weird, because in their eyes, these Indian Asans, besides being mean and indecent, were simply a group of wastes that failed to succeed. How could a powerful organization like Hydra be worthy of such a waste.

Of course, there are a lot of his subjective ideas. After all, as a Russian, how could he have forgotten the history of profiting from somebody’s misfortune when India repaid the Soviet Union’s national debt. This is also the reason why Russian Ross likes to pit India in arms. Basically, they are required to pay off their debts for their actions that year.

However, in addition to these subjective ideas, there are indeed some objective factors. That is, these military officers in India are indeed suspected of failing. Hydra’s cooperation with them is equivalent to adding the own plan to the weak spot out of thin air. This is not something that the rigorous Hydra will do.

For the matters considered by the Maozi Council, Chairman Wang can naturally also consider. So when he saw him shook the head, he said to the other two directors.

“Nothing is impossible. Don’t forget the power that Rama Mujam holds. For the sake of these powers, those cunning Hydras will definitely be able to move them. Mind. Once they participate in some things, it will become a lot easier. Don’t you think that massacre was too beneficial for Steve Rogers’ subsequent speech? So, we can’t rule out the possibility! “

“According to what I said, detain him and torture him?”

“No, I think we should talk to the people behind us. !”

Shook the head again, and the chairman surnamed Wang said to the somewhat surprised Coulson two.

“Although this is a crisis, it may not be an opportunity. We are qualified politicians, and we must also consider all aspects when considering problems. Although the accident happened to Rama Mujam It may have a profound impact on the pattern of India. But as long as the situation deteriorates to the worst point, what impact will this have on us is not at all.”

“In contrast, a rise India, or an India controlled by Hydra, is what we need to worry about most. Therefore, I think we should take advantage of this opportunity to proceed from the interests of the country and discuss long-term plans!”

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