Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1272

With the help of those insiders who have been rebellious, Hydra’s elite and oneself’s men and gods warriors who have been transformed out of oneself are already silently lurking into the symbol Among the various agencies of government departments.

The infiltration of the administrative department with no difficulty, and under the clever disguise and cover, even the institutions representing the military forces were penetrated without defensive ability.

It’s like a virus injected into the lifeform. Following the blood vessels, cells and nerves inside the lifeform, they have quickly spread to every position in the lifeform and are important to every The organs cause lethal damage.

The key functional institutions of the administrative system and the important command level of the military and political system, these represent that the core of the Indian government in the entire southern power has been completely controlled in a short period of time, and just like this Under the premise, the Anthropocracy brazenly launched a counterattack against the Indian government forces in Mumbai.

Because Rama Mujam has deployed the most elite troops, and most of the local army has been sent back. Therefore, the number of troops left in Mumbai is not large, and this also makes the anthropological forces absolutely superior to government troops in the city of Mumbai.

Of course, fighting does not only depend on the number of soldiers. The quality of soldiers is also a critical issue. In this regard, although the Indian military is not very competitive, it is generally much better than the believers who are civilians in nature. According to their past experience, it only takes a period of organized persistence to completely defeat the attack of the gods and gods, and then get some breathing and rest opportunities again.

But this time, things are not as simple as they thought.

Although the offensive of the human gods is still the intensity of the past, this time, the government army has resisted it, but it has become extremely difficult. It is as if a paralyzed patient drags an impossible body to fight with another person. Even if the other person is just a child, he still has only to be passively beaten.

This is a very painful and embarrassing behavior. And the reason for this behavior is entirely because the command system of the Indian government forces has been completely paralyzed.

Modern urban warfare is not that kind of trench defense warfare. Relying on urban architecture, the two sides in a war often have to carry out operations such as advancement, defense, and counterattack under unified and coordinated cooperation. And this method is entirely based on the command’s specific analysis of intelligence. If no one is commanding them, then in the complex environment of the city, even the elite soldiers can easily become dizzy in the fierce battle.

And now, the Indian government forces are in such a dizzy situation. Because no one gave them a reasonable command, telling them what to do, the friendly forces are there, whether they should attack or retreat. That’s why they can only hold a few people in small groups, running around like headless flies. And this also makes the situation they face gets worse and worse.

I was almost trapped in a heavy siege, and all I saw when I looked up were enemies from the cult of humanity. This makes their fighting intensity stronger and stronger, but also makes their consumption become more and more huge. Modern warfare is about logistics, and logistics is also managed by the headquarters. Without being able to get in touch with the headquarters, these soldiers simply cannot supplement their own consumption. This is not the most tragic. The most tragic is that their IWC weapons are simply and non-universal. Even if other comrades in arms have surplus, they are basically impossible to even out. Not to mention getting supplies from the soldiers of the cult.

When the war has reached this point, it is actually impossible to fight. If it were not for the poor military literacy of the soldiers of the Anthropocracy, the battle would have ended long ago. And now, the sect of humanity has completely controlled the situation. They gained an absolute overwhelming advantage in the urban war, and this also made the soldiers who were putting up a desperate struggle completely lost the courage to continue the struggle.

Looking at the rigorous enemies rushing from all directions like a tide, almost enclosing oneself by three layers inside and outside three layers, the Indian soldiers are naturally impossible to continue to resist. Because in any case, they are just ordinary persons, impossible to defeat a hundred enemies with guns with their bare hands. They do not surrender now, so there is only dead end. Naturally, no one wants to die. Although it is possible to win a reputation for sacrificing for the country, if it is possible, who would choose to take this path.

So right now, someone dropped oneself’s weapon that had no ammunition in his hand, and raised his hand high. With the first person, there will be a second and a third, until all the soldiers succumb to the guns of the cult.

