Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1270

Something that no one expected happened.

The rebels blatantly launched an offensive against the state government of India. They captured the highest government agency of the next state. The own flag was erected on the building symbolizing the authority of the government, and the news was announced in front of everyone.

“From today, I announce that Chhattisgarh will be taken over by our Naxal guerrillas. Chhattisgarh will also be separated from the rule of the Indian federal government and formally from India Twenty-eight states declared independence.”

“Starting today, we will no longer hide in the dark. Starting today, we will no longer be cruelly oppressed and cold-blooded by the federal government. We We will start our lives in a brand new posture. Get rid of those damn traditions, get rid of those damn customs. Free and democratic, all people will become the masters of the country, and all people can enjoy the rights of this country according to law. Have everything. There is no ethnic discrimination, no hierarchical oppression. Here, we will be equal and consistent.”

“If anyone hears our declaration, then please take our words Tell more people. If anyone is dissatisfied with your current life, angry with the bureaucrats and nobles who are still sitting on your head, and despair of the government that rules you. Then we will welcome you. Join.”

“You are welcome to join the Naxal guerrillas, and you are welcome to join the Indian independence movement. With your participation, this country will once again have hope. Let us use our own hands , To open the door to the future that truly belongs to the Indian people. Let us use steel and flame to give those corrupt and incompetent governments a fatal blow.”

“We want these corrupt nobles also The filthy and dirty blood of the bureaucrats spilled over the entire land of India. We have to plant our seeds on their corpses and flesh and blood. India belongs to us, not to the damn nobles and privileged class. Let We take up weapons and fight them just and honorable. Let us use our own hands to personally take back everything that belongs to us from this decadent government!”

“Long live freedom and equality, India is independent Long live the alliance!”

not at all The cut off communication spread the voices from Chhattisgarh to every corner of the country. Seeing what happened in front of oneself, Hegtel was already violently smashing everything used in front of oneself.

“How dare they? How dare these mice do this? What about the state chief of Chhattisgarh? What about their army and police? What are they doing? Why do you let such a group of mice just and honorable They crawled out of the ground, and even occupied their nests. What about them? Who can give me an explanation, ah!”

Faced with the furious Hegatell, many are working The government officials have become keep quiet out of fear. No one wants to be watched by him at this time, but being so silent obviously can’t solve the problem. So soon, someone cautiously responded to Hegetel.

“Your Excellency, the head of the state of Chhattisgarh already took his family to break out of the siege of the Naxal guerrillas last night. Also some state government officials who accompanied him As well as the Minister of Police. They are now moving towards New Delhi. According to the feedback at that time, they should want to get the asylum of the Federal Government, and then use the power of the Federal Government to regain the rule of Chhattisgarh. Right.”

“Wishful thinking. These damn scumbags, based on their mistakes, I can immediately sentence them to death. I actually want to use our power to get back oneself and be taken away Things, in this world, how can there be such a cheap thing. Inform the guards and ask them to send people to intercept these damn bastards. I don’t want to see them here and throw them all in jail. Wait until everything is over. , I will settle this account with them slowly.”

gloomy face yelled for a while, and Hegtyl issued such an order, and then he returned his own attention to It’s up to this matter right now.

A state is occupied by rebel forces and has openly declared independence. This is already a very serious problem at the moment. If it cannot be dealt with in time, then this flame is likely to become more and more prosperous, until the foundation of India is completely destroyed.

As the prime minister of India, Hegtel certainly couldn’t let this happen, so he immediately began to think about countermeasures.

“Notify the state governments around Chhattisgarh that I want them to dispatch troops immediately to launch a clean-up work against the Naxal guerrillas in Chhattisgarh. At most three days, I want See the news that this incident has subsided. Otherwise, they will wait for the federal government to eliminate them!”

“Prime Minister, this seems to be impossible.”

Hegtel had just finished speaking these words, and someone immediately rebutted him. And such a rebuttal immediately caused Hegtel Complexion Sank to ask the question.

“Impossible, why is it impossible? Sir, can you give me a reasonable explanation? If there is no reasonable explanation, I think the interrogation room should be where you need to go.”

Everyone understands the terrifying in the interrogation room, so after hearing this remark, the person who just spoke immediately weakened his legs. But he also knew that even if he said something to beg for mercy at this time, it might be too late. So he could only muster the courage and squattedly said to Hegtel.

“Your Excellency, we just received calls for help from several nearby states. They have all been attacked by different anti-government forces to varying degrees. Because of the overwhelming majority of the army and the police in the state They have already been mobilized to carry out the mission to clean up the gods and gods. So now they don’t have the power to stop attacks from the rebels. The situation is already precarious, and it is likely that the next second will reappear a rebel force. The states that were captured and forced to become independent, they need the assistance of the Federal Government, and immediately!”

The leak of the house happened to rain overnight. This is probably the feeling of Hegtyel now. It can be said that when he heard the news, he was almost in darkness and almost sat down on the ground.

It was a coincidence. It happened at this time that all the problems suddenly erupted like a volcano that had been accumulated for a long time. At this time, in such a situation, if the rebels were not connected with Hydra, I am afraid that even his three-year-old child would not believe it. And here is what Hegtel is upset about. He patronizes to purge Hydra’s forces, but forgets the hidden dangers in his own country.

But it’s not to blame him. Who can imagine that the guys who were just hiding in the gutter mice suddenly became Old Hu, and they ran to their territory just and honorable. What?

And now anyway, it’s too late to regret. So instead of wasting time on this kind of useless thing, it is better to cheer up and find a way to solve this problem more practically.

Hegetel is an Old Jiang after all, so he quickly stabilized his own mind and thought about the countermeasures again. And this time, he also clearly realized that it is impossible to solve things as easily as oneself at first.

Because this is probably no longer a problem of one point, but multiple points have almost become a problem. Under such circumstances, it would be a thankless behavior to try to eliminate one of them. Because no one is sure how the other forces will react. So if you want to start, you must start with it in all directions. And this is a difficult problem facing Hegtel.

He may not have so much power in his hands to solve this problem.

The Prime Minister of India, although legally the ruler of the Indian regime. But this does not mean that he can completely order everything in India. Each state government enjoys a certain degree of autonomy. To a certain extent, they can disobey the prime minister’s order. After all, legally speaking, they only need to be responsible to the president of the federal government. Even if the president of the federal government is just a mascot, the real power has always been controlled by the prime minister. This statement will not change.

Of course, no state government will cast aside all considerations for face with the prime minister so boldly and thoroughly. But in the same way, the Indian Prime Minister did not have this courage. Just like Chhattisgarh, if it weren’t for the head of the state and the state government to lose its own territory, Hegtel would not have the ability and authority to do anything to them. They must leave room for both sides. And this leeway is the basic interests of both parties.

The armed forces of the local government, this has always been a trump card that cannot be mobilized at will. Especially when this Hegetel already used his own authority to mobilize the overwhelming majority’s surplus forces to attack the human gods, the remaining armed forces are even more impossible to be mobilized by him.

And if local forces cannot be mobilized, then it is almost impossible to get back the occupied Chhattisgarh state and disintegrate the offensive of the rebel forces. Unless, mobilize the army on the border line.

Of course, this is a more impossible thing. Unless it is on the verge of subjugation. Otherwise, any mature politician will never do such things that shake the national defense cause. After all, there are enemies around India. Even if this enemy was just an imaginary enemy, Hegtyl did not dare to take such a big risk.

Therefore, there is only one way to do this. That is to adjust the power from the hands of Rama Mujam. Thinking of this, Hegtel immediately picked up the phone.

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