Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1263

“Long-term plan?”

None of the two people here are stupid. When Chairman Wang mentioned national interests, they already wanted to understand him. What you want to express. Faced with such a serious question, they naturally fell silent quickly.

Many people often talk about world peace, and often put some doctrines above the height of the country. However, the real ruler, unless it is related to the big right and wrong of all human races, otherwise will give more consideration to the interests of the country and the nation.

From the perspective of the interests of their respective countries, India’s issue does require a long-term consideration. No one wants to see an India controlled by Hydra. This is the principle and the original intention. It is an impossible issue that will be shaken. However, this does not mean that they are willing to see the Indian government get rid of the old sicknesses in the past under such an opportunity and directly embark on the road of rapid rise.

Under such circumstances, the existence of Rama Mujam is very critical. Because they are not sure what the consequences of this guy whose purpose is not clear will bring to this country. And it is precisely because of this uncertainty that they are more concerned about the situation.

Anything done blindly at this time may have a sufficiently large impact on the final result. And they, who cannot accept both results, are obviously impossible to act blindly without thinking. So after making eye contact with each other for so long, they have reached such a consensus.

“We will find a way to tell all these things to people who should know these things. In addition, we will also increase the monitoring of Rama Mujam and the current situation in India. Make sure, everything The situation will be under our control.”

“This is the best way. Whether it is for us or this World!”

Politics is the most complicated in this world The thing is also the cruelest thing in this world. Crafty plots and machinations are basically derivatives of politics. And in this instant, a new conspiracy against India was already brewing. However, what does this have to do with the people at the bottom of India not at all. Because for them, coping with this is the most important problem.

It is also a temple of the cult of human gods. It has been changed to another place, but the situation is similar.

As long as people can live, they will definitely not want to die. In the case of being driven to a dead end, most people reacted the same. They will fight desperately to live and fight for their own lives and future. And with the support of Hydra, even if it is changed to another place, as long as there is no omnibus incorporation, then these civilians will always be able to achieve the final victory.

Be superior in strength, superior in weapons, and even in number. Under such an overall advantage, if you can’t win, then it is really too unreasonable. On the whole, this victory is entirely a matter of reason, and there is nothing to be happy about at all.

Of course, that being said. But these civilians don’t think so. After all, this is the First Stage battle experienced by their people, and the First Stage battle can achieve such a complete victory, which makes them impossible happy.

They are not only happy, but happily a little overwhelmed. And all this was seen by the monks and immediately issued such a warning to them.

“Don’t be happy too early. This is just a simple battle. Do you think that as long as you win such a battle, the government will let you go? Don’t be too naive. Take it. You will only experience more cruel and fierce battles. That is the real test, and only by surviving that test can you truly get what oneself wants. Before that, everything is It’s just false. With this effort to waste time here to celebrate, then it’s better to practice your Spear Art and turn you into a qualified fighter.”

The monks’ words are not unreasonable, but Those civilians may not be able to listen. It was originally the kind of incompetent waste of eating and waiting to die, passing by. After passing through the initial difficulties, they are naturally impossible to strain their nerves and do those thankless things.

So they all agreed verbally one by one, but when they turned their faces, either they started to have fun everywhere to have fun, or they started to make trouble everywhere with their completely different physical fitness. stand up. This means that the monks stepped up their management and did not let these guys leave the monastery. Otherwise, it is uncertain what these temperament guys will do regardless of the law and of natural morality.

And it was so difficult to spend a day. The civilians who had fully vented oneself’s inner excitement and energy slowly calmed down. Driven by fatigue, they gradually fell asleep.

At this time, I believe that many people have already begun to dream. Dreamed of a lot of things that oneself normally can’t imagine. But just when they were immersed in this kind of dream, they were all awakened by the loud noise of hong long long.

“What happened? What exactly happened?”

The civilians who were awakened by the explosion had obviously not yet figured out what happened. And just when they were uncertain, the monks had already rushed in and shouted at them.

“Government forces are attacking again. The trap we set up has already been touched by them. What are you still doing, don’t hurry out to fight with a gun. You think that if you win, you win yesterday. Is everything done? I told you that if you want to live and get everything you want, you can only win all the time. If you win tomorrow and win the future, you can count as a real victory. This is just the beginning! This is just the beginning! So, go fight!”

More and more people who don’t recognize reality finally recognize everything, and they finally feel as if they have awakened. He picked up his own weapon and rushed out with the monks.

Fighting is no longer a terrifying thing for them. After experiencing that once, the blood and animality that had been suppressed for a long time in their hearts had been released. Some people are not only not afraid of this feeling of life and death battle, but some look forward to it. It can be said that they are already impatients and want to fight, to fight with the police or soldiers who used to oppress the own.

But passion is always instantaneous. When they rushed to the door of the temple with such thoughts, they saw the silver-shining ornobots behind them. Many people felt as if they were filled with a bucket of ice water, and they were instantly cold to the extreme.

Idioms, in a country where the number is not at all, and the people are generally superstitious and conservative. His acceptance is far from that of other countries. Perhaps in some civilized and advanced cities, omnipotents can be regarded by objective people as guards who protect their living environment and city law enforcement. But here, in this land that is still superstitious and ignorant, more people treat them as they treat the devil and monsters.

So when they saw them, many civilians couldn’t help but exclaim like this.

“Damn it, why are these monsters. What about our enemies? Are these monsters our enemies?”

“Who would want to fight these monsters? I don’t want to deal with them. It’s said that they will suck people’s souls away!” “You iron bumps, get out of here, we don’t welcome you.”

The wits who had been able to act were a little frustrated. But soon, they returned to normal again, and such a sound came from one of them.

“According to the requirements of the Federal Government of India, I want you to lay down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, I will attack you on charges of inhuman and terrorist organizations. Repeat, please lay down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, I Fang will launch an attack!”

“Come on, you monsters. Do you think we will be afraid of you?”

Before the words were finished, some of the civilians were already loudly Screamed. And as he yelled, the weapons in his hand began to spit fire, and amidst the clanging sound, countless bullets had fallen on these omnipotents.

Of course, the result is definitely useless. If the body of an omnic can be pierced by a bullet, then they are also impossible to get the reputation they are today in the civilized world. However, civilians don’t care if the own operation is useful. As they are still recruits, they are just pouring their own bullets, and then amidst the roar of gunfire, they laughed impudent and vented their own emotions.

This makes the jingle sound almost never stopped. And in the midst of this sound, the omnipotents have neatly raised oneself’s arms and aimed them at the civilians who had already joined in.

Blue’s fire suddenly appeared, and the roar that was a hundred times crazier than the previous gunshots instantly became one piece. And at this instant, all the civilians who appeared in front of the omnic had already received a devastating blow. The revolver-type machine guns like Gatling instantly shred their bodies, and under such destructive power, even if they have become different from what they used to be, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

The battle from the very beginning is directly at the end, and the omnics who are already killing off, after cleaning most of the civilians who dared to resist with guns, they already faced the so-called The coordinated force was summoned.

“The enemy’s combat objectives have been cleaned up, you can come in for the next step!”

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