The trend of war has been completely transformed into victory at this time. In this situation, almost all the churchman soldiers who participated in it began to cheer excitedly.

I’m afraid that even they oneself never thought that this victory would come so simple and so smooth. Compared with the previous difficult confrontation, there is simply no pressure at all in this battle. This gave them a wrong signal that they became stronger. But sober people know how to become stronger can be such a day or two. So if you look at it comprehensively, there is only one explanation. That is, the enemy is weakened.

Mortal people will always have a benchmark mentality. For some abnormal situations, they will always attribute the key to a special person. Why the enemy becomes weaker? On this issue, they completely subconsciously ignore the objective factor that the opponent’s command level is paralyzed, but subjectively believe that it has something to do with someone.

Who will have something to do with this situation? A message came from the government army, and immediately let this kind of people’s ideas find their home.

Rama Mujam Sen, that very famous general. His existence was the main reason that made their battle difficult for a while. With his command and without his command, it feels completely different. This point, whether it is within the Anthropocracy or the government troops in Mumbai, has a deep understanding.

Unconsciously, after creating a halo of famous generals for Rama Mujam, Steve also began to speed up his own actions, completely implementing his own second step plan. And this time, his goal is the economy of Mumbai.

As India’s most prosperous and important port city, Mumbai can’t be overstated as India’s economic lifeline. Now that he had taken the city, it was naturally impossible for Steve to do nothing, leaving the city in the hands of their past masters. So immediately, he came to the government building that had been controlled by the armed forces, and made such a request to him in front of the head of the Mumbai government department.

“Your Excellency, do I need you to do me a favor? In your name, I need you to gather all the capitalists in Mumbai. You should have no opinion on this.”


“Are you Steve Rogers? The leader of the cult?” The leader who had heard of Steve’s name recognized Steve as soon as he saw him. And now that he has become a prisoner, he is naturally impossible, thinking that Steve asked him to do this just to meet the capitalists. So immediately, he questioned.

“What on earth do you want to do? Do you want to extend your claws to those innocents?”

“This is not your concern, you Just answer me, would you like to do this?”

“I…” Facing the kind-looking Steve, the state chief obviously felt a great deal of pressure. However, under such circumstances, he was still unwilling to offend those capitalists easily. Because in any case, he is the head of the state of Maharashtra. It is the highest official of these cities, including Mumbai. Even if he became a prisoner, he still possessed tremendous energy. And from the point of view of interests, as long as Steve is sensible, he won’t make any excessive actions towards oneself. However, if the capitalists are offended, the situation is different.

As the economic core of India. Mumbai is the headquarters of the entire Indian business and entertainment industry. The Reserve Bank of India, Bombay Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange of India and Bollywood in India are all located here. In addition, it also owns more than 30% of the country’s cotton textile industry and a huge oil refining industry. It can be said that it occupies half of the Indian economy. In this case, a large number of capitalists naturally gathered in this place.

Compared with the energy possessed by these capitalists, his state leader is really insignificant. If it is to cheat them in the name of own, then when it comes to calculating the ledger, the bad luck will naturally only be oneself. Steve doesn’t necessarily want to own his life, because oneself can bring them benefits. And those capitalists will hurt their own interests. Two harms, he naturally chooses a lighter one. So immediately, he summoned his courage and said to Steve.

“Sorry, I can’t do this. The consequences of this are not something I can afford alone. I am responsible for the economy of this country!”

“Then, I too I’m sorry.” With a wave of his hand, one of the soldiers immediately fired a shot at the head of the state leader, and then, Steve turned his own eyes on the second man in Mumbai, the mayor of Mumbai.

“Mr. Mayor, what is your answer?”

“I know, I know what to do. I will call them now. However, What name should I use?”

The trembling mayor asked Steve this way. As for this, Steve naturally took out the excuse he had prepared.

“Just tell them that our human gods control this place, and we have to redistribute the interests of this city. They can choose not to come, of course, they have to be arrogant in the end!”

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