Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1269

“Are you sure you want to do this? Okay, I know. I will find a way to cooperate with you.”

Put down the phone and pull A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Mamujam’s face. Needless to say, you know that at this time, only Steve Rogers can make him difficult. And the reason why he was so difficult was entirely because Steve told him a special message and made a special request of him.

If only the latter is the case, Rama Mujam may not agree so simply. But because Steve said something very important to him before making the request, he would give such a positive answer in this obviously difficult situation.

There is no doubt that he saw huge benefits. And only driven by interests, can he do such a thing. As far as his current status is concerned, nothing can move him so easily. If you insist on saying yes, then there is only what Steve had promised him.

He thought that no matter how fast Steve moves, it will take some time to fulfill his original promise to own. But didn’t expect, in just a few days, he was already ready to act.

He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Steve Rogers really is the name is not in vain. At the same time, he was deeply in awe of Hydra’s strength.

In such a short period of time, a monstrous flood has been accumulated in this country. I only waited for the moment when the dam was released, and crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Everything the country has. It can be said that throughout human history, there is no precedent that can achieve such a thoroughness.

If he is really successful, then he and Hydra can be said to have created a precedent in human history. And in that situation, how should oneself deal with it?

Rama Mujam, who can only think of a way out after much deliberation, condensed the awe in oneself’s heart. After finally calming down his own mood, he picked up oneself again. Phone, and ordered to the adjutant on the other end of the phone.

“Help me draw up an order, notify the state governments to mobilize military forces, and search for all the members of the religion with full strength, and don’t give them even a chance to breathe. In addition, send a message to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, It is said that the Army needs fire support from its air force in the removal of insurgent omnics. For the detailed content, Mr. Chief of Staff will contact me later, and I will talk to him on the phone.”

“Yes, Your Excellency. I’ll issue your orders right away.”

With the full support of Hegtyl, Rama Mujam’s position in the military has not only not been shaken, but has become stronger. . And this made his commands unimpeded. Even the Air Force, which has never coordinated with him, has shown willingness to cooperate with full strength at his request.

It can be said that this order of his directly enabled the entire military force that can take action in India to start operating. Because the power of the Anthropocracy is mostly concentrated in the north and south of India. Therefore, the center of gravity of the entire military force also began to tilt toward these two positions.

It can be said that at this time in the north and south of India, silhouettes of soldiers can be seen almost everywhere. The opposite of their silhouette are those who appear and disappear unpredictably, holding guns to fight back. They come to me and fight fiercely. In order to avoid being attacked by huge might’s lethal weapons, the cultists of the Anthropocene cult always deliberately control the combat area within the range of the city.

This also makes their battle no longer just a matter of both sides. The fighting has penetrated into the interior of their city and deeply affected every innocent civilian.

Although the cultists are called mobs by the government forces, they always try to avoid hurting the innocent as much as possible during the battle. But the government army is not the case, because the identity of the Anthropocracy itself is the reason for the poor people. Based on the principle of killing the wrong and not letting it go, they persecuted a considerable number of innocents before the battle began.

Although the innocent people are arrested in the name of arresting cultists, everyone is not blind. Who is a good person, and who is a bad person. In many cases, it is obvious at a glance. The greedy character of the government forces also their unscrupulous behavior has basically made the civilians unable to trust them. After the battle began, the government forces’ accidental injury to the innocence made this mistrust even more profound.

The balance in the hearts of the people has already begun to tilt towards the religion of humanity. This is the result of the loss of government credibility and the atmosphere Steve deliberately created. Of course, this kind of thing is nothing at this time. The Indian government lacks majesty and credibility in front of its citizens, and this is not a matter of a day or two. And as long as it has an overwhelming advantage in absolute strength, no matter how serious these problems are, it is absolutely impossible to play a role.

Hegetel thinks so, so even if he knows how much harm the government forces have caused to those cities and also the innocent civilians in such actions, he just stays silent, by default That’s all.

For him, this is what he wants to see. With Mount Tai overwhelming, he suppressed the riot of the gods and gods in one breath, and completely drove Hydra out of the own country. As long as these can be achieved, even if it is sacrificed, it is worth it.

This is the pain that must be experienced in the process of a country’s rise. It is like this now and it will be like this in the future. Because this is inevitable, what everyone should do when encountering such a thing is just to adapt and get used to it.

He believes that these citizens of own will get used to it. Once his goal is achieved and India successfully rises above the international level, these citizens will not only complain about oneself because of the pains they endured today, but will be proud and boast of oneself’s wise and wise decision. He will always be remembered in the history of India, and based on this alone, he has the determination to continue everything.

For his own ambition, Hegtel can be said to have shown great determination. But if you say, what he took out was cutting off one’s means of retreat, desperate determination. Then it’s too much. In his opinion, there is no need to make such an awareness for Hydra for the time being. Because the power of Hydra, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to contend with a whole country.

The power of India’s power and the top ten military power in the world are not cracking a joke. This kind of tinea and scabies is enough to get rid of only a part of the strength. At this point, he has sufficient confidence. And just when he was expecting everything to end as soon as he had imagined, in another part of the country, an undercurrent suddenly surged.

Chhattisgarh, the active base of the Naxal guerrillas. Although it originated in the Indian state of West Bengal, the Naxalites developed in Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh in central and western India. The reason why it can develop in such a place is entirely because this is one of the poor and backward areas in India as a whole.

until now, the Naxalites used these two backward states as their bases to radiate their surroundings. Inspiring the poor, attacking landlords and government departments, launching people’s movements, redistributing land, etc., using these methods, the Naxal sent guerrillas to learn from past experience and gradually expand their own influence and strength. And with their own efforts, they have already extended their own power to a small half of India.

This is India’s most powerful anti-government armed force, organized, purposeful, purposeful, and disciplined. Although it has been suppressed by the Indian government, this armed force exists tenaciously and is continuously expanding.

It is conceivable, without the intervention of Hydra. Then the decisive harm to the Indian government in the future will inevitably be this armed force holding high the red flag. Because they have done a lot of things that other forces cannot do. But even such armed forces are still not taken seriously by the Indian government.

The recklessness is after all recklessness, even if they attack government departments no matter how they fight against the government. They are still just reckless. It will neither be recognized by international forces, nor will it be possible to receive funding from peripheral forces. In this case, even if the Indian government is unbearable, it can still crush them to death.

From the former prime minister to Hegetel oneself, these anti-government forces have never taken seriously. In his opinion, these guys are just mosquitoes tossing around when oneself takes action. Once oneself takes action, they can be destroyed with no difficulty.

He has confidence in oneself. Such confidence is built on the Indian army of millions, and it is also built on the premise that in that many years, these rebels can never shake even a state government. It can be said that he never thought that the rule of the Indian government would one day be shaken by these rebels. And just today, all this has changed. And it all started from Chhattisgarh.

In the early morning hours, fierce gunfire came from Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh. Countless people shouted and killed like a flood, submerging this not a bustling city. This night, the smell of blood and fire became the strongest flavor in the entire city, and it was this night that this ancient city ushered in the biggest upheaval in a century.

When everyone woke up and saw the red flag flying high above the state government building, each of them had such a sentence in their hearts, the sky has changed!

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